I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 168 The patron saint who is as panic-stricken as the sky, blocking the monsters from the sky

"Oh my god, this is the coolest thing I've ever done."

"Yes! Together we drove away hundreds of dementors."

"Hey, Colin, did you take a picture of my heroic figure?"

"Haha~ It's just you. The fluorescence of the wand is so dim that you can ignore it. What does this have to do with you?"

Harry heard many whispers.

He couldn't open his eyes.


All he could feel was that he was wet and soft underneath.

He should have landed on the grass.

Suddenly a whistle reached his ears, followed by the cheers of countless people.

"Gryffindor wins!!!"

Yes, Gryffindor wins.

Harry was still holding the Golden Snitch tightly in his hand!

The next second, the entire Gryffindor stand erupted into almost crazy shouts.

I don’t know if they are celebrating Harry or themselves!

Haha - everyone is involved in driving away the dementors, eh - everyone is happy, and I wish you good luck.

Owen frowned, he was the most unhappy.

This was simply the worst game he had ever seen. He didn't see anything the whole time.

It's true that standing in the rain consumes calories quickly and makes him hungry.

Harry finally woke up in the school nursery.

The members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team were guarding his bedside. They were splashed with mud from head to toe, but their faces were full of excitement, and the happiness in their eyes could not be reduced.

"Harry, Harry, what do you think?" Ron also had an excited smile on his face.

He had also used the Patronus Charm just now. Although he did not have a physical Patronus, the silver light was richer than most young wizards.

"Did we win?" Harry's first words when he opened his eyes were that they were competing.

"We won, we beat Harry!" Wood, the wooden man, showed some humanity at this time. He happily grabbed Harry's hand, "We are ahead by almost three hundred points!"

"That's good."

"Hey, buddy, you didn't see my heroic performance just now. I dare say that there are few in Gryffindor who can cast the Patronus Curse better than me!" Ron raised his head proudly and said To be honest, there are not many young wizards in Hogwarts who can surpass him in the Patronus Charm.

After all, the Weasley children are geniuses each.

The eldest brother, Bill, is a Gryffindor prefect, president of the Hogwarts Boys' Student Union, and holds twelve O.W.L certificates.

The second brother, Charlie, is the prefect of Gryffindor, the president of the Hogwarts Boys' Student Union, and has twelve O.W.L certificates. In seventh grade, he helped Gryffindor win the Quidditch Cup that year.

The third brother, Percy, is the prefect of Gryffindor, the former president of the Hogwarts Boys' Student Union, and has twelve O.W.L certificates. Future Assistant Minister of Magic.

There is no need to say more about the Geminis. Although they are not academic material, their talents in alchemy, potions, and charms are even better than those of his brothers!

From this point of view, no matter how you think about it, Ron can't be a mediocre person.

"Hey, little Ron, Hermione's magic spell can reveal the appearance of the Patronus, but they are all in third grade. What do you have to be proud of!" George ruthlessly crushed Ron's pride.

Yes, he is indeed very good, but unfortunately, all the little wizards who can surpass him happen to be gathered here.

"Can you just make me happy for a while?" Ron immediately grimaced, his eyes full of displeasure.

For a moment everyone laughed out loud.

Hermione had no intention of getting involved in the conversation among these boys. She frowned from beginning to end, "But why did the dementors attack us again? Aren't they supposed to protect us?"

"Hermione." Fred screamed strangely, and then imitated the dementor's appearance, stretching out his hands and making faces, "Do you think a monster like this can reason with a wizard?"

"The Ministry of Magic just hires them."

"They can't control the dementors at all!"

George also nodded. As children within the system, they knew much more than ordinary wizards. "Have you seen The Quibbler?"

"No." Hermione shook her head.

"While that magazine was full of lies and fantasy in many places, when it came to the Dementors, they were right."

"Dementors are hungry wolves raised by the Ministry of Magic. They allow those monsters to absorb the emotions of Azkaban prisoners, just like giving the hungry wolves a little ration, and then hire them to guard the prison."

"But what now?" Fred continued, "Dementors can't find food around Hogwarts!"

"So - they will definitely attack us!" Hermione opened her eyes wide in disbelief and came to a terrible conclusion.

"No, I guess they didn't dare." Ron raised his eyebrows, "With Dumbledore in the castle, they didn't dare to attack the little wizard. I think it was Harry who rushed into them and disturbed the group. Dementors.”

