Chapter 285 Return to the Nine Great Worlds

After Yu Feng finished speaking, he disappeared between heaven and earth.

The people below obviously had no idea what had just happened.

They were all still staring at it with wide eyes and small eyes.

Then, all night, King Fu summoned the lords of the various battle cities, as well as the suzerains of the major sects, to discuss the matter together.

When Fu Wang said that he had been killed by Yu Feng at random, everyone’s face revealed a look of disbelief.

After all, this is really unbelievable, how can it be killed so casually.

But King Fu was extremely sure and determined, and everyone understood that there was no need for King Fu to lie about this matter, because it was really unnecessary.

Everyone could only look at each other, and they could only pass it on according to this meaning.

Throughout the night, the warriors of the dynasty wandered through the great cities, reading that at noon they would set off with the real people to the greater world.

Everyone was restless, more – there was some concern.

It wasn’t until King Fu said that there would be real people with him that everyone was at peace.

But everyone was worried, afraid that there would be some baskets tomorrow.

So the time passed bit by bit.

During these times, Yu Feng was not idle, but was looking for a passage that could directly enter the Nine Martial Worlds.

Finally, at noon, everyone came out of their homes.

All the cultivators also stopped practicing in retreat, and everyone had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Some are upset, some are panicking, and some are expecting better resources.

When Yu Feng appeared in the air again, he was still wearing that white robe, but there was no green dragon under his feet.

“Everyone is ready, I am about to open the space tunnel, with the Nine Martial Worlds through the tunnel, as short as half an hour at the fingertips, don’t panic.”

Yu Feng said in the air, and everyone heard it clearly.

To say that the most nervous is the king of the ambush, although when he speaks, he is not afraid of challenges.

But after all, it was his throne, how could he possibly come down easily.

“Go! Follow me to the Nine Worlds and take back all that you have lost!” ”

After Yu Feng said these words, all the chaotic forces in his body appeared instantly.

Suddenly, the entire Nine Martial Worlds shrank and shrank again until they reached the size of Yu Feng’s palm.

Yu Feng used the law of space to put them into their own independent space.

That meant that as long as he could reach the Nine Directions Great World, it also meant that the Nine Martial Worlds could be integrated with the Nine Directions Great World.

······· Ask for flowers…

The space tunnel appeared in front of Yu Feng’s body, and Yu Feng’s whole body drilled into it.

Surrounded by darkness, boundless darkness.

Yu Feng closed his eyes and entered the Nine Great Worlds by entering node after node.

Perhaps because he was carrying the Nine Martial Worlds on his back, he felt that the resistance was very strong.

“The progress of the other world is 50% complete, and 1 million upgrade points have been obtained.” ,


Even if the sound of the system appeared in Yu Feng’s ears, Yu Feng did not have the heart to care.

He continued to move towards those nodes one after another.

If there is a mistake, he will be lost in this space tunnel.

It is very likely that it will not be able to come out in this lifetime.

Although there is the power of chaos, the power of the law can be challenged.

In the distant world of the Nine Directions, Yun Lang opened his eyes.

With the law of time set by Yu Feng when he left, it had begun to pass slowly.

“Is it coming?” Yun Lang felt that a powerful force was rushing towards the Nine Great Worlds.

His understanding of the laws of space went one step deeper.

“It seems that you have become very strong too.” As Yun Lang spoke, he gazed into the sky in the distance. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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