Chapter 273 Old Guoshi

There was no response from the palace for a long time.

Wang Jianbo did not continue to say anything more, and withdrew as soon as he bowed his hand.

And Yu Feng had already appeared in that Qingming Temple at this moment.

It’s really quiet, as if it’s isolated.

King Xiao, who had just been in the middle of the palace, appeared in the Qingming Temple at this moment.

Across from him sat an old monk with a Buddha bead in his hand, who looked like a high-ranking monk.

“Guoshi asked me to set up an altar of incense to welcome the legendary real person?”

King Xiao sat there and asked the old master in front of him.

Unlike facing others, when facing this old Guoshi, King Xiao’s face was always very calm.

In fact, in addition to being a national teacher, this old Guoshi is also his former teacher.

Therefore, in front of the old Guoshi, King Xiao was more like a prodigy.

“You are the king, and you should make your own decisions. I am just reminding the king that the legacy left by the old king of Yu a thousand years ago is here today. ”

The old master said lightly, seemingly not interested in everything.

King Xiao was silent, and this thousand years had passed.

Now that he was engaged in this incense altar, he did not know whether it was useful or useless.

“A thousand years ago, this matter can be said to be known to everyone in the entire Nine Martial World.”

“And the most important thing is that, according to the records in it, everyone in the entire Nine Martial Worlds said that they had witnessed the real person in the legend.” There are also many ancestors who have left things about this real person to their disciples. ”

“Of course, the folk may add some oil and vinegar, and may not be reliable.” However, among the earliest Nine Great Sects in the Nine Martial Worlds, there was also such a testament. Although six of the Nine Great Sects have now fallen into loneliness, this testament is not necessarily false. ”

The old master continued to talk about his analysis to the Xiao King in front of him.

King Xiao listened carefully to the old master’s opinion.

After a thousand years, whether the real person in the legend was true or not, there was no way to know.

“That disciple then asked people to open the altar and try to welcome the real man.” Whether it is true or false when the time comes, it will certainly be known. If it is true, then it can be discussed afterwards, but if it is false, I think this tradition will be abolished. ”

King Xiao said this to the old master.

The old master did not respond to him, but slowly turned the Buddha beads in his hand.

Then King Xiao stood up, respectfully performed a salute, and then withdrew from the Qingming Temple.

After he left, the whole Qingming Temple was quiet.

Just as Yu Feng was about to leave, the old master actually spoke.

“Why don’t real people come out and see each other?”

When he heard this voice, Yu Feng was stunned.

He looked at the real person in the dark and made sure that the real person was talking to himself.

“In the thousand-year period, Lao Yu Wang, they will certainly not leave a false testament. It’s just that I was supposed to expect the real person to come at night, but I didn’t expect the real person to arrive so early. ”

The old master spoke slowly.

At this time, Yu Feng knew that he had really been discovered by this old master.

He was curious as to how this old master had found himself hiding here.

He couldn’t feel what kind of realm this old Guoshi really was, but (Qian Zhao) Yufeng knew himself very well, and now that he understood the laws of space, it could be said that the entire Nine Martial Arts World could not pick out a single person who could fight him.

Therefore, with his Concealment Technique, no one in the entire Nine Martial Arts World should be able to find him.

“Who are you?” After Yu Feng walked out, he asked the old master.

“I’m just an old monk who is about to fall into the loess.” The old master said lightly.

Listening to what he said, Yu Feng walked over to him and sat down in front of him. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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