"Maybe!" The twins nodded, agreeing deeply with Ron's guess. After all, the Dementors are not a bunch of brainless fools, they know the price of attacking the little wizard.

Then everyone put forward various conjectures.

And where the Dementors go after.

It wasn't until Madam Pomfrey held a bottle of potion and angrily dispersed them that the infirmary became quiet.

A few days later, under Madam Pomfrey's special refreshing potion, Harry was almost recovered after lying down for two more days. However, Madam Pomfrey refused to let him leave the hospital and let him rest for another day before letting him go. Harry.

Harry returned to his dormitory and was cheered like a hero!

The twins held a special celebration in the Gryffindor common room.

Everyone was overjoyed. Not only did they win, but more importantly, Colin's photo was in the newspaper again!

Yes, the next day the Daily Prophet published Colin’s picture of the little wizard calling gods and fighting monsters!

The headlines on the front page - The patron saint of panic is like the sky, blocking the monster from the sky.

This time both the little wizard and Hogwarts stole the show!

Strong black and white composition!

It’s a breathtaking epic feeling!

The most spectacular scene was published in the newspapers.

This is nothing like Irving's time, although heroism is very popular in Europe!

But when your child becomes a hero, that’s the bomb that ignites the conversation!

Many parents of students were surprised to find that they could vaguely see their children under the spectacular sky.

On the second day of the incident, countless letters poured into Hogwarts from all over the UK. They were all inquiry letters sent by parents of students!

And after getting a positive answer!

Public opinion exploded again!

"Look, that's my son! My son!"

"Haha! Look, my daughter is in the newspaper. Haha, did you see it? She's on the edge of the stands."

"Haha, only half of your face is exposed. Who knows if it's your daughter? Or look at my son, but he's showing his whole face!"

"What's the use of showing your face! Look at my grandson, look, his Patronus can even see the outline of his body! He is only fourteen years old, and he can cast the Patronus Charm at the age of fourteen. My grandson is definitely a Hogwart. The genius of this century!"

Scenes like this happen one after another.

It is also the first time for many parents to realize how their children are so strong!

All joking aside, most parents may not be able to use the Patronus Charm.

A wizard who can summon a patron saint is considered to have superb magical power. In ancient times, wizards who could summon physical patron saints were directly recommended to become officials of the Ministry of Magic.

It can be said that a wizard who can cast the Patronus Charm is not necessarily a first-rate wizard, but a first-rate wizard must know the Patronus Charm!

This curse has always been generally considered by the wizarding world as a standard equipment for strong men.

Now when their children actually release this curse, the excitement of those parents can be imagined.

Professor Dumbledore received letters of praise from parents for several days in a row.

Professor Lupine, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, also received a lot of letters of praise.

This left the unknown werewolf wizard somewhat helpless.

Of course, the happy days of hello, me, and everyone did not last long.

It should be said that not even a day.

Because the parents who were looking back suddenly discovered that the dementors from the Ministry of Magic were out of control again and were attacking the little wizards on a large scale!

That’s okay!

Minister of Magic Fudge immediately became the target of public criticism!

Send a howler letter to the minister.

This is a topic that many employees in the ministry talk about most these days.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Fudge has gone far, and this incident of the dementors getting out of control will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

He may actually be resigning at Christmas.

As more and more officials learned about this, an undercurrent surged in the Ministry of Magic. Everyone is anxious about the team.

The new Minister of Magic, who everyone is eagerly awaiting, is gradually emerging.


On the other side, Hogwarts Castle.

The day after the game, Owen happily ran from the eighth floor to the Room of Requirement with a biting cabbage in his hands.

This is the reward given to him by the old principal!


After getting the key experimental materials, Owen immediately started researching.

Perhaps by driving away the dementors, his bad luck was also driven away.

Irving's early preparations went quite smoothly.

Every step was perfect!

This time, he will definitely succeed!

Owen is very confident in this!

Then as expected - of course there was an accident.

Haha - just kidding, doing experiments is not like opening a box, there is always a guarantee after ten times! The experimental design is wrong. One plus one will never equal three!

Owen, who scrapped the last biting cabbage in just ten minutes, returned to his dormitory from the Room of Requirement in despair, preparing to face the alchemical trial.

The last week of October.

In alchemy class.

Wenda was sitting on a soft armchair, with five volumes of "The Color" written by the little wizard that he had devoted so much effort to at his feet.

Although that elegant figure didn't say a word, the pressure it created was even greater than that of Professor McGonagall.

