I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 169 The painful polar shift then shifts again.

".I guess you're going a bit extreme."

"Haha - look at that textbook, Chapter 3, Page 2, Paragraph 1, do the sentences make sense?"

"The professor before this, he didn't understand French. He didn't proofread, hiss~" The old principal was embarrassed. His happy-go-lucky and muddle-headed attitude in the alchemy class was about to be exposed!

Immediately, he hurriedly explained: "At that time, I did not support the textbook he compiled. I suggested using Nick's manuscript."

"No need to say more." Wenda waved her hand to indicate that she didn't want to listen anymore. She had a half-smile expression on her face, which was cold and charming. Although her tone was not high, she was not like those hysterical lunatics. But he has a unique sense of majesty, commanding and aloof.

"There is still a week until the next class. You give me four days to reorganize a new version of the textbook."

"As for your precious students, you can only get P in this year's course." After saying that, she raised the corners of her mouth, stepped on the floor with her high heels, making a steady and loud sound, and then turned and left the principal's office.

"Alas." The old principal lowered his head and looked at the textbook in his hand, feeling a trace of pity for the little wizards in his heart.

When he was in school, this book originally had more than three hundred pages.

All translated in the Egyptian "Cuiyulu".

Of course, three hundred pages cannot fully translate that masterpiece on alchemy.

What they actually see is nothing more than a table of contents-like section.

Later, after he met Nick, the translation manuscript of "Jade Record" that Nick gave him was written on parchment and piled on the ground to a height of about 9 feet (2.7 meters).

Just translating the entire manuscript into French is more than 600 pages long. This is still a version that does not explain the derivation process of many formulas in detail. If Nick's revised "Secrets of Ancient Alchemy" is translated into English, it will be enough. Over thirteen hundred pages. (About thirteen centimeters thick)

Enough to use as a pillow.

This workload is indeed a bit heavy.

He obviously doesn't have such time himself

Hmm - it seems that he needs to find someone who knows French, has some knowledge of alchemy, and has a lot of free time.


Suddenly, a boy with gray eyes and black hair, who was the president of the Hogwarts Student Union, appeared in his mind.

Coincidentally, this is not~~~ A smile appeared on the old principal's face.

Hmmmm - this is considered exercise - isn't it?

If you can complete the translation of that masterpiece, no matter what, the child will step into a whole new level in alchemy. This is a different kind of class!


On the other side, Owen, who was discussing the Patronus Charm with Percy, had no premonition of the impending disaster.

After finishing the class in a hurry, he fled the alchemy classroom without stopping.

Those senior students could annoy him to death, constantly asking him how he could release the complete body of the patron saint Barabala.

He wasn't as patient as Harry.

Failure to learn can only mean that you are stupid.

You're eighteen years old, you're about to graduate, and you still can't learn the Patronus Charm, so don't learn it, just stick out your wand and become a Muggle!

If you graduate at the age of 18 and still don’t have a girlfriend, then don’t look for one. Wearing women's clothing directly benefits society!



Apart from Percy being addicted to the Patronus Charm, the rest of Gryffindor is also not normal.

The first person to bear the blame was Ron. This guy had secretly started to investigate on his own who had stolen his spotted mouse. First of all, he suspected Owen, but there was no other way. Sirocco seemed to be very interested in the dead mouse. I was interested and wanted to eat it several times. Unfortunately, the mouse was a human being after all. In terms of IQ, the kitten was still slightly lacking, so I never caught it.

But Ron didn't care about that, he felt that Sirocco had eaten his Scabbers.

In the end, it was Owen who personally took care of him, and then the guy burst into tears and said that the murderer was actually someone else, and that he had never doubted Sirocco, and other touching words.

Next was Hermione - although she seemed to have given up on researching her thesis, secretly she was frantically reading textbooks on alchemy.

This crazy little witch is flying high.

It was only after Harry was injured that Owen learned from Madam Pomfrey that the raw materials for the refreshing potion she prepared every winter were much less.

As Owen, who also drank refreshments as happy water, he immediately smelled a strong scent of refreshments from Hermione's body.

The little witch bought herself a Muggle thermos cup?

Keep it in your pocket every day and take a sip whenever you have nothing to do.

Fortunately this was the third grade, otherwise Owen would have thought it was Barty Crouch Jr. sneaking in.

The last one is, of course, our savior, Mr. Harry Potter!

Owen has always felt that this guy should not be discharged from the hospital. He should be transferred from the Hogwarts School Infirmary to Arkham Asylum.

