I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 170 I know you are in a hurry, but don’t worry yet.

a new day!

It's Halloween!

Everyone was having a great time!

Everyone was laughing and joking at the party!

Except Harry and Owen.

There is no winner in this battle, in which one thousand enemies are injured and oneself suffers eight hundred losses!

In the end, it was just me huddled in the library alone writing a book pitifully.

The other miserable girl huddled in her dormitory for a day, wiping tears secretly and feeling deep in pain.

The two of them seemed to be separated from the entire Hogwarts.

There was laughter everywhere that day.

The little wizards were all happy that they had achieved a great victory against the dementors. Although several weeks had passed since the incident, the topic was still hot in the castle.

What they were looking forward to was that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class had returned to normal.

Every week, Professor Lupine looks for strange dark creatures to expand their knowledge.

Last week it was a hinkpunk.

This was a guy with one leg. He looked like he was made of wisps of smoke. He was very fragile and didn't seem to be trying to hurt anyone.

But in reality, it often lures travelers into swamps.

It jumped forward in the fog-filled swamp, using the lights hanging from its legs to guide the way. People followed the light, and then fell into the swamp and suffocated to death. Xinkpunk lived on the carrion of these dead people.

Looking at it from across the tank, you would never know how terrifying this creature can be.

The happy atmosphere brought about by Professor Lupine's return only lasted for a long time, until some annoying person shouted the "Patronus Curse".

This relaxing atmosphere disappears in an instant!

In an instant, all the little wizards turned on the involution mode!

Everyone wanted to stuff that talkative little thing into the toilet.

But, that’s what involution is! As long as no one wants to stop, it won't end!

And Halloween is their time to relax.

The Weasley twins invented a rather strange magical smoke, which is like a kettle. If you point it at the mouth of the pot, a black smoke will float out of it.

Then turned into several dementors.

After that, the user only needs to shout "Calling God to Guard" and a dexterous phoenix emitting light will fly out and defeat those dementors!

I have to say that they are indeed very business-minded.

This toy just came out and sold out quickly, making the twins a huge profit!

During the banquet, little wizards could be seen everywhere holding magical toys made by Weasley!

Irving even asked the two guys for copyright fees for this, after all, the Phoenix is ​​his!

But these two shameless guys immediately claimed that the phoenix they made of Principal Dumbledore was not his. Owen was so angry that he almost beat them up!

However, if he still has time to cause trouble for Gemini now.

Then in the foreseeable future, he will not have any free time for at least half a year.

Of course, the one who suffered more was obviously Harry.

According to the fat monk from Hufflepuff, the almost headless Nick caught Harry hiding in the deserted observatory and crying secretly.

As expected, Harry did not show up at the dinner. Students gathered around the long table in the cafeteria, enjoying the food and laughter. The moon sheds silver light through the window, illuminating everyone's face.

"He needs to be alone." Nick said when he bumped into the man in the corridor, dressed in a fifteenth-century knight's costume, his head swaying, hurriedly drifting away from the Gryffindor tower, as if he was going somewhere. .

There was even a rush in his eyes.

Immediately, he was stopped by Owen.

It’s urgent, but you don’t have to be anxious!

"Hey! What are you doing, kid!" Nick didn't like this reckless kid, especially the fat monk, who kept chanting Owen's name in his ear all day long, which made Nick, a Gryffindor, dislike him even more.

"An accident is going to happen tonight, don't you know?" Owen grinned.

Halloween has always happened at Hogwarts!

This year, he remembered it was Sirius who broke in.

However - unlike the original work, Peter is no longer in Hogwarts at this time. Whether Sirius is still around the castle or not is still a question!

"You-" Nick's transparent body suddenly flickered, and then he looked at Owen suspiciously, "Nothing will happen tonight!"

He suddenly became serious.

The whole person, who didn't have three hundred taels of silver, muttered to himself: "Nothing will happen today!"

"Yeah, it won't happen!"

Owen stared at him funny.

At this time, many students suddenly appeared in the corridor. Professor McGonagall hurried past him. When walking side by side with him, he whispered: "Follow!"

Then walked up the spiral staircase.

"Uh - no! Something really happened! Halloween law?" Owen was stunned.

What a joke!

Are you serious?

With no time to think about it, he ran upstairs with Hannah and the others.

There are many people gathered in front of Gryffindor's door!

"Get out of the way!" Owen yelled as he arrived.

