"It's a pity that they are only gold. My talent level is now SSS+, so I can use all gold fruits below LV100 for free.

But I can't get the dark gold fruit!

Unless I explode it myself! But it's not that easy to deal with the dark gold BOSS!"

Ling Yan was helpless and took a look at these LV50 gold fruits.

One can increase his attribute points by 400 points, which is more powerful than the dark gold LV20 fruit.

"This attribute fruit is definitely worth a lot of money. You must stack all the dark gold and gold fruits before your level is high enough, otherwise how can you crush the geniuses of the same level?"

Ling Yan thought about it. The only way to get so many fruits now is to buy them.

And you can't buy them in the federal store, you need to buy them in the Apocalypse store.

Because although the Apocalypse store doesn't have discounts, it will definitely not expose Ling Yan's identity.

"With so many things, I finally have to deal with them properly!"

Ling Yan looked at his backpack, his mouth slightly raised.


The next moment Ling Yan waved his hand


In an instant, the huge gate of hell that towered into the sky in the worm swamp began to surge with endless blood-red aura.

The aura spread and directly enveloped all the undead.

In an instant, all the undead turned into bone fragments, gathered into a torrent of bones and flowed into the gate of hell.

The towering gate of hell also disappeared in a wave of space fluctuations.

"Tianqi, go to the Tianqi Mall interface!"

Ling Yan spoke directly

【Transmission begins, please be ready! 】

A reminder sounded.


The next moment Ling Yan's figure disappeared from the spot.


After Ling Yan left, a large number of giant worms rushed out from the ground and began to devour the dead bodies around them.

In just a moment, the surroundings returned to calm as if nothing had happened.



A few minutes later, countless warriors came to the worm swamp.

These warriors were all talented warriors from Longteng Star and the surrounding planets. Their purpose was simple, which was to capture the emperor-level BOSS.

However, when they arrived here, everyone's face turned ugly.

At this time, the worm swamp only had a deep pit hundreds of meters deep created by the Hell God Emperor Tower. Apart from that, there was no one.

"Isn't there a golden worm king? Where is the worm?"

"Damn, could it be that some other family has gotten there first?"

"How is this possible? This is an emperor-level BOSS. Anyone whose level does not exceed LV60 may be killed even if they are a little closer, let alone being killed so quickly!"

"But, if he was not killed, what about this emperor-level BOSS?"

"What's going on with this deep pit? It hasn't been repaired yet.

I'm afraid it must have been done by a strong person who has reached level 100.

Otherwise, it's impossible to launch such a powerful attack!"

"Could it be that some powerful person passed by and saw the Emperor-level BOSS appear and killed it instantly?"

"Damn, this must be the case. Isn't this person too boring? With his level, he can't get any benefit at all.

Could it be that he just doesn't want others to benefit?"


For a moment, everyone started to curse indignantly as they watched the huge battle around them.

In their opinion, the opponent who could deal such powerful damage must be at least LV90 or even LV100.

Thinking of this, they even wanted to directly issue a bounty for this stupid dog.

You know, although there is no explicit rule, almost everyone has a consensus that when encountering a BOSS, people who are 10 levels higher than his LV cannot take action.

Unless the strength of the BOSS has reached a level that even if it is nine levels higher than it, and countless people attack at the same time, it cannot be killed. In that case, only strong people can be used to beat it to a residual health, and then let people with no more than ten levels to kill it.

So as not to let this BOSS go to waste.

But the boss of that strength is either at least LV200 or a dark gold level BOSS.

The golden worm king in front of them obviously has not reached this level, so there is no need for strong people to take action.

Unfortunately, no one around has seen the appearance of the person who took action, so even if they want to issue a wanted notice, there is no way



However, the instigator of this incident, Ling Yan, has already arrived in a void space.


As Ling Yan's mind moved, countless materials, skills, and equipment projections appeared around him instantly.

In front of Ling Yan's eyes was a huge screen projecting a shopping mall interface.

The interface had a large number of things recommended by the Apocalypse Mall for Ling Yan's level.

Among them were LV60 equipment and skills, and almost all of them were suitable for Ling Yan's attributes.

Ling Yan took a look and saw the LV60 dark gold attribute fruit listed, one of which was worth a terrifying 300 star sources.

"My goodness, is this thing so expensive?"

Ling Yan raised his eyebrows. An ordinary LV20 dark gold suit only costs more than 400 star sources.

And a set of four LV60 dark gold equipment costs only 1000 star sources.

And a LV60 attribute fruit costs 300 star sources.

It is worthy of the rumor that the price of an attribute fruit is no less than that of a dark gold equipment.

Then Ling Yan searched and found that the price of a LV20 dark gold fruit was much cheaper.

But it also costs 40 star sources.

Calculated, this cost performance is much higher than that of LV60.

After all, a LV60 attribute fruit can increase the attribute by 2000 points, and a LV20 can increase by 300, with a difference of less than seven times.

But the price difference between the two is nearly 8 times.

So if the low-level attribute fruit is not fully stacked, it is naturally more cost-effective to buy a low-level attribute fruit with the same money.

"The stock of these LV20 dark gold-level fruits is too small. It seems that the supply is insufficient to meet the demand.

If my price is a little cheaper, I guess they will all be sold out right away, right?"

Ling Yan touched his chin when he saw this. He didn't know if he could buy enough dark gold-level fruits to raise his realm to the limit!

Thinking of this, he directly put all the fruits on the auction house.

【Ding... You have put on the shelves a total of 1160 dark gold-level attribute fruits, the unit price is: 35 star sources, are you sure? 】

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