I Help A NPC Become The Legendary Witch

Chapter 189: Only Liz's Wounded World Completed (Part 1)

City Guard?

Why did these people come to join in the fun?

At first, Count Doolin thought that it was the turmoil that Liz made when she captured Sima, and the city guards who were regularly patrolling nearby were brought here.

But until one, wearing delicate light armor engraved with silver stripes, although the figure is not tall and burly in the traditional, but the lean body still gives a strong sense of strength.

Coupled with the weather-beaten vicissitudes of the face, it suddenly appeared extremely capable, and people knew at a glance that he was a strong warrior who had been battle-hardened.

Such an extremely charming middle-aged handsome uncle, I am afraid there is only one person in the entire Huodian City.

"Commander Harvey, why are you here?"

Earl Doolin quickly got up from his seat, which was a treatment that Liz didn't have at the time.

After all, in the eyes of Count Doolin, one is just a little girl's film with a splendid appearance, but the other is a true legend of Huodian City, holding the strongest power of the Knights of Huodian.

"I received a report from an enthusiastic citizen, saying that there are lawbreakers here disturbing the public order. You know, Mr. Du Lin, there have been a series of major events in Huodian City in recent days, so for your safety, I came here specially to lead the team to watch. Look."


After Harvey's words, Teddy didn't hold back, coughing to cover up his laughter.

What an enthusiastic citizen!

As the only person present who knew what was going on, Teddy had only infinite emotion left in his heart, although Teddy knew that the relationship between the two was different when the elder brother showed him Harvey's necklace the night before.

But... I didn't expect that the relationship between the eldest brother and Harvey could be so strong, if you call it, call it!

Teddy knew it from the bottom of his heart, but others didn't.

Of course, they also didn't believe Harvey's nonsense about "reporting by the zealous citizens."

Not only Count Doolin's brain is spinning rapidly, judging Harvey's intention at the moment, Liz is also.

The Knights have always been neutral and will not be biased towards any side. This is the purpose of the Fire Code Knights. The sword of the Knights is only for the people of the entire Fire Code City.

But having said that, people's hearts will inevitably change, even Harvey, the Knight Commander and Commander-in-Chief.

So, do you say...

Liz's eyes suddenly lit up.

Is it the father?

After he was kidnapped, his father mobilized all forces to put pressure on the Knights in a rage, and even Harvey had to pay attention to the anger of an earl.

And after learning that he had reappeared at the banquet, Harvey would not stop and rush over to check on his situation?

Miss Liz's set of reasonable brain supplements, in two or three seconds, analyzed the events in her imagination.

Then after this...

This is an opportunity!

The eldest lady has a very clever mind.

Liz didn't expect Harvey to speak for herself. She only needed to create the appearance that Harvey was on her side, which was enough to put pressure on Count Doolin and force the other party to sign a new gambling contract with herself.

Thinking of this, Liz immediately greeted Harvey as well.

"Lord Harvey, I'm so sorry, my father bothered you and came here specially for me."

Liz seemed to be apologizing, but in reality, she was invisibly showing her position and relationship with Harvey to the nobles on Count Doolin's side.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Count Doolin's expression changed a bit.

Because indeed, it seemed that there was no one else who could make Harvey present in person except Liz.

Unexpectedly, this yellow-haired girl actually took advantage of her kidnapping and tied Harvey to her own camp...


It was time for Count Doolin to curse.

How can I expect...

"Who are you?" Harvey asked, in front of him, the beautiful young girl who took the initiative to talk to him.

It looks a little familiar, but I can't remember the name for a while. I guess it is the daughter of a big noble, right?

The scene fell silent for a while.

The smile at the corner of Liz's mouth froze awkwardly in place.

But as the eldest lady, she still has the ability to adapt to the situation.

"Lord Harvey, my name is Liz, and my father is Earl Sisle. I was blessed by you at the recent coming-of-age ceremony."

