At the same time, Ling Yan's attributes also began to rise rapidly.

The powerful force made Ling Yan immersed in the feeling of strength improvement.

The dark gold fruit was so terrifying, if it was a red fruit, I don't know how huge the improvement would be.

It's a pity that the human race currently has too few red copies.

Of course, even if there is a red copy every three steps, it's useless. If you can't beat it, no matter how many copies you have, they are just decorations.

【Ding... Congratulations, your total attributes +55500! Total attributes increased to: 160000! 】

A prompt sound also reached Ling Yan's mind.

"The next step is to upgrade the equipment level!"

Ling Yan's eyes flashed. Although the attribute fruit greatly improved Ling Yan's strength, the real change in Ling Yan's strength still depends on the equipment.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan began to look at the Apocalypse Store.

Although the price of the dark gold level equipment level upgrade scroll is higher than the attribute fruit, it is not much higher.

Ling Yan only needs to consume 4 upgrade scrolls to upgrade 5 equipment levels.

Ten levels only require eight.

However, if Ling Yan upgrades ten levels, he needs 40 attribute fruits. Therefore, after comprehensive calculation, this price is about three times cheaper than using attribute fruits.

Therefore, without hesitation, Ling Yan directly purchased eight of all the dark gold level equipment level upgrade scrolls from LV50 to LV100.

"Apocalypse! Upgrade my three-headed hell dragon suit to level 60!"

Ling Yan spoke directly.

【Ding... Accept the command. Start upgrading! 】

The will of apocalypse responded to Ling Yan instantly.


In an instant, golden light suddenly burst out from Ling Yan's body, and then scrolls flew out of Ling Yan's body and flew directly into the sky.

These scrolls all exploded and turned into golden light all merged into the three-headed hell thunder dragon suit in Ling Yan's body.

At the same time, a violent force surged into Ling Yan's body, and at this moment Ling Yan's aura began to surge rapidly.

"hold head high!!!!"

"hold head high!!"

"hold head high!!"


In an instant, loud dragon roars resounded through the sky.

A huge three-headed hell thunder dragon phantom emerged from Ling Yan's body.

As the three-headed hell thunder dragon roared to the sky, its entire body began to expand crazily. Waves of terrifying pressure burst out from the phantom.

In the end, the height of the phantom reached a terrifying 200 meters.

A pair of flesh wings opened and directly covered the sky of more than 500 meters.

The three-headed hell thunder dragon suit on Ling Yan's body also became more hideous and oppressive.

【Ding... You used LV50 equipment upgrade scroll*8! Your three-headed hell thunder dragon suit level has been upgraded to LV50!】

【Ding... You use LV60 equipment upgrade scroll*8! Your three-headed hell thunder dragon suit level is upgraded to LV60! 】

Two prompt sounds followed.

At the same time, the new suit attributes appeared in front of Ling Yan.


Equipment: Three-headed Hell Thunder Dragon Set

Level: LV60

Quality: Dark Gold

Attributes: All attributes +300,000, Thunder, Dark, Undead Damage bonus: 800%, Mana and HP recovery +200,000/S、Armor Breaking and Demon Breaking Effect +250%

Additional Effect: Emperor's Pressure! After using, everyone within a 500-kilometer radius cannot escape the battle state!

Skill: Dragon Emperor Soul Killing (Each time you kill a living being, you can directly absorb the opponent's soul! When you absorb to the limit, you can release it instantly, thereby increasing your own soul value: 300,000 points!

Time limit: 1 minute

Absorption progress: 20%)


The new three-headed hell dragon suit increased Ling Yan's total attribute by 300,000!

In other words, Ling Yan's total attribute has now reached a terrifying 380,000.

For ordinary people at level 60, the total attribute is only less than 20,000.

It is conceivable how powerful Ling Yan is at this time. If he faces an ordinary professional, how terrifying it will be.

"Well, after this wave of purchases, only the last 70,000 of the original 570,000 or 80,000 star sources are left!

Ling Yan looked at his balance and felt a little annoyed.

It is really a waste of money to cultivate a being with the same strength as himself.

Moreover, from now on, Ling Yan estimates that he can only rely on himself.

Of course, the resources of the human race are enough to cultivate Ling Yan to LV250 and have enough dark gold attribute fruits and equipment to use.

After all, no matter how poor the human race is, it is still possible to cultivate one person.

However, after level 250, there is no way, because in the dark gold dungeon of that level, except for the R-level genius with a large group of super geniuses, ordinary SSS-geniuses can't even pass a round!

So, in the entire human race, in fact, no one has a dark gold weapon after reaching LV300!

Even the God of War is the same.

And at LV400 and above, even gold equipment is considered a luxury.

The equipment used by the strongest human god of war is only a gold LV500 or above, and the rest are purple!

This is true not only for the human race, but also for the supremes of other races.

The higher the level, the more terrifying the monster's strength.

Therefore, Ling Yan has only one way to obtain high-level and high-quality equipment, relying on his own explosion.

"But the skills are pretty good, at least before reaching LV5, all skills can be upgraded by using them!

And it's time to change my skills to improve my strength. I have been using the purple King Blood Rage for a long time!"

Ling Yan was somewhat helpless. After all, these skills that increase explosive power are very rare.

They are either extremely difficult to use or have great side effects.

For example, Ling Yan's Heavenly Demon Blood Sacrifice!

This thing will explode half of the body once it is used. How can ordinary people bear it? Only people like Ling Yan who have the power of life and the two passive skills of Tail Breaking and Survival can use it casually.

By the way, now there is another Devouring Rebirth.

As long as you devour any item, you can directly restore your body. This Heavenly Demon Blood Sacrifice can be used almost all the time.

If you combine it with the characteristic that the strength can burst after the Tail Breaking and Survival Rebirth, Ling Yan has a lot of room for operation.

So now what Ling Yan lacks is a skill that can increase strength like the King's Blood Rage.

And it cannot conflict with the Heavenly Demon Blood Sacrifice. If it conflicts, only one can be used.

Thinking of this, Ling Yan continued to browse the Apocalypse Mall.

After searching for a long time, Ling Yan found that there were very few dark gold-level skills.

It was also a bit helpless. The human race really hid all the good things in the mall within the human race.

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