After getting up from the hospital bed, this guy kept saying something. As he fell from the sky, he vaguely saw a big black dog.

What black dog prophecy, what Professor Trelawney's prophecy came true, and other nonsense.

Suspicious to the point of madness.

Moreover, he believed so much in the words of that old madman Trelawney that he almost lived in the divination classroom holding a crystal ball.

Hermione even argued with him about this.

Friendly reminder: Because a crazy little witch attacked the Minister of Magic at night last semester, she did not apply for a time converter this year.

However, Hermione still chose a few more elective courses than a normal little wizard.

Ancient Runes, Magical Creatures, Divination, Arithmancy Lessons.

Four doors

Although she gave up Muggle Studies, the schedule was still abnormal.

Divination and arithmetic were repeated during school hours.

The way Hermione responded was to take a class every other week. For the missing section, go to other elective young wizards to borrow notes!

Of course, this situation did not last long, because after only one class, Hermione discovered the nature of Professor Trelawney's old liar. After decisively rejecting the divination class, she got a normal card that was almost the same as Owen's. curriculum.

That's why she and Harry, a devout believer, had such a big conflict.

One just thinks it's a liar, the other believes it!

It would be strange not to start a fight.

This was nothing to do with Owen, but Hermione came to him several times and asked him to save Harry's (Owen's privately added adjective) rotten and fanatical mind.

Uneasy, he could only sneak Harry out of Professor Trelawney's office on the day before Halloween (because of the holiday).

"In the name of Plum Saint, Plum Father, and Plum Son, I forgive you, stupid mortal. May the brainless and idiots stay away from you, Plum!" Owen grabbed Harry's forehead with one hand, then dragged him, dragging him all the way from Drag him to Professor McGonagall's office on the second floor.

"Go in and repent! Sinner, Master Miao Miao will forgive you for betraying our Lord!"

"No, Owen, you don't understand at all, Professor Trelawney, she - she can see the future." Harry stood in front of Professor McGonagall's office tangledly, with a look of piety on his face. Professor Lelawney also predicted that he would be in danger around Christmas, and that his life and death would be in danger.

He must improve his dueling skills as soon as possible.

I hope we can get through the crisis safely this time.

"I can also see the future!" Owen said with disdain.

"I'm telling you, I predict that if you continue like this, Professor McGonagall will find an opportunity to beat you up!"

"You didn't come to the divination class, so you haven't seen it! Many of her predictions have come true. Think about Ron, if his mice are also considered family members, then Trelawney's predictions for their family will be It's fair to say that one person leaves forever." Harry struggled, trying to break away from Owen's hand, he didn't want to see Professor McGonagall!

Teacher Meow will definitely give him detention!

Then punished for copying textbooks!

"She is a bit omniscient and omnipotent! Owen, you'd better respect her, otherwise if she doesn't tell you about the dangers you will encounter in the future, you won't be able to avoid them in advance!"

"Fart!" Owen scolded, and then pushed open the door of Teacher Meow's office, "The last person who claimed to be omniscient and omnipotent, his son has been hanging on the cross for two thousand years, and he is still staring at you every day!"


On the other side, Professor McGonagall, whose door opened, of course heard Owen's somewhat noisy voice.

The frown on her face relaxed slightly, but quickly came back together.

This is a small study located next to the corridor on the second floor, and the fire in the fireplace is already burning.

A table with a window behind it looking out onto the Quidditch pitch.

"Quick! Teacher Meow, your savior is about to join the cult!"

Owen lowered his head and pulled Harry hard with both hands.

As for Harry, he was holding on to the door frame with both hands, unwilling to come in.

"What are you talking about! Owen!" Professor McGonagall has become accustomed to the various strange names this unlucky child calls her!

At first, she would be angry and deduct points, but this naughty child refused to change despite repeated admonitions.

And he didn't just make up nicknames for himself.

What about the old bat who doesn’t wash his hair, the old bee who hires child labor without being paid, etc.

In the entire Hogwarts faculty and staff, except for Professor Sprout, there was no one he dared not arrange!

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall felt a little relieved. After all, compared to her title, the other professors' names were not good words!

"Of course he joined Professor Trelawney's secret sect. This guy is obsessed with it. He goes to the divination classroom every day and has almost lost all his savior cards!"

While Harry's attention was focused on the door frame, Owen raised his foot and swept his legs. Harry, whose center of gravity was unstable, immediately staggered and let go of his hand, trying to support himself with both hands.

At this time, he pulled hard again, and the little thing immediately rolled into the office.