The little wizards in front immediately made way for a passage.

Several professors were standing in front of a portrait.

The Fat Lady had disappeared from the portrait, which had been vandalized, with small pieces of canvas strewn across the floor and large chunks of canvas completely torn from the frame.

Principal Dumbledore was also present at this time. He glanced at the damaged painting and then said: "Professor McGonagall, please go to Filch immediately and tell him to look for the Fat Lady on every painting in the castle."

"No need, Mr. Principal!" Suddenly, a portrait hanging on the stairs came out from the other side of the wall.

"She was hiding in the landscape on the fifth floor, among the trees, crying and saying terrible things."

The one who spoke was a portrait of Anne Boleyn. Queen of King Henry VIII of England (reigned from November 14, 1532 to May 19, 1536), the Marquess of Pembroke, and one of the most famous queens in British history.

Mother of Queen Elizabeth I.

Historically, she was accused of adultery and imprisoned in the Tower of London, where she was later beheaded.

But in wizard history, she never died.

She used an exquisite transformation spell to deceive everyone on the execution ground, and finally died in the wizarding world.

"Thank you very much, madam." Dumbledore nodded towards the portrait, and the little wizards also spontaneously looked for the Fat Lady.

"Oh! By the way, can you tell me who tore the Fat Lady's portrait into pieces?"

"Of course, sir." Anne Boleyn smiled sweetly. The portrait seemed to be what she looked like when she was young. Her white neck, delicate face, earlobes and clothes were elegant and luxurious.

She looked very kind and friendly, smiled at Dumbledore, and then said in a nonchalant and joking tone: "That man has a really bad temper, Sirius Black!"


For a moment, the faces of the professors and young wizards present turned solemn.

"The executioner, the murderer, entered the castle?"

Immediately, Principal Dumbledore ordered all Gryffindor students to return to the auditorium.

After a while, the young wizards from several other colleges also rushed over.

"They're going to conduct a thorough search of the castle!"

Hannah, Hermione and Ron were gathered together, anxiety and worry written all over their faces. The castle was about to be thoroughly searched and Sirius had already entered the castle, much to their dismay.

Hermione couldn't believe that Sirius could still enter the castle with so many Dementors outside.

Her eyes kept scanning the Great Hall, but she never saw Harry. Owen said casually: "There are many ways to avoid Dementors."

Suddenly, Dumbledore's voice interrupted their discussion. "Owen, go and find Mr. Potter. It's too dangerous for him to be outside alone. Well - Mr. Weasley will help you!" Dumbledore winked at the twins, turned and left the auditorium. .

"Lost! Now it's up to me to find someone!" Owen muttered for a while, and then helplessly ran out of the auditorium with the twins.

Who made him the president of the student union!

Isn't this - serving classmates!

They trotted all the way towards the observatory. Nick told them that Harry was wiping away tears there, but they didn't know exactly where.

"Look what I'm doing, why don't you quickly take out the Marauder's Map!" Owen said angrily to the twins!

He is still angry that these two products did not pay him royalties!

"You - how do you know!" George's pupils tightened, looking like he had seen a ghost.

As for Fred, his expression is almost exactly the same as George's, they are indeed twins!

"Dumbledore doesn't know what is in the castle. Che~ Boy, do you know that there is a huge looking glass in Old Deng's office. It is a magical alchemy tool given to him by Nicolas Flamel. It can see You can see everywhere in the castle except the bedrooms and toilets, maybe even the toilets. It depends on whether Dumbledore is willing.

Just your little secret!

I dare say that when you were out at night, Dumbledore was wearing a robe and eating braised beans happily, staring at you! Owen rolled his eyes at George and Fred.

These two idiots are playing tricks on Dumbledore!

At the age of sixteen, he was able to kidnap the school boy from Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Can you?

"Really!" Contrary to Owen's expectation, the Geminis who knew that they were being looked at by someone who was cheating were not afraid. Instead, they showed a look of excitement and instantly became energetic!

They began to ask Owen in detail about what the looking glass looked like, how it worked, what the password for the principal's office was today, etc. - they could only say that it was indeed Gryffindor!

This brain circuit!

He dared to steal things from Dumbledore.

"Shut up!" Owen roared angrily, finally nipping the twins' evil little thoughts in the bud. He saved the souls of two young boys who were about to stumble.

"I solemnly swear that I have done nothing good!" Gemini smiled and handed a blank piece of parchment to Owen, then took out his wand, pointed it at the paper, and read the password.

