"The number of eighth-level warriors in our human race is not as many as those in other civilizations. After all, our accumulation and number of people are not as terrifying as those in other civilizations!

I don't know if we can win!"

"So what if I can get it? Is this thing really worth so much money? Is it necessary to spend so much money to get it?"

"You know nothing! If this thing is snatched away by other civilizations and used against our human race, I think the loss will definitely be more than 300,000 star sources!"


At this moment, countless people started discussing frantically.

Unfortunately, no matter how much they discussed, it was still of little use in this price war.



Ling Yan, who was in the mall, frowned slightly as he watched the scene in front of him.

"The price has already risen to more than 200,000. If only the human race was bidding this time, it would be impossible to raise the price so high.

In other words, there must be other civilizations involved!"

Ling Yan touched his chin.

This price has far exceeded the limit of what an eighth-level warrior can bear. But if this thing is snatched away by other civilizations, Ling Yan doesn't want to encounter a strong man from another civilization riding the Dark Thunder Dragon King to kill him one day.

"I don't know if the human leaders can snatch it. If not, it will be troublesome!"

Ling Yan's eyes flashed.

The only reason why he took out the Dark Thunder Dragon Emperor's job transfer scroll this time was that there were many copies of the Dark Thunder Dragon Emperor as the BOSS, secret realms, or wild monster areas.

But it did not include the Hell Thunder Dragon copy.

That's right, under normal circumstances, there is no Dark Thunder Dragon Emperor in the Hell Thunder Dragon copy.

This thing will only appear in the final battle of the fourth round during the copy battle.

Unfortunately, only Ling Yan had seen the final battle of the fourth round, so no one knew that there was a Dark Thunder Dragon Emperor in the Hell Thunder Dragon copy.

Naturally, it was difficult for people to suspect Ling Yan.



The price of 300,000 is already impossible to be higher than this in the eyes of ordinary people.

Unfortunately, other civilizations are also determined to get this job transfer scroll. After all, even if the strong men of their own race can't use it, they can't let other races get it.

Otherwise, if a powerful ninth-level strongman is really cultivated, with the assistance of an emperor-level dragon king, his combat power will be much stronger than that of an ordinary ninth-level strongman.

In this way, 300,000 star sources are not expensive!

【There is a new auction price: 320,000 Star Sources!】

【There is a new auction price: 330,000 Star Sources!】

【There is a new auction price: 380,000 Star Sources!】


The price soared rapidly.

It soon exceeded 450,000.

Seeing this scene, all the strong men of the human race looked unhappy.

The Dark God of War gritted his teeth and directly raised the price to 510,000 Star Sources.

Unfortunately, soon, the latest price was raised to a full 550,000!

"Forget it! Stop it!

This price has exceeded his value!"

However, at this moment, Ling Zhan slowly spoke. As soon as he spoke, the strong men around him nodded helplessly. Yes, the price of 550,000 is even all the savings of an ordinary ninth-level strong man.

Although it would be good if it could be successfully cultivated, the probability is not very high.

And as the human race chose to give up, other civilizations also gave up one after another.

After all, just as the human race thought, this price has far exceeded his value.

【New auction price: 570,000! If no new price appears within three minutes, this auction will end! 】

At the same time, a prompt also appeared in this auction room.

Seeing this scene, all the strong men of the human race couldn't help but sigh.

After all, they still had no chance to get this job transfer scroll.


At the same time!

In the Bratz civilization, above the Supreme Council of the Starry Sky, the shadows of more than a thousand eighth-order strongmen appeared in the sky above the meeting.

The Bratz civilization has a history of more than 1.8 million years since the beginning of civilization records.

In the civilization, there is a tenth-order supreme being, thirteen ninth-order supreme beings, and more than a thousand eighth-order strongmen.

It can be said to be the most powerful civilization among the four major civilizations in the entire galaxy.

The people of the Bratz civilization look similar to ET, with a pair of huge eyes, a slightly larger head and small limbs.

Although the probability of professional awakening in the entire civilization is much lower than that of the human race or even the other two civilizations.

But as long as a profession is awakened, it is generally an elemental profession.

It is precisely because of this that although the population of this civilization is not as large as that of the human race, and at the same time, there are few low-end combat forces but a lot of high-end combat forces.

Seeing this prompt sound, all the Bratz strongmen laughed.

"Humph, the human race is just a new civilization, and they want to snatch things from my Bratz civilization. They are simply overestimating their own capabilities!"

"Yes, with just a slight move from our Bratz civilization, we have already reached the limit of human civilization!"

"They are just a group of inferior creatures evolved from monkeys. Their civilization has only appeared for tens of thousands of years. How can they compete with our Bratz civilization!"



All of the Bratz civilization began to belittle the human race.

Of course, although they said so, no one really dared to look down on the human race in their hearts.

The reason is very simple, the human race has the existence of the God of War.

Back then, the God of War turned out and fought the old-fashioned Bratz Supreme to a draw.

It was also because of that battle that the human race completely gained a firm foothold in the Milky Way and eventually grew into the fourth largest civilization in just 10,000 years.

You know, 10,000 years ago, the human race was at most a third-rate civilization in the Milky Way.

The territory it owned was less than 100,000 planets.

And now, after 10,000 years of strength accumulation, no one knows to what extent the God of War has reached.

All we know is that he has definitely surpassed Bratz Supreme.

【Ding... Reminder! The seller cancels this auction! 】

However, at this moment, a reminder sound was directly transmitted to the minds of all those who were paying attention to this auction room.

The strong men of the Bratz civilization all looked unhappy.

The things they had obtained were gone directly, and anyone who heard it would be angry.

"How could the auction be cancelled?"

"Damn, who is this seller?"

"Could it be that the strong men of the human race deliberately sent it out to tease my other three great civilizations?"

"It's possible, otherwise how could such a precious thing be placed casually in the Apocalypse Mall!"

"No, this is not right either. Humans cannot just release such precious things to other civilizations!"


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