Chapter 301 Draw the Tiger with the Cat

Looking at Yu Batian, Yu Feng didn’t have much to say.

After all, now that Yu Batian’s generation score is not low, naturally he can’t reprimand him like before.

In front of so many people from the Yu family, he still wanted to give Yu Batian a little face.

Yu Batian could also understand Yu Feng’s meaning, and he nodded there.

“Rest assured, I will take care of it.”

Looking at his frank and sincere look, Yu Feng didn’t say anything about “six seven seven”.

He set his sights on all the people of the Yu family.

From the perspective of the system, the people of the Yu family are still very loyal.

There is no cannibalism of the kind of dog blood that appears.

But if he had been unrestrained, he was sure that sooner or later he would have reached that point.

“Our Yu family has not relied on arbitrariness for so many years, and now as the overlord of the entire Dragon God Continent, your duty is also to protect everyone on this continent.”

“I may not come back for a long time in the future, but I hope you will not let me down too much, this time I stepped on the fuse in time, and the next time it may be too late.”

Yu Feng said to the gang with a heavy heart.

After so many generations, Yu Feng didn’t want to say too much.

After a few simple explanations, the family discussion was over.

At the same time, in the Yu family, he also guided the children of the Yu family.

While gaining admiration, Yufeng also received many upgrade points of the system.


Coming to the cultivation room of the Yu family, several times the increase appeared on his body.

“The Immortal Realm wants to be promoted by the world, and it is divided into three realms of heaven and earth.”

Yu Feng said secretly in his heart.

The Immortal Realm is much more complex than the Absolute Wonderland.

A fairy king breaks through the realm by creating those big worlds.

Yu Feng immediately closed his eyes, and with the blessing of the cultivation room, he opened up an independent space.

In this space, Yu Feng tried to use the power of the three thousand laws of chaos to build one world after another.

“If you want to break through to the Immortal Realm, at least you must create the level of the Nine Directions World, or the Great World of the Flood Desolation.”

Yu Feng knew very well in his heart what he was going to do.

But neither world is that easy.

First of all, the predecessor of the Nine Directions Great World was a wasted land, and beneath this wasteland there was also the power of chaos as a prelude.

Creating a source of chaos, Yu Feng still had the self-awareness to know that he could not do it.

And the Great World of Flood is relatively simple..,,,

It’s just that in the flood wasteland, he can’t find the existence of the source.

Including the last time he saw the Hongjun Sage, he always felt that there were many secrets in the Hongjun Sage.

“What kind of realm should this saint be counted as?” Hongjun gave me the feeling that there was no pressure on my face, but it also made me feel that it was impossible to kill him in one move. ”

Yu Feng was a little confused at this time, if he had known this, he would have asked that Hongjun what kind of realm he really was.

But now Yu Feng didn’t think too much.

According to the cat painting the tiger, he first began to gradually evolve into the great world of the flood according to the situation in his memory.

The basic heaven and earth are the simplest, and to inject aura into the heavens and the earth, you can arrange various formations like in the Nine Martial Worlds.

Ninety-nine Gathering Source Arrays appeared in these 0.4 imitation flood worlds, and a trace of aura appeared in an instant.

“The second step is the living beings, let’s see if my evolved law of life and death works.”

Yu Feng muttered to himself, and then began to do it.

In this way, Yufeng gradually precipitated in this process of creating the world.

The details that he had overlooked many times also slowly appeared.

It’s like breaking through a barrier and start trying to break through one level after another. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three pieces

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