In the next second, the entire map seemed to come alive, with intricate lines outlining the castle's plan map.

Then many people's names popped up, making people dizzy.

First of all, there were a lot of names crowded together in the auditorium, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

Then there was the observatory, and Harry's name was behind a wall where few students went.

Finally, Owen was very sharp and saw Sirius's name. He was hiding in the girls' bathroom on the third floor.


What character refresh point!

It sounds like Myrtle is lonely!

Why is there so many people in her bathroom?

Of course, in addition to this, Owen also discovered that there was an unfamiliar name in Wenda's room next to Professor McGonagall's office.

Felix Rozier

Owen was not impressed by this name at all.

However, judging from his surname of Rozier, he knew that he should be a member of that huge family. As for which branch of the British, French, or American family he belonged to, he didn't know.

Put this little episode behind you.

Owen suddenly blinked his eyes, a little confused, and said shyly: "Actually, I have a question that I want to ask you two!"

Because of the angle, Gemini did not see Sirius's name on the map in his hand.

"What's wrong?" George and Fred stopped bragging as they were explaining to Owen how powerful the Marauder's Map was in his hand, and how they played with Filch.

"You have held this Marauder's Map for five years." Owen's tone became serious.

"Yes, we stole it from Filch's office in first grade." Fred said proudly, raising his neck.

"Then I have a question. Haven't you noticed that your brother has someone else's name on his forehead?" He looked at the two people deeply.

It has been at least two years since Peter Pettigrew came to Hogwarts. Haven't these two heartless brothers noticed that Ron's name has always been followed by another name?

"Peter Pettigrew! We know!" Unexpectedly, George and Fred admitted it immediately.

"We have investigated this name and heard that it was a hero who died fighting to resist Sirius." Fred said casually, not caring about it.

"We think it's his ghost that has returned to the castle and has been following Ron," George said.

"But we searched for a long time and still couldn't find the ghost!" Fred said.

"Maybe this is the unsolved mystery of Hogwarts!" George pretended to be serious and said: "You know, there must be something unexplainable in a castle that lasts for fifteen years!"


"Haha, why don't you answer directly, you don't care about your brother at all. In this way, the guilt of the two of you may be lighter! Those who don't know are not guilty. They have found out and are still indifferent, haha ​​- Lemon is really big-hearted! Owen rolled his eyes at the two unlucky Weasley brothers. He even suspected that if Percy saw Ron with another name on his forehead for so long, he would have gone to Dumbledore to talk, especially this year. After Sirius escaped from prison.

These two guys just don't care about Ron.

So I never thought carefully about Peter Pettigrew.

"Ron is really screwed up for eight lifetimes!" Owen muttered. The three of them did not continue the conversation, but quickly walked towards the observatory according to the map.

The Astronomy Tower is the tallest tower in Hogwarts and is also where students take astronomy classes and observe astronomical phenomena.

Of course it's still the place where Dumbledore died.

The tower was empty and dark, with no lights at all. In order to ensure that there is no light pollution in the surroundings, no lighting is provided in other parts of the astronomy tower except for the professor who lights candles.

The little wizards who came to school in the middle of the night always held candles in their hands, then crossed their arms and ran over to observe the stars.

On one side of the room, a huge telescope was propped up on an iron stand, facing the sky outside.

Professor Aurora Sinister was their teacher for this class.

That was a wizard who came from a prominent African pure-blood wizard family. He is the professor that the little wizards least know how to evaluate. On the one hand, Professor Sinistra will only give them a lot of homework when the exam is approaching. But on the other hand, astronomy requires observing planets, so most of the time, classes are held in the middle of the night.

Summer is fine.


A group of little wizards, as cold as grandchildren, sat together in robes, holding candles and textbooks, their teeth chattering.

The howling wind blew in from the balcony and the entire observatory was whistling.

And they stayed there for several hours, from nine o'clock until after two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Who would like this damn subject?

Therefore, the astronomy class also achieved a miracle at Hogwarts, that is, the young wizards had no objection to Professor Sinistra, and even liked her very much.

But I have a lot of opinions about this class!

Every time Owen got up from the warm bed and went to astronomy class in the cold, he became more and more materialistic!

Because dozens of people from the whole school were praying for rain on the road, but there was no cloud at all in the sky. There are so many gods and Buddhas in the sky, but there is no reliable one

"Kick, kick, kick!" The footsteps on the metal stairs made an unpleasant and heavy sound.

