"If it was Lord God of War, why would he call all of us here!"




In an instant, everyone was talking about it!

"This batch of attribute fruits is directly listed in the Apocalypse Mall. In other words, it seems that he doesn't want us to know his identity when he sells them."

The God of War spoke slowly.

As soon as he spoke, the people around him nodded.

"However, the appearance of so many dark gold fruits at once is also a very good thing for our human race!

It just so happens that the Galaxy Genius War is about to start. I suggest that the Human Federation purchase these 1,160 fruits!

At that time, they will be distributed to the top talents of the human race to increase their survival rate in the Galaxy Genius War!

But how to divide it, do you have any opinions?"

Ling Zhan spoke slowly, and as soon as he spoke, everyone present nodded.

"I agree. Originally, the overall talent of this class of disciples was stronger than that of previous classes, and there were not enough attribute fruits to share. Now, there is no need to worry!"

"Yes, this way even a SSS- genius can get a piece of fruit, right?"

"Instead of giving it to geniuses at SSS-, it would be better to give it directly to geniuses above SSS level and let them stack up the LV20 attributes, so that the cost-effectiveness is the highest!"

"That makes sense. One or two per person will not lead to any qualitative improvement in strength!"

"I agree too. It is best to let the top geniuses grow. Ordinary SSS- geniuses only need to stack up the golden fruits, which is already good enough!"

"Damn it, you all have SSS-level geniuses on your hands, of course you say that! Then won’t we, the ordinary SSS-level geniuses, fall behind?"



All the 8th level masters started a heated discussion in an instant.

The so-called Galaxy Genius Tournament is a tournament decided by the four major races after discussing it ten thousand years ago.

It is held every 100 years!

The tournament is divided into different levels of genius tournaments.

One tournament for those below LV20.

One tournament for those below LV30.

And so on. Anyone can participate before reaching level 200.

There are a total of 19 competition areas.

And in the end, the winner of each competition area will receive a reward discussed by the four major races.

A set of dark gold suits is the most basic reward.

Some of the newly promoted 8th level masters present have won at least one competition area that year.

As long as they can win in a certain competition area, it is almost certain that they will become 7th level masters if they do not fall in the future.

And those who can win in LV100 and above competition areas can reach 8th level.

The opening time of this year's genius tournament is less than a month.

This is also one of the reasons why Murong Xingyu suppressed the level and exploded a complete set of three-headed hell thunder dragon suits.

The purpose is to rely on this set of suits to become the first in a certain region!

"Well, since everyone agrees, then according to the majority's proposal, the Human Federation will use all its inventory together with these attribute fruits to upgrade geniuses above SSS level.

If there are any remaining fruits, they will be distributed to geniuses of SSS-."

Listening to the discussion of the surrounding councilors, the God of War finally made the decision. As soon as he spoke, everyone present had no objection.

After speaking, Ling Zhan directly opened the Apocalypse Mall and instantly searched for the store opened by Ling Yan.

Without hesitation, he directly bought all the remaining fruits in the store.

Just as he was about to exit the interface, the empty mall interface suddenly flashed.

The next moment, a brand new item appeared in front of him.

The moment this item appeared, even Ling Zhan was shocked.

"Someone actually revealed this thing!

Who is this person who made this attribute fruit?"

Ling Zhan couldn't help but exclaimed!

However, as soon as he said this, all the strong men around him were stunned.

What is this?

Puzzled, they all opened the Tianqi Mall.

However, when Ling Yan's shop appeared, all the strong men present took a breath of cold air.

"Scarlet Flame Thunder Dragon King Knight Scroll! ?"

"SSS+Job transfer scroll, how is this possible?"

"The drop rate of this thing is almost zero, which is many times lower than the drop rate of the dark gold level resurrection card!"

"Hiss, who on earth could have dropped such an item! ?"

"All you need is LV20 Thunder Talent and Dark Talent, or one of the elements, but you need your strength, speed, and physique to reach LV30, and you can directly become an SSS+ professional!

This value is definitely not less than 100,000 star sources!"


At this moment, all the strong men present breathed rapidly.

Some of them had not even reached SSS+.

Although a genius with SSS+ talent level would appear every two or three years.

However, once an SSS+ genius appeared, he would be assassinated by other civilizations, or even killed openly.

It was precisely because of this that only one out of three SSS+ geniuses could survive and grow up!

It was equivalent to only one SSS+ genius who grew to the peak in the entire human race every ten years.

That is, an eighth-level strongman.

But the number of eighth-level strongmen around reached a terrifying 700+!

If they were all SSS+ geniuses, it would take at least 7,000 years to accumulate!

However, the fact is that the lifespan of an eighth-level strongman is only 2,000 years.

This means that the oldest eighth-level strongmen in front of them, except for those who have comprehended the power of life, are only more than a thousand years old.

Although this number is already extremely terrifying, it is still a lot worse than 7,000 years.

Therefore, among the geniuses on the scene, only less than one-third have reached SSS+ talent.

The rest are only SSS level, or even SSS-.

It's just that they have to work more than ten times harder than SSS+ masters to reach the eighth level.

Now, an option to break through themselves is in front of them.

Although there is no master who possesses both the thunder and dark attributes.

But there are at least ten people who have one of them and have the three basic attributes enhanced to LV30 or above.

If any one of these ten eighth-level masters can successfully advance, then the human race may have a new ninth-level master!

Although the possibility is not great, as long as it succeeds, not only will the life span increase, but also the status and strength will increase.

In an instant, everyone subconsciously looked at each other.

Without hesitation, everyone took out all their belongings and clicked the auction.

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