"I'm offering 35,000. Please don't compete with me for it. I'm already 1900. If I don't break through, I'll die!"

"Senior, I think even if you are strong enough, you can’t break through to the ninth level, so don’t waste resources. I am only a little over 1,000 years old!"

"Boy Lei Ming, you are still young and cannot grasp it. I am 1200, old enough, and my level is the highest among those who meet the requirements. It is absolutely certain for me to break through!"



All of a sudden, the qualified eighth-rank experts all rushed out and started bidding frantically.

At first, they were very polite, but soon it turned into a quarrel of insults!

"Damn, stop talking nonsense here. If you have the guts, take out the money. This is an auction!

Third uncle, lend me 10,000 star sources. When I break through, I will return you 20,000!"

A thunder-type warrior known as the Thunder God of War quickly asked the old man beside him for help.

"Hahaha, what 10,000? Third Uncle will give you 30,000! Just pay me 50,000 when the time comes!"

The old man did not hesitate to take out 30,000 Star Sources and gave them to Thunder God.

This scene instantly enlightened the surrounding warriors.

They all started to borrow money from their relatives and friends.

"Good man, more than money, right? Grandpa, Master, Grandpa, son, give me money!!!"

Seeing that the strong men around him began to look for external help, the Dark God of War sneered! He shouted directly at several relatives and friends around him. In an instant, more than 100,000 star sources were flying towards him.

In an instant, the original starting price of the job transfer scroll was only 30,000 star sources, which was directly raised to 170,000 star sources.

This terrifying price made everyone around dumbfounded.

For a while, everyone around began to struggle whether to shamelessly go to other people to borrow some more.

"Enough! We don't know who this scroll belongs to. Raising the price higher will only make it cheaper for others!

Buy it first, and distribute it according to demand later!"

However, at this moment, Ling Zhan also slowly spoke.

As soon as he said this, everyone calmed down instantly.

The Dark God of War, who had just bid more than 100,000, was a little reluctant when he heard this, but he couldn't help but listen to Ling Zhan's words.

Because the other party was his master's master.

Of course, as the person who won the auction, he would generally be given priority. In addition, his condition and situation were suitable. This scroll had a 90% chance of being his.

【Tip: The highest bid is 170,000 Star Sources. The bid has reached the end standard. If no one bids within three minutes, the bid will be successful! 】

At this moment, a prompt appeared on the shopping mall interface. Everyone held their breath when they saw this.

One minute!!!

Two minutes!!!

Two minutes and fifty seconds!!!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

【There is a new auction price: 180,000 Star Sources! 】

However, at this moment, a new prompt sound instantly made everyone's face suddenly look ugly.

Even Ling Zhan frowned.

【There is a new auction price: 190,000 Star Sources!】

【There is a new auction price: 200,000 Star Sources! 】

At this moment, no matter how stupid everyone is, they know that the information of this shop has been sent to other civilizations by the spy!

And there is more than one civilization.

Nowadays, these civilizations have mixed into the human server and started bidding.

As for why they can mix into the server of their own civilization, it is very simple to put it bluntly, that is, they give money to the spy and let them rape and shoot.

However, this operation is very dangerous. If the spy turns against us, the loss will be terrible.

"Damn it, damn it, there are always so many scums in my human race!"

"Alas, are we going to give up such a good opportunity like this?"

Instantly, all the masters cursed angrily.

A job transfer scroll is almost equivalent to a ninth-level master. After all, SSS- can reach the eighth level.

If you become SSS+, it is not very difficult to become a ninth-level master in the future.

And there are only seven ninth-level masters in the human race.

The other three civilizations have only eight or nine, and the most are only eleven or twelve.

Every one that appears can become a guardian god-level figure of a civilization.

"Dark Martial God, I am here to help you. This thing must not fall into the hands of foreigners!"

"I will also come to help you. Even though the amount is not much, I can still spare one thousand star sources!"

"This thing must be taken!"


Suddenly, all the powerful people around him transferred their star sources to the Dark God without hesitation.

Some transferred hundreds, some even thousands.

You know, these are pure subsidies, and they don't need to be repaid.

And Ling Zhan directly handed over 30,000 star sources.

If Ling Yan knew about such a big gift, he would probably shout, Dad, give it to me, I will give you a job transfer scroll with 30,000 star sources.

""My Lord God of War, my colleagues, thank you so much!"

Seeing this, the Dark God of War was also deeply moved. Without hesitation, he directly bid: 300,000 Star Sources!

For a moment, the entire auction site was stagnant for a few seconds.

It was obvious that the sudden increase in price made other civilizations unable to respond.


Not to mention the strong men from other civilizations, almost the entire human civilization was boiling at this moment.

You should know that Ling Yan's small shop had originally caused an uproar in the human server.

The starting price is a terrifying item worth 30,000 star sources, which is equivalent to the total value of hundreds of thousands of ordinary life planets!

Such a terrifying price is just for a material.

This has almost never happened in the history of the human race. After all, as long as this kind of material item appears, it will generally be placed in the internal transactions of the human race's high-level. It is impossible for ordinary people to see the information and transaction details of the items.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the sixth and seventh-level strong men may not be qualified to know about the transaction at this price.

Therefore, it is conceivable how shocked ordinary people are when they see the transaction price this time.

However, soon, many people realized that something was wrong with this auction.

The item with an original price of only 300 million star sources has now reached a terrifying price of 300,000. There is definitely something wrong.

"Damn it, there must be some other civilization involved in this auction!"

"Nonsense, if we don’t intervene, it is impossible to raise the price so high. It obviously exceeds the value of this thing!"

"Alas, if this good thing were snatched away by other civilizations, it would be an absolute loss for the entire human race!"

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