I Help A NPC Become The Legendary Witch

Chapter 188: Professional people do professional things

"What!? Let Seema run away?"

"So many of you still can't catch a noble lady?"

Liz stomped her feet angrily after receiving the feedback from the guards. The eldest lady scolded the group of guards bloody.

The guards are also bitter, one is because of the physical quality shown by Isima, where is the ordinary noble lady, and the second is because...

"Miss, Xima seems to have accomplices to help her. She has prepared escape tools for her. We are in a hurry... we can't catch up."

"Huh, mate?"

Liz glanced at the other nobles at the banquet, and no one dared to look at the daughter of the earl who was now angry.

"Tell Robert and let him send someone to seal up the Sima family's mansion! I think she ran away, did she run away from the family? Stupid!"

"Yes, Miss." After the guards agreed in unison, they had to do so quickly.

But Liz stopped them again.

"By the way, where's my father?"

"Lord Earl Sisle... we don't know either. Maybe he is worried about the safety of the eldest lady. I don't know that the eldest lady has returned safely and is still looking for the eldest lady?" The guard replied uncertainly.

"Okay, let's go." Liz waved her hand.

Although she was a little strange, because with her father's intelligence ability, she shouldn't have gotten the news of her return for so long, but Liz didn't think much about it.

Now she needs to do, there is another thing.

A sheepskin scroll representing the contract was taken out by Liz. As soon as this was mentioned, the eldest lady became angry again, and her chest kept heaving up and down.

Before the guards were chasing Seema, Liz asked Vivian carefully about the banquet.

To be precise, it was the little girl's way of being deceived.

Through Vivian's retelling, Liz probably restored the whole thing, which made her a little gratified, because at least Seema's deception is still quite attentive, and it is not difficult to see that it has been laid out for a long time. Wei An meeting is reasonable.

And the reason for the relief is that if Seema just used that trick to deceive a fool to deceive Vivian, then Liz would be really **** off.

This kind of feeling is quite similar. An old mother looks after a child. As a junior high school student, you can get zero marks on the advanced math questions in college, but you can't give me a duck egg test for elementary school math questions.

Before she knew it, Liz had already regarded Vivian as a very important person, switching between her good sister and old mother.

Therefore, Liz could never accept this extremely unfair gambling contract signed by Vivian and nobles under the guidance of Seema.


Liz walked up to the stage and slammed the table.

The eldest lady gave her a cold look, and the nobles in the audience gathered their attention after being startled by her.

Two simple words were spit out from Liz's mouth.


As soon as these words came out, the nobles in the audience were also expected. After all, the reputation of the earl's daughter was notoriously arrogant and arrogant.

It can be seen that she and Vivian have a very good relationship, and it is reasonable to stand up for each other at this moment.

The old guys headed by the nobles exchanged glances with each other.

Then one of them is considered to be of equal status. There are three earls in Fire Code City. Except for the Sisle family, the earl of the Doolin family opened the mouth and said:

"I don't know, what Miss Liz means by "re-signing"..."

"It means that this contract... is void."

Even if the other party was an earl like her father, Kelis showed no mercy.

It's like a domineering president on the board of directors, seeking justice for his petite wife... what a mess.

Vivienne just wanted to say something, but Liz gave Liz a sharp look, and she shut her mouth honestly, shrank her neck, and was doing it obediently in the back.

Liz flipped the table directly.

There's no way to talk now.

The nobles managed to deceive the little girl into signing the gambling contract, so that they could restrain Vivienne, a rookie in the Fire Code City in the future, so as to maintain their status. They are unwilling to let go of the fat on their lips. .

Yes, in the eyes of these nobles, their world is only a fart place like Huodian City, so I think the same is true for Vivian.

As everyone knows, under the plan of a certain little wolf cub, the little girl will sooner or later harm the whole continent, the legendary witch who travels around the nine countries, how can she still see Huodian City.

Therefore, the current group of nobles cannot be said to be unfounded, but they can only be said to be frogs in the bottom of the well.

The banquet hall suddenly fell into silence. Since the nobles couldn't beat or scold the earl's daughter who was like a tigress, they simply didn't speak and wasted on it.

Although the eldest lady was aggressive, they really didn't believe what Liz could do to them.

Seemingly deadlocked.


Baron Teddy, who was about to get up according to the script, was suddenly slapped on the shoulder from behind, and was startled.