After Liz said this, Harvey showed a memory, and soon nodded to Liz as if he had finally remembered it.

"It turned out to be Miss Liz. I'm sorry, the rude person has a bad memory. I hope you don't take offense."

"Huh? So, you have successfully escaped from the predicament? It seems that there is no need to waste the strength of the city guards, looking for you, come."

After Harvey finished speaking lightly, he called the lower officials to convey the order to withdraw the search and rescue force.

I could tell Liz's tone was not very friendly.

This is not surprising.

Originally, Harvey did not like the pedantic nobles. Liz, as a member of the aristocracy, is no exception. Especially today, almost half of the city's guards have been asked to find an earl's daughter. Although Harvey is not. Good to say, but the bottom of my heart is really boring.

Just as the original intention of the Fire Code Knights, the sword of the knight is for the people of the entire Fire Code City, not as a private soldier of a single noble.

Harvey has never forgotten that.

And this, in fact, is also the reason why he really appeared here.

Looking across Liz, Harvey turned his attention to, since Liz appeared on the stage, it seemed to have been covered with light, always in the back, with a very low sense of presence, on a little girl who was sitting upright.


Without contrast, there is no harm.

Harvey took the initiative to call the little girl's name, and then walked over quickly in the sight of everyone.

"How is it, are you okay? Is the fundraising going well? Have you been bullied by others?" He asked three questions in a row.

Harvey looked concerned, as if he was a very protective elder.

And Vivian showed a surprised expression at first, and then subconsciously quickly shook her head.

"No...it's okay, it's just the middle....it's nothing. In short, thanks to Liz's help, everything is fine now, and I'm discussing with everyone."

Although the little girl said so, but from the pause in the middle of Vivienne and the fact that she was a little bit beaten and looked downcast, it is not difficult for Harvey to deduce that these nobles must still not let Vivi go. Ann, I don't know what kind of tricks were used.


Harvey snorted.

Like an old father who saw his daughter being bullied.

Then I saw the chief commander of the Fire Code Knights directly moved a chair and deliberately made a loud noise on the way.

With a squeak, he placed the chair beside Vivienne, and sat directly with the force of a horizontal knife.

"On such an important occasion, I, Harvey, are personally responsible for the safety here. You don't need to care about me, just continue with yours."


The nobles on the side of Count Doolin, look at me, I look at you, it is not difficult to see that everyone's faces are far from the winning, relaxed look they used to be.

On the other hand, on Vivian's side, Teddy almost clapped, and Liz...

Wait a minute, Liz she...

It was obviously beneficial to his own side, but at this time, the earl's daughter pursed his lips, his eyes drooped slightly with his head, and his eyes were lowered.

"Liz, you, are you alright?" Vivian was very keenly aware of the abnormality of the eldest lady beside her.

With a concerned look on her face, the little girl took Lalise's little hand.

"No...it's all right." Raising her face covered by her hair, the eldest lady forced a smile.

But in fact, Liz's other hand, which was not pulled up by Vivienne, was clenched a little bit.

No one expected that Harvey came to Vivian.

When she thought of the kind of brain supplement she had just now, and the corresponding performance, Liz felt like a clown.

Obviously, this eldest lady's self-esteem has been hit a little bit.


What Liz didn't expect was that this was just the beginning of the "injury" tonight.

If Harvey's show is just a "little" blow, then the next one...

For Liz, it's really...

A million dots.

The temperature in the banquet hall suddenly increased a lot at an extreme speed, and a sense of dryness spread on everyone's skin.

When everyone was at a loss.

Soon the source of the temperature increase was found.

I saw that on the empty table in the center of the banquet, a spiral flame suddenly rose from the ground out of thin air, startling the nearby nobles.

But fortunately, the flames surged, but strangely, nothing was ignited.

The scene quickly stabilized.

Because the people sitting are all nobles with a certain status, and they have a lot of knowledge. The only people who can cause this phenomenon are the mages of the Vulcanism.

Of course, it has to be very powerful.

