Chapter 300 Family Discussion

Yu Zhanling looked like Yu Zhanyun very puzzled, and did not know what Yu Zhanyun meant.

“If I’m not mistaken, Grandpa is now hunting those black sheep on the Dragon God Continent, what would Grandpa think if we released the news to the people below?”

Yu Zhanyun asked Yu Zhanyun next to him.

Hearing his words, Yu Zhanling seemed to have a sudden realization-.

“Right, right, you’re right, if we do this, I guess Grandpa will be more angry.”

The conversation between the two of them can be said to make Yu Yanxiao a hundred people not understand.

“So what are we going to do now?” He asked them puzzled.

“Now, all we have to do is do nothing, and come back and scold us after Grandpa has cleaned up the scum outside.” You go and inform the important people of the Yu family to all come back to me. ”


After dealing with this Yudu Dragon, Yu Feng did not stop.

Then he went inside another battle city.

After arriving here, he inquired like this, but it was no different from that Langya City.

The Yu family’s reputation here is not very good, because there is also another Yu Du Dragon here.

Yu Feng was not weak at all, and the dragon whistle gun would definitely break their tendons.

In this way, in the course of seven days, many of the children of the Yu family in the Battle City were crippled.

Although there are fewer direct families, more are those of the Yu family.

One of the more interesting phenomena is that there is now a rumor that the jade cards issued by the Yu family to each of the Yu family’s children are actually fake.

Because of those crippled Yu family disciples, everyone crushed the jade card.

It’s just a pity that there is not even half a bit of energy in the jade card.

Therefore, many people think that the jade card of the Yu family is actually a scaremonger.

Of course, inside the Yu family, this group of people was all nestled together.

They all knew about Yu Feng, so even if they sensed Jade Pai’s request for help, they wouldn’t show up.

Who is not afraid of Yu Feng’s anger?

On the bustling Yujia Hall, Yu Feng suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall.

All around were the people of the Yu family, and they had been waiting here for a long time.

When Yu Feng suddenly appeared, it startled all of them.

But when they saw who it was, they all fell to their knees.

“Old Zu.”



They said in unison.

Yu Feng directly set his eyes on Yu Zhangtian and Yu Batian.

“You two, come out.”

He commanded them both directly.

·· Ask for flowers 0,·

The two of them were really obedient and walked out directly.

They had already made psychological preparations before that, so even if Yu Feng directly hit them, they were not surprised.

“In recent years, there have been quite a few people who have carried the reputation of the Yu family out to do evil, do you know these things?”

Yu Feng asked the two of them straight away.

The two of them looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

To say that you know, but you don’t care if you know, then the explanation will not make sense.


To say that I don’t know is to be a dereliction of duty, or not to do it.

“There’s a lot of scolding outside, so why don’t you stay here every day?” Do you need me to tell you all about the evil deeds they have done? ”

Yu Feng continued to ask, and the tone was getting more and more severe.

“Rest assured, within three days I promise to clean up all the scum of the Yu family.”

Yu Batian’s response was simple, and he said so directly.

This sentence is much stronger than those echoing responses.

“Batian, I know that the Yu family has rarely come to the jurisdiction now, and this matter has nothing to do with you and Zhang Tian, but wrong is wrong.” Those people out there can still tolerate it now, if one day it breaks out, will you bear it? ”

“Even if you can afford it, do you want to kill them all?”

“In this matter, you personally take people to the various battle cities outside for a walk.” _

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