And when Teddy looked back, he showed a look of resentment.

"Big brother, can you make a little noise when you walk next time, say hello, don't be like a ghost, scaring me to death."

"Huh? Aren't you supposed to be surprised at me here, why are you here?"

After Liao Zixuan finished speaking, Teddy silently replied with a look of "don't compare him with other stereotyped characters".


It's true that you can understand it.

Liao Zixuan stopped teasing and asked in a low voice:

"You still remember what I told you."

"Of course! How dare I neglect the things you explained, eldest brother. I did a data analysis overnight, made statistics on all the taxes paid by nobles to rural villages and towns in the past ten years, and then deduced the budgets of villages and towns at all levels. development, and the optimal policy terms have been calculated.”

Teddy looked smug, these things might not sound difficult, but the actual complexity and workload are not something that can be done by random individuals.

That is to say, someone like him, who has been in business since he was a child, has an entire commercial street as an asset at a young age, and has established one of the best large chambers of commerce in Huodian City. Only then can it be done.

Oh, no, don't mention the commercial street, when you mention the commercial street Teddy, you get angry!

I don't know what kind of unscrupulous **** it is. He doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, and fights in the inner city. If you say you fight, you can fight, and you go to the commercial street to fight, or the street under his Teddy assets!

Thinking that the whole street was almost destroyed, Teddy felt a pain in his flesh, and he issued a warrant for arrest all night long.

I just don't know, whether the foreigner who received his wanted order and called himself "Rongrong" is reliable or not, and whether there is any progress, I have to ask again when I find time.

Liao Zixuan didn't know what Teddy was thinking through gnashing his teeth. He just nodded with satisfaction at the report of the other party. It seemed that this product was quite reliable.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." After letting go of those words, Liao Zixuan was about to shy away.

Seeing this, Teddy hurriedly asked.

"Brother, where are you going? Don't you come and see my heroic appearance?"

"Me? I think it's boring. I'll help you find a few heavyweights to cheer on."

Heavy, heavyweight?

Teddy's eyelids twitched when he heard it.

But according to Teddy's Law, the self at this time must not show shock, but...

"Okay, big brother, you can just do whatever you want, and then find Harvey, the supreme commander of the Knights, and the newly promoted Archbishop of the Vulcan Sect. It seems that his name is Damir? Just the two of them, don't call too much. As much as you want, that's enough."

The Fire Code City is composed of four parts: the Knights, the Vulcan Church, the nobles, and the underground treasure thieves.

Don't call too much, I don't want to call you anyone else.

After Liao Zixuan rolled his eyes at Teddy, Teddy only felt a flash in front of him, and then the other person's figure disappeared.

"Sooner or later, I have to let my big brother teach me this skill..."

"It must be useful to escape!"

That's the intention.

Finished whispering.

Originally, Teddy may have been a little uneasy in his heart. After all, the next step is to show his actions in front of so many nobles who are much higher than him, but Liao Zixuan's "just" appeared, although he didn't say a few words, but for some reason, It's like giving Teddy a reassurance, so that his confidence is greatly increased and he is no longer nervous.

Anyway, there is a big guy behind him supporting him, what's so scary about him?

Show, it's over!

A thought here.

Teddy jumped straight to the table.

And the target object.

It was directed at the count's daughter who was in a deadlock with the nobles.

"With all due respect, Miss Liz, are you a little... deceiving too much!"

As soon as Teddy said this, he immediately attracted the attention of all the people at the banquet.

Now everyone is pretending to be dumb, and when no one dares to touch Miss Lisi's bad head, someone dares to stand up and speak out for the nobles?

Earl Doolin cast an inquiring look at a few big nobles in the group, as if to say who invited him to ask.

But all the nobles look at me and I look at you, and they don't even recognize Teddy. A small person like a baron will definitely not be remembered by them.

But it's different now.

Wild torto? The young man has a future and can be cultivated!

At this moment, the group of nobles headed by Count Doolin did not realize the seriousness of the problem and thought that Teddy was their teammate.

On the other hand, Liz also thought so, and regarded Teddy as the opponent's shield.

Facing the earl's daughter's "you don't have the right to speak here" look, Teddy rose to the challenge without flinching.

"As we all know, once the contract is signed by both parties and swears by the **** of fire, it will be protected and supervised by the **** of fire. It does not mean that it can be voided if it is voided!"

