Fortunately! At that time, the first generation of human guardian, the Sky-breaking Martial God, suppressed a group of strong men with the strength of the ninth level, and finally prevented the human race from falling.

After all, there is only one existence that can kill the ninth-level strong man, that is, the tenth-level supreme.

And there is only one such existence in each of the three major civilizations, and at most there are only two.

Any one is the cornerstone of civilization.

Who knows if this ninth-level strong man will have some powerful skills to exchange life for life?

After all, the three major civilizations also suffered heavy losses. Although they gained a lot of benefits, many strong men died.

Therefore, they dared not offend the human race at that time. After all, if the ninth-level strong man went crazy, their three civilizations would lose more.

Therefore, the human race survived under the protection of the Sky-breaking Martial God.

And because the human race is in the territory of the Tiste civilization. In addition, the three major civilizations are recuperating and taking over the territory slowly.

The human race actually snatched a large piece of meat, and grew in just over 10,000 years! The number of life planets has been directly increased to a terrifying 300 million.

In 38,000 years, it became the existence second only to the three major civilizations in the entire Milky Way.


Of course, the three major civilizations would know all this?

Of course they knew, but they didn't care. After all, in their eyes, the human race was just an ant that could be crushed to death at will.

The God of Breaking the Sky did not break through the tenth level in the end, so he had been dead for thousands of years.

Although a large number of ninth-level masters rose to power and died, there were only 5 ninth-level masters and more than 200 eighth-level masters left.

But so what?

Compared with the gap between the three major civilizations, it was too terrifying.

The human race took great pains to develop these planets into what they are now, and they were too happy to be happy. At that time, as long as the army came, they could directly take over all the industries of the human race.

300 million planets, if they wanted to develop them, it would cost a lot of manpower and material resources.

And now they just need to force the human race to hand them over.

Therefore, the three major races tacitly let the human race take over.

It was not until 38,500 that the three major races finally determined the policy of attacking the human race after a 500-year-long division of spoils.

That day.

All the starry sky armies of the three major civilizations were dispatched.

Countless starships from the third to the ninth level pressed towards the human race.

The three supreme beings went out to raid the formation in person.

However, what confused the three civilizations was that! The human race only sent one person!

A young man wearing a war god black armor, holding a sky-breaking magic gun, with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

The young man has an R-level war god body and controls the power of space!

One person and one gun, plus the unpredictable power of space, actually fought a bloody way out of countless starships and a large group of eighth-level and ninth-level strongmen's crazy bombardment.

Finally came to the three supreme beings. '

That day, they knew that there was also a supreme being among the human race, and it was a young supreme being with terrifying strength.

The three supreme beings fought with each other separately!

Without exception!

Except for the strongest Bratz civilization supreme who barely tied with the war god, the other two were defeated.

From that day on, they knew that the human race could not be humiliated.

Although they were angry, they had to stop under the terrifying fighting power of the war god.

After all, if they really fought, they would definitely win, but one of the three of them might be injured.

Even two, therefore, except for the Supreme of the Bratz civilization, the other two Supremes evacuated directly!

There was only one civilization, Bratz. Even if it won, it would be picked up by the other two civilizations.

In the end, this earth-shaking war did not start.

And the human race, under the leadership of Ling Zhan, began to develop unscrupulously.

In just over ten thousand years, the number of life planets has increased to more than 800 million. There are more than ten ninth-order strongmen and seven or eight hundred eighth-order strongmen.

The Invincible Supreme, one person!

That's right, it's the Invincible Supreme. Although the Supreme of the Bratz civilization has become much stronger in the past ten thousand years, he also knows that he is not the opponent of the God of War.

Perhaps, even if the three supremes join forces, they may not be able to kill the God of War.

And this is the entire development history of human civilization in this world.




With the vibration of the spaceship, Ling Yan and his companions also arrived above a blue planet.

In the sky, Ling Yan looked at the earth below and felt a little nostalgic. Although according to the time, it was only less than a month since Ling Yan left the ancestral planet of this world, it seemed like many years had passed.

"Zuxing, it's still so beautiful!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but sigh.


At this moment, Ling Yan's cabin door slowly opened.

""Student Ling Yan, Master Murong Tu invites you and the other students to the main cabin!"

A beautiful lady came in and spoke respectfully to Ling Yan.

Ling Yan glanced at her. Her level was LV180. This level could make her one of the top 50 strong men on a weaker life planet!

Unexpectedly, she was just an ordinary staff member on this spaceship.

""Okay, I'll be right there!"

Ling Yan nodded slightly, and then walked directly outside.

A few minutes later, Ling Yan, under the guidance of Sister Yu, came to the largest main cabin of the spacecraft.

At this time, Murong Xingyu, Zhou Yan who had recovered, and an SSS-level genius had been waiting for a long time.

The moment these geniuses saw Ling Yan, they all looked over in surprise. They had just seen the battle between Ling Yan and Zhou Yan through the broadcast. It can be said that they not only witnessed the scene of Zhou Yan's social death.

At the same time, they also witnessed Ling Yan's terrifying strength.

Without wearing equipment, he killed the SSS-genius who was 20 levels higher than him against the trend. If Ling Yan hadn't held back, the opponent would have died long ago.���

Of course, Zhou Yan finally realized the terrifying gap in strength between himself and Ling Yan.

The moment he saw Ling Yan, he subconsciously took a step back.

Although he had washed off all the dirt on his body, he could still vaguely feel a stench on his body.

"" Buzz!!!"

At this moment, the hatch of the control room slowly opened, and Murong Tu slowly flew out.

Even if the terrifying aura of the seventh-level strongman was only unconsciously emitted, it made these geniuses of the seventy or eighty levels feel extra pressure.

This pressure made them feel suffocated.

"Dear students, today is the opening ceremony of the Federation's Ultimate Academy. As geniuses from the Yanshen Galaxy, I have to tell you something!"

Murong Tu looked at the talented young men in front of him and spoke slowly.

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