"You have to punish him!" Owen said with an evil smile, "Yes! Let him copy the books! Copy all the books in the library!"

Wow quack! ! !

Owen, who almost showed an evil smile, quickly gritted his teeth and stopped the corners of his mouth that wanted to raise.

It was only then that he discovered that there was another person in Professor McGonagall's office.

Wearing a dark green close-fitting robe, leather boots, and a wizard hat on his head, the whole person is full of French romantic elegance.

Wenda Rozier.

What a coincidence. Owen raised his eyebrows. What was she doing in Professor McGonagall's office?

The women behind the two white/dark lords exchanged their thoughts?

"Harry." Professor McGonagall's serious voice made Harry's little body tremble.

Yes, the professor has known for a long time that the young wizard in his college was fascinated by the old liar.

The reason why she didn't come was dealt with.

It's just because she is too busy. The Ministry of Magic, Azkaban, and the British wizarding world are in chaos recently, and she is extremely busy.

I heard that there is a huge disaster in the wizarding world.

The undead spread across the continent.

Dumbledore left school several times and went to Azkaban and other places where the dead were found to conduct field investigations.

What happened in those places, no one knows.

And the group of dark wizards who escaped.

There were some that were difficult to deal with, and the Aurors still needed the help of the old headmaster.

As for some who may have escaped from the UK, he, the president of the Federation, must take responsibility.

Although the International Federation of Wizards has been in decline since the failure of Grindelwald. They no longer have the strength to challenge a country's Ministry of Magic, but as an international organization, its role in connecting wizarding countries around the world has not diminished much.

In October alone, the Federation issued more than a dozen international fatwa for ‘dangerous dark wizards’.

These naturally require Dumbledore to coordinate.

There were even some secret matters that he needed to deal with personally.

Kingsley was frequently at Hogwarts these days, and they were all preparing for that event.

The net has been cast, it just depends on how many fish take the bait.

As for Hogwarts and the surrounding Hogsmeade village, their safety and daily affairs fall on the shoulders of Professor McGonagall.

So, can she not be tired?

As for her relationship with Professor Trelawney.

Haha - look at the result of Hermione's relationship with Professor Trelawney, and you will know how this extremely smart, strict and upright professor could like that charlatan.

"Professor, I was wrong!" Regardless of whether you are wrong or not, it is always right to admit it first!

Harry had a deep understanding of it. As Snape's focus, he knew that the more he talked back, the more trouble he would get.

"Okay~ don't put all your energy into those illusory places." Professor McGonagall was rarely angry, but sighed softly.

This actually made Owen's evil smile falter.


What's the meaning?

Just protect the savior, right?

Just hit me hard, right?

Professor Meow! I misjudged you!

Professor McGonagall stared at the two unlucky children in front of her with a headache.

Now is the busiest and most dangerous time in Hogwarts.

She didn't want to spend all her energy on boring things.

Besides, the professor glanced at Wenda beside him unobtrusively. She also had the job of monitoring the former Dark Lord's assistant!

Thinking to himself, Teacher Meow, he then turned his attention to Owen, "Albus has something he needs you to do, Owen."

"Uh? Why is it on my head?"

"What's the matter?" Owen asked softly, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Translate Nicoléme's works." Wenda took over Professor McGonagall's words and spoke softly.

"Should I write the lesson plan? You are the professor!" Owen straightened up immediately, took a step back, and then roared angrily.

Oh my god!

You are too lazy!

Let me do anything!

Is Dumbledore paying me a salary?

In the past, when you were the secretary to the CEO of your last company, you took care of everything personally and worked hard. Why did you become so lazy after changing jobs?

You won’t be poisoned by the old bee’s capitalists, right?

Do you think about whoring labor for free every day?

Owen's eyes immediately became wary and questioning when he looked at Wenda. ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) Get away from the poison of capitalism and stay away from our classless class!

"Six Galleons per chapter," she said calmly.

"Hey, from what you said, I mainly like to share the work with the professors. What kind of books do you want?" Owen immediately put on another face, rubbed his hands, smiled shyly, and wore a pair of big gray eyes. Eyes flickering.

""Ancient Alchemy Decrypted""

"Oh, it turns out it's this book. I've seen it, I remember-" Suddenly Owen's voice stopped abruptly, as if a line had been broken.

Then, with a horrified expression and a tone of disbelief, he said to Wenda: "That book - it seems to have more than 1,300 pages."


"More than 1.3 million words"


"There are more than a hundred pages of illustrations alone, including some of the original images from the Egyptian Jade Record."