"Even if Miss Liz's status is noble, it's impossible to openly provoke Lord Vulcan, right?"

"Hey, don't distort the concept. I just want to void this unfair contract. It has nothing to do with provoking Lord Vulcan. All that is needed for this kind of trivial matter is that both parties to the contract agree."

After Liz's cold reply was over, Teddy still shook his head.

Against the pressure of the powerful aura of the eldest lady on the opposite side.

Teddy's next speech made both Count Doolin and Liz stunned.

"How about this, Miss Liz, the reason you want to abolish the contract is because you think it's unfair, so let's take a step back and revise the content of the contract to make the gambling clauses in it really fair. Do you agree? How's it going?"

What the hell?

Count Doolin frowned immediately.

He was really happy to see a wild Toro and confront Liz on their behalf, but if this Toro starts talking nonsense on their behalf, then the nature will be different.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Count Doolin was about to speak, but Liz was one step ahead of him.

"Oh? Tell me, what is the fairness law?"

As if she was keenly aware of something, the eldest lady's tone was obviously much softer to Teddy than at the beginning.

Of course, the most important thing is that Liz's quick speech is equivalent to grabbing the opportunity of Count Doolin to speak.

Seeing the situation clearly, the smile on Teddy's face grew even wider.

Look, what is a good teammate, it is really comfortable to have a smart lady like Liz as a teammate.

Clear your throat with a cough.

Teddy entrusted Liao Zixuan to him, and he had already planned a set of plans, and began to slowly talk to Liz.

The general content is that the nobles are not only limited to money, but also provide more invisible and invisible terms that can actually play a huge role.

It's like buying discounts and benefits between two parties.

On the Fire Code City side, there are many excellent craftsmen and related professionals. However, if you want to produce finished products, it is not enough to have only manufacturers, but also raw materials.

As for the source of raw materials, most of them have to rely on the many lower-level towns and towns in Huodian City, those large and small villages that are located on the edge, but close to the wild and rich in natural resources.

But why, take the previous Vivienne as an example, the little girl lives so hard, this is just a microcosm, most of the villages are so poor.

A large part of the reason is because the aristocrats who are on the buying side, the price is really too low, and sometimes even the cost price is not enough.

After all, in the eyes of the nobles, the role of the country people is to work for them and collect materials. Of course, they can be exploited as they can.

As for life? What a joke, a gang of peasants still want to improve their quality of life? To improve it for you is equivalent to reducing their quality of life!

Even if the quality of life of the nobles has been sleeping until they wake up naturally every day, they are full of fish and meat, wine and beauty.

So, Teddy now...

No, it should be said that Liao Zixuan wants to use Teddy's mouth to give Vivian who has no culture and only knows how to be stupid, and, although she is smart, but after all, she is a member of the aristocracy, and it is naturally difficult to find the key to the problem. Liz , pointing out a possible path for future reforms.

Of course, the question about "purchasing" just mentioned above is just one of them.

There are also various tax reductions and exemptions for rural towns in the future, such as not excessively interfering with the internal participation of townships, such as allowing villages to form civil guards, and a series of...

By the way, Liao Zixuan is not omnipotent, he can only provide a general direction of thinking, which is why he gave this matter to Teddy, a big business genius.

Let professional people do professional things.

This is the purpose of Liao Zixuan all along.

I saw that under Teddy's new gambling contract terms, the aristocrats on the side of Count Doolin had more and more sweat on their heads, while Liz and the little girl, on the other hand, had brighter and bigger eyes. It's great to have a pair of words, how come they didn't think of it before.


Absolutely cannot be changed!

Earl Doolin thought for a moment. If the little baron who didn't know where he came from said it was true~www.readwn.com~, then their annual income at least would have to drop by 30%.

And most importantly, it will weaken their control over lower-level townships.

Where is this!

This time it was Count Doolin's turn to slap the table.


As Liao Zixuan said, professional people do professional things.

He arranged for Liz's rescue confrontation and arranged for Teddy's plan to formulate terms.

And as a person, an old father-type boyfriend who has broken his heart for his little girl and is conscientious, what Liao Zixuan is best at is naturally...

Press everyone who wants to flip the table back.

Count Doolin was about to stand up in anger when he slapped the case and stopped.

tata tao...

Countless uniform footsteps of the city guards sounded in vain from outside the banquet.

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