Before he could react, Jerts was instantly crushed into nothingness by this all-destroying force.

Seeing this, the Ice and Fire Emperor's face became even uglier.

He lost another Dark Gold-level resurrection card.

It is conceivable that the Eye of the Ice and Fire Evil Emperor is also a very precious thing to him.

Otherwise, he would not have lost his composure like this. He even lost control of his power and directly wiped out Jerts.

"There is no way this kid is lying to me.

That is to say, his luck is really bad, and someone triggered a big explosion, which exploded everything at once!"

Ice and Fire Emperor took a deep breath and began to think. The probability of such a big explosion is extremely low.

However, if the person who killed him is much lower than him, and his luck is just right, it is not incredible that everything will explode.

However, he was angry. There are no more than 10 powerful accessories like the Eye of the Ice and Fire Evil Emperor that can improve the passive level in his entire Bratz civilization!

And each one can improve an SSS-level genius to SSS+!

It can be said that even those seventh-level and even eighth-level strong men with only SSS and SSS- talents are flocking to it.

Even some weak strong geniuses in SSS+ want it.

After all, this thing can improve the passive level by three levels. As long as it corresponds to your own talent, it can make His own strength has improved a lot.

However, the Eye of the Ice and Fire Evil Emperor was his own thing, and he gave it to Jertus because it was very compatible with him.

Many civilizations often do this kind of thing, and there has never been any mistakes. It’s just that they used ordinary dark gold equipment before, and they didn’t play it as big as the Ice and Fire Emperor.

But he didn’t panic at all before.

It can’t be traded, so it can only be exploded, but it is more difficult to explode dark gold equipment from players than from BOSS.

After all, a genius of SSS-, at most, is equivalent to the weakest group of emperor-level BOSS. Do you expect to explode dark gold accessories from an emperor-level BOSS?

It’s impossible.

Who knew that it was really exploded.

How can he not be angry?

"Human race, Murong Tu! Good, very good, a mere seventh-rank ant, actually dared to explode the Ice and Fire Evil Emperor's Eye. When there is a chance, he will definitely kill you!"The

Ice and Fire Emperor couldn't help but snorted coldly.

With his strength, as long as he saw Murong Tu, it would be easy to kill him in seconds.

Thinking of this, he continued to take out a dark gold-level resurrection card to resurrect Gerts.

Although the other party lost a dark gold-level ornament, the other party's talent was so compatible with his own. If he lost it, he probably wouldn't be able to find a suitable successor in his lifetime.

He even ordered the news of Gerts' rebellion to spread.

The purpose was just to let the other party come to him as a disciple earlier.

Thinking of this, he directly took out the second dark gold-level resurrection card to resurrect the other party.

However, at this moment, a prompt sound suddenly came.

【Ding... The player you want to revive has been resurrected! Please confirm that the other party is dead! 】

The moment this prompt sound appeared, Binghuo Zunhuang's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Resurrected?! What's going on? Did this guy just lie to me? Just to make me lose a resurrection card? That's not right. The human race's attitude towards geniuses is usually to kill the wrong person rather than let him go.

I think this kid's character is not the kind of person who is loyal to his own civilization.

I am a ninth-level strong man as his master, it is impossible for him not to be tempted!"

The Ice and Fire Emperor thought quickly in his heart.

But no matter what, he will know after resurrecting for a day. If Jerts has no ill intentions towards him, he will definitely commit suicide within a day.



However, at the same time!

Earth! In a nearby different dimension!

A continent is slowly suspended here.

This continent has a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers and a huge area that can accommodate hundreds of billions of humans.

And there are a large number of indigenous residents living here.

These residents have lived in this continent for generations.

Like the people on Earth, they can fight monsters and level up, but there is no Apocalypse Crack connecting to the Apocalypse Continent here!

After research, the human race found that the natives here should be the projection of a certain place in the real world. In fact, these natives are all wild monsters.

It’s just that because they are humanoid, the federal government stipulates that humanoid wild monsters cannot be slaughtered at will unless the other party takes the initiative to provoke trouble.

This continent was named the God-chosen Continent by the natives.

The so-called God-chosen refers to the people of the human race.

In their legends, these God-chosen people came from outside the domain.

Living with them on this God-chosen continent, but every once in a while, they will leave and disappear, and new people will come in after a while.

But no one knows where these people come from.

This situation actually happens not only on this continent, but also on the Apocalypse Continent, there are countless indigenous civilizations.

They also cannot leave the Apocalypse Continent. For those players who can log in, they are all called Apocalypse players.

In the center of this God-chosen Continent, a huge city academy was built there!

This is the Supreme University of the Federation.

The Supreme University of the Federation was jointly established by the human race and the indigenous strongmen here.

There are strong human races and indigenous strongmen teaching.

Of course, the strongest person in the God-chosen Continent has only reached the eighth level.

However, these natives have lived in the God-chosen Continent for millions of years and have their unique teaching concepts.

It is precisely because the human race has combined these teaching concepts that so many strong people can be cultivated.

When the God-breaking Martial God knew about this God-chosen Continent, he was also full of emotion. After all, there are no more than ten planes in the entire galaxy that seem to be a small Apocalypse Continent.

The other few are controlled by other civilizations.

But unlike the human race, they directly enslave those planes.

After all, the strength gap is there.

However, the God of Breaking the Sky discovered the teaching methods of these natives, so he finally chose to join forces with them.

The human race has the technology of the outside world and its own powerful resources

, while the indigenous people have millions of years of teaching philosophy. With the combination of the two, the human race has grown much faster.

Of course, this ultimate federal institution is not only for the human race, but also for indigenous geniuses, but the number is much smaller. After all, the population is dozens of times smaller than that of the human race.

It is normal for the number of powerful people to be dozens of times smaller.

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