"Did I offend you in some way? Professor! You asked me to translate this! 1.3 million words, this novel may not be able to write 1.3 million words! Are you crazy or am I crazy!" Owen He screamed sadly, and then shouted: "I want to find Professor Spratt, I want to find Principal Dumbledore! I have made contributions to the school, I have worked hard for the school! Why should they treat me like this? I!!!"

There was no emotional change on the faces of the two professors in response to Owen's yelling, as if someone was performing a one-man show.

After howling bitterly for a while, and finally realizing that no one was paying attention to him, Owen decisively stopped his voice.

"Are you done howling? Go back when you're done!" Professor McGonagall waved her hand and said the same to Harry.

"The information will be delivered by owl today, please remember to sign for it."

After that, Harry turned around as if he had been given a new lease of life and pulled Owen along as he ran out of Professor McGonagall's office.

His face was full of joy, who would have thought that it would only last five minutes.

It's a two-level reversal.

On the way, his steps became much brisker, and his whole person was beaming with joy.

Owen's back teeth were almost broken when he looked at it.

Very happy, right?


"Harry!" Owen smiled evilly, put his arms around Harry's neck, leaned against him and said, "Have you ever heard of a song?"

"What song!" Harry instinctively wanted to run away, but Owen grabbed his shoulder and he couldn't escape at all.

"In the Name of the Godfather, the kind Godfather has fallen into a country where sin cannot be seen. No one can say anything, no one can say it. It is so unbearable. There is a loneliness carved behind the glory.

The mottled family crest has been wiped away all night, and the lonely brilliance is a feeling that I only understand. The candlelight is constantly swaying, and the owl is on the window lattice, looking into the distance."

"What godfather?" Harry was stunned, and then he remembered who Owen was talking about, Black, the murderer.

Voldemort's loyal lackey?

"Sirius Black?"

"Oh! My dear Harry, you don't even want to call him godfather." Owen said loudly.

"What exactly do you want to say?" The smile on Harry's face seemed to have been wiped away by an eraser. He knew that Owen was about to tell the truth he wanted to know most.

"Your father, Sirius and Professor Lupin are best friends, you know? Just like you, Ron and Hermione, they were inseparable during school."

The two of them walked together in the corridor on the second floor, Owen quietly performing his pain transfer technique.

"Later, Professor Trelawney, the old liar you admired, made a prophecy describing Voldemort's defeat."

"A child born at the end of July will become the savior. He will finally defeat Voldemort. By the way, Harry, when is your birthday?" Owen raised his eyebrows and asked in a teasing tone.

Of course he knew about Harry's birthday, and he even gave Harry a birthday present.

Harry didn't say anything, he probably guessed something.

It was because of that prophecy that Voldemort believed that the child was him.

"I guess you have guessed it, right! Yes, there are only two children unborn in July. One is you and the other is your roommate, Neville Longbottom. Voldemort chose you, and your parents were He killed and the Death Eaters chose Neville and tortured his parents to madness."

He spoke the cruel truth in a frivolous tone.

"Back then, your parents knew about this prophecy. In order to protect them, Dumbledore used the Fidelity Charm to hide the ancestral home of the Pott family."

"Do you know the Loyalty Curse? It is an extremely complex spell that uses magic to hide someone's secrets forever in the soul of a living person. That person is the so-called secret keeper!"

"I know that Hermione's extracurricular books have introduced this curse, and she showed off it." Harry's body trembled slightly, his fists were clenched, and his eyes were dull. He had already guessed the truth.

"Hoho, then who do you think your father will choose as the secret keeper?"

"Sirius Black!"

"Uh-huh!" Owen didn't admit it, just snorted softly.

But in Harry's ears, this was like a bolt from the blue!

Blake killed his parents!

And the source of all this turned out to be Professor Trelawney!

He was so stupid that he followed the enemy who killed his parents every day.

Harry's face turned blue and white, and his whole body felt like a powder keg that had been ignited.

But an invisible force restrained it. The powder keg could not explode, but it could not be extinguished. The feeling of depression, the anger but powerlessness, the absurd and shameful emotions almost swallowed his soul.

"Oh ho ho~~" Owen let go of his hand.

By this time they had arrived at the spiral staircase.

One is going up and the other is going down.

"I wish you good night and sweet dreams~~~"

After saying that, Owen turned around and walked down, his legs and feet disappearing on the stairs.

As for Harry, he seemed to have lost his soul and walked upstairs mechanically.

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