"This experimental design of yours - do you infer that the venom will be degraded by mithril in the end?" Professor Wenda held up Owen's homework, with a normal expression and cold eyes as he continued: "Did you figure it out with your toes?"

"Um" Owen couldn't speak clearly, his eyes were in a daze, and he replied with an awkward smile and an unnatural expression: "That - I just guessed."

"Huh?" Wenda's gray eyes glanced at him, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, "Come on, say it again."

"I'll go to Professor Sprout's greenhouse and steal two more plants." After saying that, someone planned to yo-yo.

"Want to run?" Suddenly, Wenda waved her hand violently in the lecture, and in an instant, all the tables and chairs in the classroom began to change.

Like building blocks, Owen's steps and his desk were moving backwards, as if some force was pulling him, pushing him to the desk little by little.

"This!" Owen's eyes widened. He had only seen this kind of transformable classroom in Beauxbatons. When did she transform her classroom into one like this?

"Right here—"

Owen's table came to the table, and then a piece of parchment automatically floated in front of him.

"Deduce the replacement process you want to use mithril."

"This." Owen looked confused and whispered in a somewhat tangled voice: "That professor! Is there a possibility that I don't know how to do it?"

"You don't know how?" She said with a stern look in her eyes and an arrogant expression on her face: "Isn't this all in the book? You can't even follow it?"


This time it was Owen's turn to be confused, what!

When did the book appear?

"That professor." He opened the book on the table page by page, and then found the page that was replaced by alchemy. "The book only has conclusions, no principles! There is not even a derivation equation. I can write the experimental design like this , it’s already very..."

A certain French Rose's eyes became sharp.

Owen booed quickly and said emphatically: "I have exhausted my imagination."

"?" Hearing this, Wenda took the "Standard Alchemy, Elementary" from Owen's hand and flipped through two pages.

Then his frown deepened.

"This is the Hogwarts textbook? A complete collection of children's stories?"

"No wonder you have studied terminology for a whole year. It turns out that the magic school is to cultivate writers!"

Her voice was full of ridicule, and then she threw the garbage in her hands on the ground.

"Hey, Professor, didn't you choose this textbook?" Owen glanced at the textbook on the ground, which had less than twenty pages, including seven or eight pages of drawing, and sighed with some regret in his heart.

This is the thinnest of all his textbooks.

He likes it very much, but I'm afraid he won't be able to see it again.

"Humph! Let's go to self-study first." As she said that, she stood up suddenly, the discarded trash floating behind her, then turned around gracefully and walked straight out of the classroom door.

She passed by the little wizards.

With her delicate makeup and sharp temperament, although she is a few years older than Professor McGonagall, she doesn't look like an 'old man' who is nearly a hundred years old at all. Judging from her appearance alone, she is only about thirty years old. left and right.


After seeing that figure leave the classroom, Percy and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"She is scarier than Professor McGonagall."

"Obviously not saying anything."

As a Gryffindor prefect, Percy has long felt the majesty of Professor McGonagall.

In the Transfiguration class, the professor always had a serious face.

Every sentence only expresses what is in class, and nothing else is said.

That serious look frightened the little wizard.

But Wenda is completely different.

She sat in the lecture during class, and it seemed like she was in a different world from them.

But it was that sense of alienation and strangeness, and the unknown that brought about, that continued to deepen the little wizard's fear.

That comes from the fear of the unknown deep in the human soul.

"It's a bit powerful!" Maybe it was an illusion, Owen always felt that when he was talking to Wenda, there was always an inexplicable - how should I put it, a sense of oppression.

He didn't feel it with Dumbledore.

With Owen's character, if it were another professor, he would have already messed up: his son gave difficult questions, his grandson was strict in proctoring the exam, I didn't know how to do it, and he paid me back for schooling. How could he care so much about it?

"Speaking of which, Owen." Percy suddenly looked up at him, his expression a little relaxed, "Your surname is Sanchez, the professor's surname is Sanchez, and you look a bit like her."

Not only that, if Irving had long hair

"They both have gray eyes, black hair, and similar faces. You are not related!"

"Relatives?" Percy mentioned this, and Owen also felt that he and Wenda seemed to have some connection.

No way~

He didn't dare to think that he and Wenda were directly related by blood. After all, his grandfather was still alive. Owen didn't think that Wenda could still like other men.

He speculated that his mother might be a descendant of the Rozier family. He may belong to the same family as Wenda.

Yo ho!

Now we have become the descendants of a big family!

On the other side - the headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

The cabinet next to the wall was opened by Dumbledore. The pensieve popped out.

