Ling Zhan on the opposite side was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and then laughed

"Sure enough, I am still quite attractive. Could it be one of my fans?"

Ling Zhan couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Without hesitation, he directly selected two photos of himself domineeringly killing a 10th-level BOSS, signed his name, and then sent it to Ling Yan!

However, the next moment, Ling Zhan's face suddenly darkened.

【Ding... A new item is on sale in the Polar Night Store: a signed photo of the Human God of War Ling Zhan!

Price: 1000 Star Sources]

A reminder instantly spread throughout the Supreme Council.

In an instant, all the strong men looked at Ling Zhan with some doubts.


Ling Zhan's mouth twitched, and then he waved his hand, and his projection disappeared instantly.

Although the other strong men didn't know what happened, they all disappeared from the spot.



Dragon Star!

""Tsk tsk tsk, it's worthy of being the autographed photo of the Dragon God, 1000 Star Sources for free, awesome!!"

Ling Yan laughed happily when he saw the autographed photo of the Dragon God that was snapped up in seconds.

Of course, the reason he did this was mainly to give the other autographed photo to his sister.

After all, his sister is a fan of the God of War. In this way, even if she takes it out in the future, her sister can say that she bought the autographed photo.

As for where the money came from?

As a super genius who is also SSS+.

Although 1000 Star Sources are terrifying, there is still a chance to get them in the future.

"Tianqi, buy me all the dark gold fruits from LV30 to LV90, and the golden fruits!"

Ling Yan then spoke directly to Tianqi's will.

【Start shopping!】

【Congratulations, you have purchased LV30 Strength Fruit*10 (Dark Gold)】

【Congratulations, you have purchased LV30 Speed Fruit*10 (Dark Gold)】

【Congratulations, you have purchased LV30 Constitution Fruit*10 (Dark Gold Level)】

【Congratulations, you have purchased LV30 Soul Fruit*10 (Dark Gold)】



A large number of prompts came into Ling Yan's mind.

Because Ling Yan was not short of money, he bought almost all the fruits on the price list.

However, when he bought the LV70 attribute fruit, he found that there were not enough dark gold fruits. This was even more true at LV90!

Ling Yan only got 24 of the 40 dark gold fruits he needed!

"There are so few dark gold fruits. No wonder I took out 1,200 fruits before, and they were all eaten by the God of War in an instant!

It seems that even the Human Alliance lacks dark gold fruits, right?"

Ling Yan frowned and felt helpless.

The explosion rate of dark gold fruits is lower than that of ordinary dark gold equipment.

The most important thing is that this thing is still a consumable.

After one person eats it, it disappears, unlike equipment that can be left for others to continue using.

And every year, there will be many geniuses above SSS- in the entire human race. Although ordinary SSS- cannot obtain dark gold fruits, even so, the consumption is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, dark gold fruits are almost all strictly controlled by the Human Federation.

Prevent this thing from being purchased by people with low talent and causing waste.

It is very good that Ling Yan can get so many dark gold fruits in the Apocalypse Mall.

"It seems that I can only find the God of War! He just said that I can ask for anything.

I don't know if this request is too much."

Ling Yan was a little helpless.

Thinking that he just sold the other party's autographed photo, he felt a little embarrassed.

But he still sent the message to Ling Zhan.

He wanted to buy some attribute fruits below LV90.

As for LV100. Ling Yan has been prepared for a long time!

Go and explode by yourself, and even thought about where to explode Ling Yan.

【Ding... You received an email! It contains attachments: LV60 Dark Gold Fruit*14, LV70 Dark Gold Fruit*11, LV80 Dark Gold Fruit*15, LV90 Dark Gold Fruit*16]

However, what surprised Ling Yan was that the God of War sent all the things back to him right after he sent the message.

""Tsk tsk tsk, I said, the God of War is not that kind of stingy person!"

Ling Yan immediately laughed.

Then he directly transferred more than 100,000 star sources to the other party according to the price of Tianqi Mall.

Together with the previous purchases by Ling Yan, Ling Yan has spent more than 400,000 star sources.

You can imagine how expensive this thing is.

Then Ling Yan took a look at the attributes of these attribute fruits.


Item: Strength Fruit

Level: LV30

Quality: Gold

Effect: After use, strength is permanently increased by 200 points!

Note: Although the fruit condensed by the power rules is powerful, you can only eat ten of the same level and quality of power fruits in your lifetime!



Item: Strength Fruit

Level: LV30

Quality: Dark Gold

Effect: After use, strength is permanently increased by 600 points!

Note: Although the fruit condensed by the power rules is powerful, you can only eat ten of the same level and quality of power fruits in your lifetime!


The LV30 dark gold fruit can increase the attribute by 500 points, and ten pieces means 5,000 attribute points!

The gold one is only 150 points!

The LV40 dark gold can reach: 800, LV50: 1,200, LV60: 2,000, and the corresponding gold ones are: LV40: 200, LV50: 300, LV60: 400.

It can be said that the later the stage, the greater the gap between the gold fruit and the dark gold fruit!

Ling Yan roughly calculated that if he used all of them, his overall attributes could directly soar: 55,500 attribute points.

It is enough to more than double Ling Yan's overall attributes after removing the equipment!

If the equipment is added, the attributes can explode to 150,000.

Of course, it is mainly because Ling Yan's three-headed hell thunder dragon suit is not of enough level.

If the level can be raised to LV60, Ling Yan's overall attributes can soar a lot.

"Tianqi, use all the attribute fruits below LV60 for me! Also, allocate all the free attribute points to all attributes, so that all my attribute points are consistent!"

Ling Yan spoke directly to the system.

【Ding... Accepting the order! 】

The will of apocalypse responded instantly、


In an instant, all the attribute fruits in Ling Yan's backpack disappeared.

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