Under the cover, the strength is directly reduced to 30% of the original. This effect is so terrifying that it is enough for Ling Yan to kill the enemy above his level.

Of course, if the opponent also has a domain of the same level, or is much stronger than Ling Yan, the effect of the domain will be invalid.

However, the damage will still exist.

"It's time to upgrade. I have nearly 700 trillion experience points. It's a pity that all these experience points are wasted."

Ling Yan sighed helplessly.

Then he directly chose to upgrade his level.

【Unlock the level or upgrade the player level! 】

A prompt sound came along.


Instantly, the overwhelming heat wave poured into Ling Yan's body like a flood.

At this moment, Ling Yan felt his whole body strength begin to rise.

【Your level is upgraded to LV21!

All attributes +50, free attribute points: 100, your pet's level is upgraded to: LV21!

Remaining experience value: 340 trillion! 】

Soon a prompt sound came to Ling Yan's mind.

The experience was not consumed by one millionth, but because of the upgrade, it was directly cut in half, less than 340 trillion.

In addition, the bonus of all attributes and free attribute points obtained from this upgrade is not as high as the previous upgrade to LV20.

This is also normal. Every ten levels is a hurdle.

When you cross this hurdle, you will get a lot of strength blessing.

Because when the level reaches a certain level, such as upgrading from 59 to 60, you need to complete some tasks.

Of course, this kind of task is much simpler than the reincarnation task of the same level, but if it is not completed, it will be a mistake once, and you still cannot upgrade your level.


At the same time, Xiao Te, who was not far away, also roared to the sky.

Waves of terrifying aura burst out from Xiao Te's body.

At this moment, his body size began to soar.

"System, all free attribute points after upgrading will be added equally to all attributes!"

Ling Yan did not hesitate and spoke directly to the will of revelation.

And then Ling Yan's level soared

【Your level has been raised to LV22!

All attributes +55

【Your level has been raised to LV23!


【Your level is upgraded to LV29!

All attributes +95.

Free attribute points: 450.

Your pet's level is upgraded to: LV29!

Remaining experience points: 15 trillion!】

【Your level is upgraded to LV30!

All attributes +300.

Get free attribute points: 1000.

Your pet's level is upgraded to: LV30!

Remaining experience points: 7.4 trillion! 】

However, after Ling Yan upgraded his level to LV30, he still had 75,000 experience points?

"Tianqi, what's going on?"

Ling Yan was stunned.

【Ding: The experience of the Emperor BOSS can be upgraded to a maximum of 15 levels without being reset! The experience of the King level can be upgraded to a maximum of 20 levels without being reset!

However, starting from level 10, each upgrade will reduce the experience value by 80%】

The system slowly spoke!

As soon as he said this, Ling Yan suddenly understood.

Yes, the Emperor BOSS and the King level BOSS are so difficult to deal with, even if they are 20 or 30 levels higher, they are not something that ordinary people can defeat!

So it is normal to be able to continue upgrading after upgrading to level 10

"It seems that this emperor-level BOSS is more valuable than I thought!"

Ling Yan couldn't help laughing. After clearing a copy, almost 99% of the experience points are given by the final BOSS.

After the ordinary experience points are reset to zero, it has almost no effect on the total value.

"But then again, I didn't feel much experience before, but now it seems that Xiao Te is so hard to raise!"

Then Ling Yan began to complain!

Xiao Te's experience consumption is ten thousand times that of Ling Yan.

Fortunately, Ling Yan stopped when he was upgraded to LV30, otherwise Ling Yan's experience would have dried up!

Fortunately, it was stopped early, so it did not affect Ling Yan's upgrade.

If Xiao Te was promoted to a higher level, Ling Yan could continue to work.

Therefore, Ling Yan decided to upgrade this kid's level when he had extra experience points.

Usually, he would find a wild area or a copy and throw it in to let it upgrade slowly by itself.

The main reason is that he can't afford it.

""Woo woo!!"

Hearing Ling Yan's scolding, Xiao Te, who had already soared to 70 meters in height and a wingspan of 150 meters, whimpered pitifully twice!

Of course, his attributes also soared a lot.

Ling Yan ignored it and continued to upgrade his level.

Finally, Ling Yan's level was upgraded to LV35 and he stopped moving.

【Your level is upgraded to LV35!

All attributes +150.

Free attribute points gained: 750.

Remaining experience points: 240 million!】

【The upgrade is over, and the star coins are unlocked! ,

Keep all the star coins obtained in the first dungeon!

The income from subsequent dungeons will be reduced proportionally!

The star coins you finally get: 754 trillion! 】

With the experience points almost exhausted, Ling Yan's upgrade was finally over!

However, what surprised Ling Yan was that he actually had 754 trillion star coins left.

But Ling Yan understood it in an instant.

Yes, although he locked his level to enter the dungeon, who doesn't lock their level when playing the dungeon?

If the income is reduced for the first time to play this dungeon, who will play the dungeon?

And it's no problem that the income from subsequent dungeons is reduced.

Besides, Ling Yan is the only one who can play the dungeon alone.

If ten people form a team, the original 300 trillion experience points and star coins will be reduced to one percent of the original.

That is 3 trillion.

And it has to be divided among ten people.

In the end, one person can get up to 300 billion.

For a super genius who has the ability to pass the dark gold level dungeon, 300 billion is not a small amount!

But it is definitely not a lot.

After all! SS+ geniuses may appear even in 10,000 planets in a year!

And the GDP of a planet should be hundreds of trillions a year, right?

Therefore, the financial rewards given to geniuses of this level in the early stage are all counted in trillions.

And this money is only given for the first time. If you continue to lock the level and grind, the amount will be reduced like Ling Yan.

This is also a way for the will of Apocalypse to balance the currency system.

After all, if you can open up high-level and low-level monsters to get the same star coins, the value of the star coins will probably depreciate by 10,000 times.

"More than 700 trillion, if Dad and the others knew about this amount of money, they would be scared to death!"

Ling Yan couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

This is trillion, not billion.

Of course, this amount of star coins is really a drop in the bucket compared to the materials in Ling Yan's backpack.

Not to mention anything else, even if

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