It was a shallow stone basin with strange carvings on the mouth.

It was filled with something that was not just a liquid but a gas, like a piece of bright silver, but constantly moving, like water ripples in the breeze, and like clouds that spread out and swirled softly.

But Dumbledore's gaze was not on the pensieve, but on the mirror above the basin.

That's a two-way mirror.

On the other side of the mirror is Nicolas Flamel's safe house in Paris, France.



"What's wrong?" the principal asked.

"My potion shouldn't have this effect, but the child's soul has indeed stabilized a lot." Nick stared at a metal instrument in his hand in confusion and kept mumbling to himself.

"Can he be cured?" A light flashed in the old principal's eyes.

There was an obvious fluctuation in the tone.

"No, Albus, it's just the calm before the thunderstorm. Heavy rain will definitely fall."

"As for the magic formula, I need time to continue researching it."

"Okay." The old principal's expression returned to normal. He sighed, then pressed a switch on the door cabinet, and then the stone basin retracted.

He sighed softly, then turned around and came to an exquisite silver instrument placed on the table.

Dumbledore moved the instrument to the desk, sat down facing them again, and tapped it lightly with the tip of his wand.

The instrument immediately started running, making a rhythmic tinkling sound, and the small silver tube at the top spurted out wisps of light green smoke, gathering and swirling in the air. Dumbledore looked at Qing Yan intently, his brows furrowed. After a few seconds, a few wisps of smoke turned into a steady stream of smoke, getting thicker and thicker, hovering in the air - the top turned into a soaring phoenix, and the phoenix spread its wings and flew high.

That's not Fox.

It was another, smaller, frailer phoenix.

‘Dong dong~’

Suddenly there was an urgent knock on the door, breaking Dumbledore's thoughts.

With a normal expression on his face, he raised his hand to disperse the smoke, then returned to his desk and chair and opened the black leather notebook.

Seeing that his good college student didn't reply to him.

"Please come in!" A majestic voice came out, and then the woman wearing a dark green tight robe walked in with fire dragon leather boots.

"I heard that you once studied alchemy with Nico Flamel and discovered the twelve uses of dragon's blood." Wenda's cold voice, accompanied by some strange sarcasm, reached Dumbledore's ears. "Did you steal Nick's work?"

"?" The old principal was stunned upon hearing this. His achievements in alchemy were obvious to all. Wenda couldn't possibly not know about it, so what happened?

"Perhaps the principal is already so busy that he doesn't even need to consider the school's teaching materials?" As she said that, the "Standard Alchemy, Elementary" behind her fell on Dumbledore's desk with a 'bang', and her Those charming gray eyes were even more sarcastic, because she saw the black leather diary in Dumbledore's hand.

"So you are writing your own personal biography! Are you going to write a training manual on how to betray and how to deceive people's hearts, so that all those little wizards can learn from you one by one?"

"This notebook belongs to someone else." The old principal defended himself, and then realized that his answer seemed to arouse more resentment from others, after all, it was like peeking into other people's diaries.

Immediately, he put down Tom's notebook, picked up the "Standard Alchemy, Elementary", looked at it and said, "What's the matter? It's short, concise, concise and powerful, very suitable for little wizards to learn."

"Heh-then why don't you get a dictionary to use as a teaching material?"

"Hmm - the main purpose of this textbook is to stimulate young wizards' interest in alchemy. Look - with all the pictures and texts, how can a sixteen-year-old child understand such complex alchemical principles?" Dumbledore There was an awkward smile on his face. Explained in one sentence.

Other textbooks are chosen by the professors themselves, but the alchemy course - it is special after all. There is no standard set of textbooks for ancient alchemy. The previous professor only used Beauxbatons' third-year elective course (their third-year course). Alchemy is included in grade elective courses), translated into English, and then made do with it.

Anyway, alchemy does not participate in the N.E.W.T (Advanced Wizarding Test).

For subjects that don’t have exams, isn’t that physical education?

"Interest? Don't you think it's a bit late to start developing interests at the age of sixteen?" Wenda said unceremoniously.

"It's never too late to learn."

"Haha - if you can't cast the disarming spell successfully at the age of sixteen, then you can stick out your wand and become a No-Maj. If you still can't understand the principles of alchemy at the age of sixteen, then drop out of school and become a mother to those magical beasts. Ten If you are still in school at the age of six, you will not achieve anything in your life."

".I think you are a bit extreme." Dumbledore responded with a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth.

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