At the top of the tower, in a huge hall! A statue of the Ice and Fire Emperor, half of which was burning with blazing fire and the other half was condensed with frost, stared at him.

A prompt sound appeared in front of him.

【The person bound by the soul breath: Jertus died!!】

"Was it discovered so soon? It seems that the human race's investigation methods are really not weak!"

Seeing this tip, the Ice and Fire Emperor did not care at all, but laughed.

In this way, Jertes can be his adopted son obediently.

With the pupil technique plus the invincible ice and fire talent, if it is well cultivated and combined with the ice and fire reincarnation path he took in his early years, it will not be a problem for him to become a SSS+ genius. It is even possible to become an R- genius!

As for the pupil technique, he couldn't help.

After he became a ninth-level strongman, he waited for thousands of years to find such a suitable inheritor.

Although they are not from his own civilization, he knows that his own civilization may still rebel.

But those who defected from other civilizations are generally more loyal than geniuses from his own civilization!

As for how he can see the other party's talent.

This is to talk about the three basic attributes.

For those geniuses with elements...

The three basic attributes are not just a decoration.

If the level of the three basic attributes is similar to or even higher than the talent corresponding to the element, the probability of receiving the reincarnation task will be much greater.

This is why Su Miaoran was chosen by her master.

Because Su Miaoran's three basic passive levels are very high.

Of course, there are many other reasons, such as the control of elements, or the degree of fit, etc.

These all require a strong person to observe carefully.

As for the ornament! That ornament was what he used to have.

It has been restricted since his talent reached R-.

And now, it is just right to bribe Gertus.

He gave the other party this thing, but limited the other party not to sell it or give it to others.

Of course, these are the only restrictions.

And promised that even if he died, he would still resurrect him and accept him as a personal disciple.

He even painted a big pie, as long as Gertus followed him well, In the future, I will definitely upgrade his talent to R-!

All of this is a big deal, plus the fact that the Ice and Fire Emperor is also an Ice and Fire Demon Pupil Master.

And he is one of the top ten strongest men in the galaxy. No matter how determined Jerts is, he was still moved. As for whether the Eye of the Ice and Fire Evil Emperor will be exploded, don't worry at all!

After all, it is a dark gold-level equipment, and it is also an accessory, and the explosion rate is very, very low! It is absolutely impossible for it to explode after one kill.

It is precisely because of this that the Ice and Fire Emperor gave the thing to Jerts so confidently.

Anyway, as long as he resurrects the other party, the thing will still belong to his Bratz civilization.

At the same time, if Jerts is resurrected by the human race, he will commit suicide without hesitation.

At that time, the human race will also waste a dark gold-level resurrection card.

"Since you are dead, then you should be my heir. I will make a race conversion card to transform you into a person of my Bratz civilization, and you don’t have to think about returning to the human race!"The

Ice and Fire Emperor couldn't help but laugh.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and instantly played a dark gold level resurrection card!


As a dark golden light surged, a resurrection card engraved with countless mysterious runes appeared in front of the Ice and Fire Emperor.

【Please confirm the target of resurrection! 】

A prompt sound instantly reached the mind of the Ice and Fire Emperor.

"Resurrect the human server player, Jertes!"

The Ice and Fire Emperor spoke directly.

As soon as he said this, Jertes' appearance and part of his description instantly appeared in front of the Ice and Fire Emperor.

【Please confirm whether it is the person in front of you! 】

The will of revelation continues to prompt


The Ice and Fire Emperor nodded slowly.

After all, the civilization is so large, and there are too many people with the same name!

Among the human race, there are probably millions of people named Jertus.

Fortunately, the will of Apocalypse can read the thoughts of the Ice and Fire Emperor, so the person the Ice and Fire Emperor wants to resurrect is whoever he wants to resurrect.

In addition to these verbal confirmations, it is almost impossible to resurrect the wrong person.


As expected, as soon as his voice fell, the dark gold resurrection card in front of the Ice and Fire Emperor exploded directly.

Instantly, a dazzling light burst out.

The dark golden light quickly condensed, and finally a blond and blue-eyed boy appeared in front of the Ice and Fire Emperor.

However, what made the Ice and Fire Emperor frown was that this boy was naked, not even wearing underwear.

"What's going on? Did this kid take off all his equipment and beg for mercy?"

For a moment, the Ice and Fire Emperor was a little dissatisfied. Although his Ice and Fire Evil Emperor's Eye could not be traded, he was also a little unhappy with this kind of spineless disciple.

As the resurrection was completed, Jerts slowly opened his eyes.

He saw the majestic Ice and Fire Emperor on the throne in front of him!

""Master... Master!?"

When Jerts saw him, he was stunned.

But the next moment, all his memories before his death came back to him.

""Disciple! I pay my respects to the Master!"

Gerts quickly knelt down respectfully in front of the Ice and Fire Emperor.

However, as he knelt, he suddenly felt the ground was extremely cold.

""Hiss! What's going on? Where's my equipment?"

Jerts was awakened by the cold.

He looked around his body in disbelief, and there was nothing. Then he quickly looked at his backpack, which was empty.

Even the star coins were all exploded.

"Impossible, what's going on? Why are all my equipment and items gone?"

Jerts couldn't help but exclaimed

"What do you mean"no more"? Didn't you voluntarily hand over all your things?"

After hearing what Jerts said, the Ice and Fire Emperor frowned and spoke coldly.

""No, Master, I remember your teachings. Even if I am going to die, I will drag the human genius down with me. But I was caught by that old thief Murong Tu and I can't kill anyone else!

I was definitely killed!"

Gerts quickly explained.

"What? Exploded? What about the Eye of the Ice and Fire Evil Emperor?"

Hearing this, the Ice and Fire Emperor's face changed instantly.

Jerts took a quick look and his face turned pale instantly!

"No... it's gone! It was also... exploded!"

Jerts murmured in disbelief.

"What? ?"

When the Ice and Fire Emperor heard this, he roared


In an instant, the uncontrolled terrifying force in his body crushed Jertus directly.

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