Chapter 284 is just raising his hand

Looking at the Fu Wang who rushed over like this, Yu Feng only felt a little tricky.

He had never thought of fighting with this Voldemort King, but this Voldemort King rushed over, and he had to take the call.

The power of chaos immediately converged in the palm of his hand, and there were still hundreds of meters away from the Fu King.

Yu Feng just gently raised such a palm.


Heaven and earth shook strongly as Yu Feng’s palm lifted.

For a moment everyone was unsteady.

Fu Wang had thought that within three moves, he would be able to defeat the so-called real person in front of him.

But this terrifying energy that came from the front made him feel the threat of death 813.

“How come? How could this raise my hand take my life? ”

Fu Wang couldn’t believe it, but he couldn’t think much about it.

After this energy passed through his body, his whole being turned into residue.

Seeing that the king of the dynasty was so gone, all the people below were stunned.

“Father, where has King Fu gone?”

“Huh? How did the king of Fu disappear, did he hide? ”

“What about the Fu Wang?”

Everyone looked at each other curiously.

Yu Feng was shocked to see this Fu King die like this.

Because he could feel that (bhec) this Voldemort should be a fairyland! ,

This realm is already very strong, but it is so dead, it is really unimaginable.

Yu Feng sighed, “Why bother?” ”

After saying that, he could only use the law of life and death to regain this Fu King’s life.

The sky was full of stars.

The silhouette of a figure appeared first, followed by the meridians of flesh and blood.

Gradually, in less than a minute, King Fu reappeared in front of Yu Feng’s body.

After the resurrection, Fu Wang looked at everything around him and always felt that something was not very real.

Then he set his eyes on Yu Feng in front of him.

“Fu Wang meets the real person!”

He directly knelt down on one knee, and there was no disobedience on the whole person’s face.

“They all said there was no need to try, so why should you?” Yu Feng said helplessly.

“It was my recklessness, and I ask the real people to forgive me, and I know what the real state is today as the frog at the bottom of the well.”

Fu Wang opened his mouth and said to Yu Feng.

Even now, he couldn’t believe that what he had just experienced was real.

It felt as if the status of the past had been torn apart by someone.

He doubted that he was still the invincible king of the world.

“I reappear here today, not to fight with you, I see that in the entire Nine Martial Worlds, there are very very few human territories.”

“This Nine Martial Worlds were actually one of the corners of the Nine Martial Worlds, but they were later abandoned by the people in the Nine Martial Worlds, and only after thousands of years in this Nine Martial Worlds can they be regarded as restored to their original appearance.”

“Now I can take you back to the Nine Directions Great World, but the Nine Directions Great World is equivalent to hundreds of Nine Martial Worlds, so you should be able to understand the pros and cons of this.”

Yu Feng said plainly to King Fu.

After these words were uttered, King Fu understood the meaning of Yu Feng’s words.

“I know, I’m not afraid.” Fu Wang nodded and said firmly in his eyes.

Seeing his statement, Yu Feng’s heart was very satisfied.

This is the attitude that a strong person should come up with.

Face challenges, don’t be timid and dare to face them.

There should be more powerful than the Fu King in the Nine Square Great World, and once you return to the Nine Square Great World, it means that the Fu King is no longer the first in this world.

He needs to practice asceticism again, for the sake of his position.

“Since that’s the case, at noon tomorrow I will take the Nine Martial Worlds back to the Nine Directions Great World, and you should let everyone in this world prepare for it.” _

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