As the most modern astronomical telescope in the entire castle, it is on their side.

The telescope was frequently updated, and Dumbledore had replaced it with a new one at least once in the early 1990s.

To ensure that the astronomical telescope at Hogwarts is always the best in the UK.

"Harry!" George and Fred shouted his name and saw Harry sitting on the balcony of the tower from a distance. He sat there quietly alone, looking into the deep darkness, his face expressionless, as if his thoughts were tumbling in his heart.

As they approached him, Harry's expression suddenly twisted and his eyes flashed with anger. His cheek muscles twitched, as if something was about to explode.

"Come on Harry! Sirius has broken into the castle!" George's voice was a little nervous. He wanted to take Harry away as soon as possible to avoid him having to fight with the executioner who was chasing him.


Damn, your mouth is really fast!

Owen glanced at the red-haired troublemaker on both sides and complained slightly in his mind.

Then, he clearly saw a change in Harry's expression.

The muscles in his cheeks twitched slightly, and his eyes changed from numbness to anger.

Then he turned around and roared in a sharp tone: "Where is he!"

"Harry." A trace of confusion flashed across Fred's face, "Why are you fighting that executioner? You're crazy!"

"Where is he?" Harry continued to yell indifferently!

"It's in the girls' bathroom on the third floor! Go ahead! Remember Avada!" Owen kicked George who was about to speak, then raised his eyebrows and said openly.

"Thank you!" he said coldly.

Then like a crazy lion, he took out the wand from his robe, rushed down with red eyes and angrily.

"Wait a minute! What are you doing? Are you going to kill your doggodfather?" Owen quickly grabbed Harry. In his current state, there was no guarantee that Bu Qi would rush over and give the doggodfather a green light.

Although it may not be fatal, it can be fatal!

This is not the original Harry!

Harry, who has been trained by him for two and a half years, let alone the original, even the original Harry, who is now the original, can torture the pirated copies of the same grade with one hand, even Dumbledore can't believe it.

It should be said that the strength of the entire Hogwarts little wizard is rapidly expanding!

Even Neville, who was in his third year, could use the Patronus Charm half-assedly, with only a few rays of silver light, but others could imagine it.

For example, at least two-thirds of the little wizards in the entire school, from third grade to above, can successfully cast spells such as Voldemort's Treasure Curse and Disarming Curse.

What a concept!

In the original book, there are a lot of sixth graders who don’t know how to disarm the spell!

Those who still follow the protagonist group, and those marginal wizards who are far away from the protagonist group, one can imagine how poor their personal strength is!

"I can beat him! I must beat him! Owen, let go!" Harry screamed, as angry as a powder keg on fire.

He thought Owen was worried about his life.

In fact, the little blackhead was worried about the life of the dog's godfather.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry! I still have something I haven't told you!" Owen decided not to talk around in circles with Harry, but let's talk things over.

Before, he was just having fun.

Now, Peter is not here, so what fun is there?

"No!" he yelled.

"I could hear my mother screaming, hearing her pleading with Voldemort. If you heard my mother scream like that, right before she was killed, you would understand all this!"

Harry's eyes were red, "That traitor, he betrayed his friendship with my father. I don't know what powerful spell Voldemort promised him, but I know that I can kill him! Yes! I want to kill him Kill him!"


"Compared with mom, right? Compared with mom again, right?" Owen continued to pull Harry and wouldn't let go!

"That Blake killed my parents! He killed my parents. I want to avenge them. I want-" His eyes were still full of hatred and grief.

Tears were like a kite with a broken string, falling from her cheeks and dripping on the ground.

Harry's eyes were blazing with rage, and his fists were clenched tightly, as if he was about to attack at any moment.

Owen looked at him and sighed secretly in his heart. He knew how painful Harry was in his heart. Because he - well - well, we don't have a father or a mother.

Then he gently tapped Harry on the shoulder, trying to calm him down.

"Blake was not the murderer of your parents!" Owen's voice had never been gentler.

He said slowly and calmly, with a strange charm that could quickly convince people in his eyes: "Back then, Sirius felt that becoming the Secret Keeper was too ostentatious, so he proposed to your father that Peter Pettigrew, their other A 'friend' acted as confidentiality keeper."

"?" The twins were stunned for a moment, hey hey hey - we know that Peter Pettigrew!

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