"Who else besides him could have a dark gold-level suit?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, if he knew that not only the SSS- geniuses, but even some SS+ geniuses in my Yanshen galaxy have been upgraded to LV50 and above, I wonder what he would think!"


In an instant, Ling Yan's identity was guessed by the people around him.

At the same time, Ling Yan also heard that the geniuses in front of him were geniuses from other intermediate star systems in the Yanshen Star System.

Ling Yan even saw quite a few SS+ geniuses.

Of course, it was not that there were no other SSS- geniuses in the Yanshen Star System this year except Murong Xingyu, but it was naturally impossible for SSS- geniuses to come with Murong Xingyu to attack the dungeon like those SS+ geniuses.

After all, a complete set of Hell Thunder Dragon dungeons was extremely precious, and they couldn't possibly attack two or three sets, right?

As SSS- geniuses, since they joined the dungeon, it's impossible for you, Murong Xingyu, to get a complete set of dark gold suits, while they get gold suits, right?

So these SSS- geniuses would rather form their own team to brush the gold suits themselves, which is faster.

Moreover, a person will only brush it once or twice and then choose to upgrade the realm, and then go to the Tianqi Continent to level up.

After all, no matter how strong the talent is, the level is still the most important.

Ling Yan also ignored these people and took out his smart watch to contact Sikong Xueyun.

After receiving Ling Yan's message, Sikong Xueyun's image appeared instantly, almost instantly!

"Ling Yan? You came out! ?"

Seeing Ling Yan, Sikong Xueyun said in surprise

"Teacher Xueyun, are you going to leave me alone in this black hole?"

Ling Yan smiled and teased Sikong Xueyun.

"Wait, I'll be there soon!"

However, Sikong Xueyun hung up the phone without saying anything.


Less than a minute later, a roar suddenly sounded in the sky.

The next moment, Sikong Xueyun rushed towards Ling Yan at a very fast speed under the cover of flames.

Soon, he landed in front of Ling Yan.

"Ling Yan, you finally came out. If you don't come out, everyone will probably think you are dead!"

Seeing Ling Yan appear, Sikong Xueyun excitedly rushed to greet him.

"How is this possible? If it were so easy for me to die, I would have died long ago. Why would I wait until now?"

Looking at Sikong Xueyun's worried look, Ling Yan also smiled.

Hearing this, Sikong Xueyun also suddenly understood.

Yes, Ling Yan could even dodge the sneak attack of the Star Lord, how could he die so easily?

Unfortunately, she didn't know that Ling Yan didn't dodge at the time.

Although the Void Flash is powerful, the flash distance was only 10 meters when he was at LV1. How could Ling Yan dodge at a distance of ten meters?

Ling Yan was killed instantly at that moment.

Fortunately, he had the ability to survive by cutting off his tail, and he was resurrected after sacrificing a little finger.

In addition, the terrifying repair speed of the Broken Tail Qiu Sheng and the power of life, Ling Yan had already repaired the broken little finger when he spoke later.

At that moment, Ling Yan was also emotional, worthy of being a super genius who could be rated as SS-level at LV3!

Ling Yan has now reached LV34, and this ability to survive by cutting off his tail is almost the same as immortality. Even if he is blasted to ashes, he can still be resurrected instantly.

Moreover, each resurrection now only requires sacrificing a piece of meat the size of a grain of rice.

According to Ling Yan's current body size, it is enough for him to resurrect at least tens of thousands of times.

"By the way, have everyone else left?"

Ling Yan looked around and asked in confusion.

"We will talk about this on the way. Let's go back to Longteng Star first!"

Sikong Xueyun did not say much, but spoke to Ling Yan seriously.

It sounded like something big had happened.

""Okay, let's go!"

Ling Yan roughly guessed what was going on, and then without hesitation, he followed Sikong Xueyun out of the location of the copy crack.

Soon, Sikong Xueyun brought Ling Yan to a huge helipad.

However, as soon as he arrived here, Ling Yan saw an extremely large starship, which was connected to the entire copy of the suspended city with a transmission channel!

And the size of this starship is actually several times larger than the suspended city.

It is thousands of kilometers long. If it is placed on the earth, it is definitely a continent.

It is terrifying!

The level of this starship is at least level seven.

However, what puzzled Ling Yan was that Sikong Xueyun actually took him along the transmission channel into this starship.

"Come with me!""

After entering the starship, Sikong Xueyun's expression suddenly became serious. Then he took Ling Yan to take the sub-light speed transmission channel and began to travel rapidly in the starship at a speed of several kilometers per second.

It took a few minutes for Ling Yan to reach the control room of the starship.


As the huge hatch of the control room opened, an old man appeared in front of Ling Yan.

The old man was suspended in the air, exuding an endless powerful aura.

""Mr. Vice President, Ling Yan is here!"

Sikong Xueyun bowed respectfully to the old man.


The old man also opened his eyes, and in an instant, endless golden light burst out from his eyes.

"Is it him?"

Ling Yan recognized the old man in front of him at a glance.

At the same time, Ling Yan also instantly felt the power of the golden element in the old man's eyes.


However, at this moment, a terrifying pressure directly enveloped Ling Yan's whole body.

The power of this pressure was dozens of times greater than the pressure of the three-headed hell dragon.

Even now, Ling Yan had to subconsciously burst out all his strength to resist.

Fortunately, he still managed to resist.

Looking at Ling Yan's straight body, with ten kinds of elemental power surging around him, the old man's eyes bloomed with endless admiration.

"You must be the Ling Yan mentioned by Master Yanshen! You are indeed extraordinary! You have awakened ten kinds of elemental power, which is incredible."

The old man said with admiration.

Ling Yan could actually withstand the pressure that even ordinary LV60 strongmen could not withstand.

It seems that the basic three passive attributes are not low.

In this way, there is a chance to reach the peak.

"Thank you for your compliment, senior."

Ling Yan also hurriedly bowed.

"Ling Yan, this is Master Murong Tu, the vice president of Yanshen Academy, who is here to protect you!"

Sikong Xueyun said hurriedly

"Junior Ling Yan, meet the Vice President!"

Ling Yan naturally knew the other party, because in his previous life, Ling Yan also stayed in Yanshen Academy for several years. He was often called by these strong men to help Ling Yan develop his passive skills. Unfortunately, the success rate was something that could not be developed at all.

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