In an instant, all the strong men of the Bratz civilization spoke out their guesses.

Unfortunately, after talking for a while, no one knew what the final conclusion was.

No matter what the reason was, if we could find out the information of the auctioneer, everything would be clear!

Check, check for me! We must find out the auctioneer and kill him!

Let the human race know that our Bratz civilization is not so easy to tease."

And Bratz Supreme also snorted coldly.

In an instant, the intelligence organization of the entire Bratz civilization began to frantically analyze and investigate the details revealed by Ling Yan.

In just a moment, hundreds of suspicious targets appeared in the search range of Bratz civilization.

However, if Ling Yan could see these suspicious targets, he would be speechless, because his information was among them.

Of course, not only the human race, but also the geniuses of the other two civilizations and even Bratz's own civilization, and some powerful information appeared among the suspicious targets.

But if you really want to confirm who did it, it will take a lot of time.

In fact, it is impossible to guess, unless Ling Yan reveals some more details.

Or kill all the suspects.

But in this case, Bratz civilization is estimated to offend the other three civilizations, and the galactic war will break out directly!



Unlike the anger of the strong men of the Bratz civilization, other civilizations were laughing.

One reason was that they were gloating, and the other was that as long as the item was not obtained by other civilizations, they would still have a second chance.

The happiest among them was the human race.

Some people began to speculate whether it was because the person selling the item was a human, so when they found out that other civilizations were also buying, they directly closed the purchase interface?

If this was true, wouldn't other humans still have a chance to obtain it?

Sure enough!

At this moment, a private message was sent directly to Ling Zhan's account.

【Anonymous: I see that you have purchased all my dark gold-level fruit. I guess you are a high-ranking member of the human race, right? Do you want this job transfer scroll? If you do, I will sell it to you for 300,000!

Of course, the prerequisite is that you must first verify your identity! I will only sell it after confirming that you are a high-ranking member of the human race! 】

As soon as the content of the message appeared, Ling Zhan's eyes shrank. Sure enough, the person who sold it was really a strong person of the human race.

And Ling Zhan did not hesitate and directly projected this message above the hall of the Supreme Council.

All the strong men present were excited when they saw the content.

"Hahaha, I guessed it right, this person is from my human race!"

"Not only is he a member of our human race, but he is also a genius with great talent and is loyal to the human race!"

"Fine, fine, you don’t even want the 550,000 star sources, and only want to take 300,000 star sources from my human race. Given this situation, I don’t even know if I can make such a hasty decision!"


In an instant, all the strong men burst into laughter.

Putting aside other things, the fact that 300,000 star sources could buy a job transfer scroll was enough to make them admire it.

【How do you want me to authenticate my identity?

Ling Zhan also asked his doubts.

Everyone held their breath after seeing this. After all, although authentication is not a problem, the problem is how to make the other party believe it.

【Anonymous: I think an ordinary God of War can’t come up with this much money by himself, right?

So if you are really a high-ranking member of the human race, you should be with the God of War now!

Then send a video on the first channel of the human race in the name of the God of War, and just say one sentence: The human race is awesome! 】

On the other side, Ling Yan chuckled and spoke with a bad taste.

However, as soon as he said this, all the human race strongmen present twitched their mouths.

Good man, if these words were spoken by the God of War, wouldn’t the whole galaxy be boiling?

But Ling Zhan smiled when he saw it.

"The person on the other side is quite interesting!"

Ling Strategic is interesting.

【OK. By the way, what should I call you?]

Ling Zhan sent it over!

"No, Lord God of War!"

"Yes, this will damage your glorious image!"

"Yes, you must not do that, Lord God of War!"


In an instant, some strong men hurriedly stopped him anxiously.

Unfortunately, Ling Zhan ignored them.

【Just call me Ji Ye!】

Ling Yan thought of a title that had nothing to do with himself.

After all, if it had anything to do with him, it would definitely be discovered.


"Polar Night? It's probably just a random thought! But in this case, it doesn't seem convincing enough!"

Ling Zhan naturally knew that this title might not mean anything.

Then he touched his chin, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

His eyes instantly swept across all the strong men around him.

Seeing Ling Zhan's eyes, the people around him were stunned for a moment,



"Tsk tsk, I wonder if the God of War will record the video! It's fun to think about it!"

Ling Yan couldn't help laughing at this time, and directly opened the first channel of the human race


However, within a few seconds of Ling Yan opening the channel, the screen went black.

The next moment, a beautiful host appeared on the channel.

""My fellow human beings, now we are going to interrupt you with an urgent news about the Supreme Council of the human race!"

The beautiful host spoke with a serious face.

The moment this news appeared, all the billions of people on the new life planet of the human race saw it, and all the projection equipment began to broadcast this news at this moment.

In an instant, the faces of all the human race changed drastically.

"Live broadcast around the world, is this another major event happening?!"

"The last time a global live broadcast occurred was when a tide of ninth-order beasts appeared in the Tuta galaxy!"

"Haven't you heard about it? A shop just appeared in the Apocalypse Mall selling an SSS+ Dragon Knight Job Change Scroll!

The price was hyped up to 550,000 Star Sources!

But the transaction was withdrawn at the last second!"

"What? There is such a thing? Is it because of this incident that a nationwide wanted notice is issued for the seller?"

"Not really.?"


In an instant, all the people in the human race began to discuss frantically in the news broadcast room.


And the Ling family of Longtengxing!

After a night, Ling Moyan, who finally succeeded in changing her job, also walked out of the room and came to the living room.

At this moment, her temperament was much more holy than before, and even her whole body attributes had a qualitative change.

At this time, a pure white lizard was lying on her shoulders..

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