If the talent is above SSS-, the talent gap is almost small, so the level and equipment are the most important.

Ling Yan's level is 20 lower than Zhou Yan's, and he has no equipment, but he can still beat Zhou Yan. How strong is Ling Yan?

Can I really beat Ling Yan at the same level?

Maybe, even if Ling Yan is five or even ten levels higher, it won't work?

Thinking of this, she was a little annoyed. How can this brat be so strong?


After flying out of the atmosphere of Longteng Star, Ling Yan and Murong Xingyu flew towards the spaceship in the sky at a very fast speed.

Unfortunately, the distance was too far. At their speed, it would take several hours.


At this moment, a beam of light descended from the sky and landed directly on Ling Yan and Murong Xingyu.

The speed of the two instantly increased by hundreds of times, and the speed was still increasing rapidly.

In the end, it increased to ten thousand times.

However, the two found that not far behind them, Zhou Yan, who was covered in feces and urine, was also catching up with them under the power of the traction beam.

Of course, Zhou Yan was so angry that he fainted.

Even the wounds on his body were filled with feces and urine. If it was in the era when medical technology was not developed, this injury would definitely be fatal.


After the three people entered the spaceship, the spaceship started directly with a wave.


With a violent distortion of the surrounding light and shadow, the spaceship disappeared into the starry sky in an instant.


The ancestral planet, Earth!

As the origin of the human race for tens of thousands of years, Earth is of great significance to the human race.

Perhaps because of this, the transformation and protection of the Earth is extremely good.

Its buildings are almost all stuck in the time when the human race could leave the Earth and settle in other places.

It was roughly around 2100 AD. After

Ling Yan traveled to this world in his previous life, he studied the history of this world.

The history before 2000 was almost exactly the same as that of the earth in his previous life.

The only difference is that in the course of history, professionals appeared.

However, before 2000, the population of the human race could not be increased at all due to the battles between dynasties and other reasons.

And the insufficient number of people means that it is difficult to have high-level geniuses.

Those famous generals in history are just A-level or even B-level geniuses.

In addition, the smaller the territory of the human race, the smaller the map of the human race server.

The development of the history of the human race in this world is almost exactly the same as the era in which Ling Yan lived.

And the turning point was around 1900.

Because some countries of the human race accidentally discovered some suspected alien civilizations, or some technologies left by ancient civilizations, thus opening up the electrical age.

In just over a hundred years, the human race broke out of the earth. Of course, the reason why it broke out of the earth in 2100 was mainly because in 2030. The

Third World War broke out, and that war led to the extinction of 90% of the human race.

Countless human strongmen were killed and injured.

Although war can promote the development of technology, that war was too fierce.

Instead, it had the opposite effect. It almost stopped the technology of the human race for decades.

Even some cutting-edge technologies were lost.

Later, some strong men appeared in the human race and took over various countries. In the end, they established the Supreme Federation of the Human Race, which was the first time that the entire human race was integrated.

Although there were still some differences, fortunately, with the suppression of the Supreme Council of the Human Race, the human race was able to develop steadily.

And as the population can expand outward.

The population of the human race also began to soar rapidly.

In just a few hundred years, all the planets in the solar system were transformed into habitable planets.

However, at that time, the development of the human race stagnated again, because in order to leave the solar system, space jump technology was needed.

And this technology was difficult for the human race for thousands of years without any clue.

Until one day, a scientific expedition team of the human race found a spaceship of an advanced civilization in a meteorite at the edge of the solar system.

After thousands of years of research, the space jump technology was completely mastered.

In the next few thousand years.

The human race expanded frantically towards the surrounding areas.

And because the number of people increased, high-level talents gradually appeared.

After all, there are many people, and there will always be one person with top talent.

Among these people, there are many who have made great contributions to the human race, and there are also many strong people who almost dragged the human race into eternal damnation.

But fortunately, the human race survived.

With the expansion, the human race also knew that there were four civilizations in the Milky Way that could not be provoked.

Fortunately, there are also many medium-level and low-level civilizations.

These civilizations are vassals of the four major civilizations, so they develop steadily.

But the human race is a vassal of a civilization called the Teast.

Firstly, the human race is within the jurisdiction of the other party, and secondly, this civilization looks more similar to the human race.

With the protection of the big brother, the human race has also developed rapidly. In just over 20,000 years, the human race has grown into a medium-level peak civilization! A medium-level civilization needs to have at least 100,000 planets with life.

A low-level civilization needs to have more than 10 galaxies like the solar system or no more than 100,000 planets with life.

At that time, the human race had developed to more than 20 million planets, which can be said to be the largest vassal civilization under the Tiste civilization.

There are even more than one ninth-level strongmen sitting in charge!

Such rapid development is naturally inevitable for other civilizations to be wary.

Only with the protection of the Tiste civilization, the human race is fine.

However, the mutation occurred in 27580 AD.

The strong men of the Tiste civilization caused the fall of the civilization's guardian supreme because of a high-level copy.

At the same time, 70% of the ninth-level strongmen fell.

And this news was learned by the other three civilizations.

At that moment, the three civilizations showed their fangs.

Joining forces, they began to slaughter the Tiste civilization crazily!

The Tist civilization was caught off guard. In just three days, all the warriors above level eight were surrounded and killed by several warriors of the same level.

Ordinary people were even more miserable. Their planets were directly bombarded by a large number of starships. They became dust in the universe.

Most of the civilizations under the Tist civilization surrendered directly, while the human race joined forces with several powerful mid-level civilizations to resist the three major civilizations.

At the same time, they tried to save the people of the Tist civilization.

Unfortunately, the Tist civilization was eventually destroyed.

Many people fled to other galaxies on spacecraft.

Those who could not escape were all slaughtered. Even if they were frantically guarded by the human race and other civilizations, no one survived. The human race also lost countless warriors in that battle.

One of the three ninth-level warriors was killed.


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