Chapter 272 The Thousand Year Commandment

“Don’t ask him, I remember.”

“A thousand years ago, King Yu set up an altar of incense, intending to greet the real person in their mouths. Originally, everyone thought that it was another white toss, but they didn’t expect that the real person reappeared and arranged this gathering array. ”

“After that, the next altar of incense would be set up every ten years, but after the Yu family took the initiative to give way and chose the strongest of the world to regain control of the dynasty, this tradition was slowly abandoned.”

“But before his death, King Lao Yu left a testament, saying that no matter which dynasty will serve as king in the future, whether it is an enemy or a friend, he will set up an altar of incense one day 14,000 years later to wait for the arrival of the real people again.”

“Then, according to what the old master said, that day is today?”

King Xiao sat there and slowly recalled this history of a thousand years ago.

The man below did not dare to speak, this kind of thing he could know.

In the past few hundred years, the strong have always been kings, and more than twenty kings have been changed in the past ten years alone.

The Xiao King in front of him was the one who had occupied the throne for the longest time, and it was about to turn a year.

“Missionaries… Forget it, I’ll go see Guoshi in person. ”

After King Xiao finished speaking, he threw up his hand, and the whole person disappeared on this throne.

When he was gone, the man on his knees was immediately relieved.


After taking a breath, he planned to get up and leave.

At this time, he suddenly felt that the space around him was distorted.

His mind was dizzy.

This feeling lasted for about three seconds, and when he eased up, he was no longer around the temple.

“Where is that old Guoshi?”

A voice sounded like a bell ringing in his ears.

The sound ran through his entire head, making him feel unusually awake.

“Who are you?” He looked around in confusion and said.

“Me? Some people say that I am a young man with wings and a green dragon and a white robe, and some people say that I am a real person who can turn rivers and seas. ”

The sound came again.

When he heard this, the man’s pupils constricted, as if he understood something in an instant.


“Wang Jianbo, the old man, meet the real person!” He said hurriedly.

It’s just that he couldn’t see Yu Feng’s shadow at all, and he also directly knelt down.

“Where is the old Guoshi you just talked about?” Yu Feng continued to repeat the original question.

“The old Guoshi was in the Qingming Temple, and since King Xiao took the throne, the Old Guoshi retired to the Qingming Temple and no longer participated in the trivial affairs of this world.”

Wang Jianbo hurriedly responded to Yu Feng’s question.

“It looks like I’m going to borrow your memories.”

After Yu Feng finished speaking, he swept through the memory of this Wang Jianbo with his divine consciousness.

Suddenly, everything about all corners of this dynasty was known to Yu Feng one by one.

“I won’t erase your memories of today’s events, but you will forget about it.”

Yu Feng said lightly.

After the words fell, Wang Jianbo’s 727 vertigo sensations were re-enacted.

In the blink of an eye, his surroundings reverted to the scene in the royal palace.

For a moment, Wang Jianbo’s whole body was blindfolded, and he had no idea whether he had just hallucinated.

At this moment, a sudden mighty breath followed his Dantian Enhancement.

The realm of the body was like it was uncontrollable, and it immediately broke through three layers in a row.

He felt this amazing change in himself and his eyes widened.

Then I immediately understood that this was not a dream!

“Wang Jianbo thanks the real person for the point, thank you for the real person to mention the point!” Jianbo will not reveal today’s events for half a word, if you leak the wind and sound, Jianbo will not die if you hit five thunderbolts! ”

He hurriedly knelt down and prostrated his head several times. _

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