Then sure enough.

When the spiraling flame finally disappeared.

Instead, a handsome young mage stepped out from the afterglow of the fireworks.

Can appear in such a coquettish way.

Fire Code City couldn't find a second person.

"Da... Damir?" Count Doolin was dumbfounded and couldn't help exclaiming.

And even Teddy, who knew the script, opened his mouth wide, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then determined that there were only a few young people who could make Teddy feel ashamed of his appearance in addition to his eldest brother.

isn't it?

Really... Really invited this great god?

However, if compared to another person present, the shock and panic of Earl Doolin and Teddy can only be said to be pediatric.

Yes, that person is the daughter of the earl, Miss Liz.

how come...

Dada... Damir! ?

In Liz's mind, many memories flashed quickly.

Just like in the class of the noble academy when they were young, all the students couldn't solve the problem, including Liz who was ranked No. 1 at the time, but it was easily solved by a little boy who slept all day long.

For example, in the magic initiation class, when everyone was still reciting obscure spells, a little boy could master magic and skip the class without the teacher.

For example, during a study tour organized by a certain college, he was accidentally attacked by a monster. At a critical juncture when everyone was shivering and didn't know what to do, a little boy stepped forward and showed his powerful combat power. Before the flustered teacher came, he fought off the monster alone.

Why do all the memories always feature the "little boy" as the protagonist?

Because this is the distance between mortals and geniuses. Only when they were children, they still had the chance to contact each other.

Even in the end, she couldn't even see the back of the little boy.

But despite this, the feeling of childhood has always been kept in the bottom of my heart, and I will silently pay attention from time to time, what kind of achievements the other party has achieved, and what new magic has been developed...


Take a deep breath.

Liz wanted her pounding little heart to slow down a little.

She would never have imagined that Damir, who was even more difficult to meet than the sky, would appear here today.

He... what did he come here for?

Wait a moment!

Is it to say!

As if thinking of something, Liz's heart rate just eased up, but now it soared in a straight line.

He, is he because...

worry about me?

After all, the two of them were classmates and friends, and they shared a noble academy when they were children.

Liz, as the first place in the exam paper on the bright side, has been secretly competing with Damir, who is a genius.

Although until Damir dropped out of school early, the two did not say a few words in total.

But Liz believed that Damiel should still feel the sympathy for each other.


Although it doesn't show up on weekdays.

Damir never even showed up for her coming-of-age ceremony, which made Liz feel sad for a while.

However, at a critical moment, after knowing that he had been kidnapped, he would still be anxious!

Later, I learned that she came back safe and sound, so I put down everything at hand, and did not hesitate to use teleportation magic directly, but also rush to visit me?

The only lesson humans have learned from history is that humans do not learn lessons from history.

This is deeply reflected in Liz.

The eldest lady made up the whole story in an instant, and she didn't think it was deja vu at all.

I have to say that this time, there seems to be a reality check.

I saw that, unlike Harvey before, he also paid attention to politeness to say hello to other nobles. Damir didn't care about these secular rules at all.

The young and handsome genius mage, standing on the platform, looked around, and quickly landed in Liz's direction.

dong dong dong!

Seeing Damir looking at him, Liz's power stove was working at full capacity, extremely hot.

Her eyes were flustered~www.readwn.com~ she didn't look like the young lady before, so she didn't dare to look at Damir.

As long as Lisi can look at Damir a few more times, she can find that people's eyes are only in her direction, not on her.

The point where Damir really focused his eyes was next to Liz.

A certain person was holding Liz's hand, so she was suddenly embarrassed by Liz, her whole body was vaguely excited and trembling, and she noticed it very quickly, so she was a little confused and tilted her head.

Footsteps sounded.

It could be heard running away.

You can see how anxious it is.

Liz was moved at once, and her heart warmed.

Former childhood friend, childhood sweetheart and old classmate, old rival!


Sure enough, I still have it in my heart! Don't forget me!

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