A prompt sound also came into Ling Yan's mind.

"OK, confirmed! Remember to hide all my messages!!"

Ling Yan didn't say anything and nodded directly.

【Successfully listed! You can view all your sales and orders in your Apocalypse Shop! 】

A prompt sounded.

Ling Yan calculated that he had attacked the dungeon 15 times, and once he had two dark gold level BOSSes!

And one BOSS can bring him 40 different attribute fruits.

That's all.

"A full 1,200 dark gold fruits, even in the entire human race, is it not a small number?

After they are sold out, I am afraid I don’t know when I will be able to buy them again!"

Ling Yan was a little helpless.

This thing is not in urgent need, and not many people are in a hurry to use it.

And those who can afford one must be at least LV300 or above.

Even such a strong man can only buy a few.

Sure enough, Ling Yan looked at the backstage of the shop.

Although his attribute fruits were being bought quickly, the speed slowed down after selling three or four hundred.

Obviously, although it is five star sources cheaper at once, I can’t afford it, I just can’t afford it!

One is 35 star sources, so if he can sell them all, Ling Yan estimates that he can get at least 40,000 star sources.

"Although 40,000 star sources are almost enough to buy all the dark gold fruits from LV30 to LV60, I am afraid that my level will be LV100 or above after selling them all."

Ling Yan felt a little annoyed when he saw this.

But he still needed dark gold fruits of LV50/40/30!

"It seems that we need to sell some other things!

And this thing needs all the strong people to rush to buy it, otherwise we can't get enough money in a short time."

Ling Yan raised his eyebrows, and soon he found a suitable item in his backpack space

"In that case, then it's you!!"

Ling Yan smiled slightly, then took out a scroll and put it directly on the auction house.

At the same time, he marked the price directly, starting at 40,000 Star Sources.



However, at the same time, everyone in the entire Human Federation was boiling with excitement at this moment.

Because just a few minutes ago, the appearance of a personal store directly caused a sensation among all the Humans in the entire Human Server.

At this moment, the Human Federation Post Bar directly exploded.

"12,000 LV20 Dark Gold Fruits are on sale at the same time! What is going on?"

"Oh my god, I calculated that there are not so many dark gold-level fruits put on the shelves by humans in the past ten years added together!"

"Could it be that the Human Federation released its previous inventory?"

"It is possible that only the Human Federation has such a large inventory, right?"

"But then again, isn't the Galaxy Genius War about to begin?

Why are so many good things released at this critical juncture?

If spies buy them and take them to the other three civilizations, wouldn't it be a big loss!"

"Who knows? It’s a pity that I don’t have money, otherwise I would have bought one for myself!"

"Come on, ordinary people with this much money can stack up all the golden fruits from LV20 to LV100 and still be rich."

"That’s right, we ordinary SS+ geniuses can only eat golden fruits!"

"Oh shit, big guy upstairs, please take me with you, please support me!"

"Looking for CP, I am 171,170~"

"The guy above, which one is your height and which one is your weight? I can't tell them apart for a moment!"

"Is there any difference between these two numbers, which one is height and which one is weight?"



At this moment, everyone started to discuss frantically.

In the end, they came to only one conclusion, that the Human Federation must have released most of its previous inventory.

Otherwise, how could so many dark gold attribute fruits appear at once!



However, at the same time, in a void of space, virtual projections appeared in front of a huge round table.

And here is the Supreme Council of the Human Federation!!

The Supreme Council is composed of all the members of the human race, that is, the strong who can rule an advanced galaxy of similar size to the Yanshen Galaxy.

The level of each member is at least the eighth level.

That is, the strong who are above level 350.

This time, it is extremely rare that almost 90% of the strongest appeared here.

And everyone's expressions are different, some are serious, some are dignified, and at the same time, there are doubts.

Among them are Yanshen and Guangshen, who is Ling Yan's mother.

However, the current Guangshen is not the thirty-year-old at home, but looks only twenty-three or twenty-four years old.


Finally, as almost everyone arrived, a middle-aged man with extraordinary temperament appeared at the main seat of the round table.

All the council members looked solemn when they saw the newcomer.

The newcomer was none other than the strongest person of the human race, the God of War. He was also the only tenth-level super-powerful person of the human race. To put it bluntly, even if all the people present joined forces, they could not kill him!

Unless the tenth-level supreme beings of the other three civilizations attacked at the same time, there might be a chance to defeat him.

It was also because of this person that the human race could gain a firm foothold in the Milky Way.

"Everyone, you should all know why I asked you to come here, right?"

The God of War spoke slowly. When he spoke, most of the councilors present nodded slightly.

However, a small number of councilors were a little confused. They were either leveling up or doing other things the previous second and the people below were not informed.

Therefore, they didn't know what happened.

It seemed that seeing that some people didn't know what happened, Ling Zhan spoke slowly:

"Just ten minutes ago, a personal store was launched on the human race's server!

It has 1,160 dark gold-level attribute fruits, with a level of LV20 and four attributes evenly distributed!"

He calmly recounted what happened, but as soon as he said this, the human race councillors who just knew about it all looked terrified.���

"What? 1,160 pieces? Dark gold-level attribute fruits?"

"How is this possible? Even the Human Federation would need decades of accumulation to have this much in reserve!"

"Hiss, I wonder which big shot here took out the stock that has been accumulated for thousands of years?"

"You're overthinking. The attribute fruits we have are not even enough to train our own geniuses. Even if it takes a thousand years, who can accumulate so many?

Only the God of War has such capital, right?"

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