I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 313 Bloody and Pipeline

"What did you say? Krum almost died?" Harry saw Myrtle getting out of the compartment, her upper body was outside, and her lower body was still in the compartment, with her cheeks supported by her hands.

She used the wooden door of the cubicle as a window.

"The handsome guy from Hufflepuff also suffered a little, but his magical plants are very interesting and can make monsters confused."

"Oh, by the way." Suddenly Myrtle looked at him with a sweet smile and said, "Owen, why don't you ever take a bath in the prefect's bathroom?"

She said, blinking at him from behind her thick lenses.

"They've all been there, that Cedric, and a certain unsmiling Weasley, the wooden captain of Gryffindor, the hunk of Durmstrang, and the sweetheart of Beauxbatons."

"Of course - and that Miss Gryffindor."

A cunning light suddenly flashed behind Myrtle's big glasses. Then, she held her forehead with her hands and slipped out of the compartment door, "Oh! To be honest, I think she is too skinny, skinny and bones, with little flesh on her body, and little ferocity. , that Beauxbatons sweetheart is still pretty and has a good figure.

But I still like Cedric Diggory, he's so handsome, isn't he? "

"Pfft-" Owen and Harry immediately stopped talking.

The evil is also very small

very small


God - if Miss Granger (Hermione) hears this, I really don’t know what kind of expression she will show.

It definitely looks like he wants to eat people!

Owen and Harry had no doubt that Miss Granger (Hermione) would beat anyone who said this into a pig's head.

It's a pity she's not here.

etc! Owen squinted his eyes, a shrewd light flashing in his eyes.

She must have deliberately waited for Hermione to enter the pipe before coming out!

She must have known that if she said this, she would be beaten with a patronus by Miss Granger!

Zheng Zhen - why are you so cowardly - let's face it!

We must tell the truth!

Although Owen didn't pay much attention to that - after all, he was not a pervert.

But maybe after Myrtle's words were heard by Hermione, she might become angry and pay more attention to her body?

Eat more food?

This is also a good way to motivate people!

"Actually -" As she said that, Myrtle's eyes suddenly shone, she showed a girlish shyness, and then she made some kind of provocative move and floated towards Harry and Owen.

"I have noticed you Owen since the first time you came here." Myrtle said very secretly, "although I have never come out to talk to anyone before."

Harry and Owen both took a step back unconsciously.

Facing this female gangster - ah, no - a pervert!

What a pervert in her sixties!

The woman Voldemort killed was already over sixty years old.

The two innocent little boys had no way of resisting him. If it weren't for the entrance of the sewer pipe behind them, they would have been pushed into the corner.

And—just the people she just mentioned.

Someone who took a bath in the prefect's bathroom.

Imagine that you are taking a shower, and there is someone somewhere - a ghost is peeping. She is looking at you lustfully and commenting on your body.

Simply terrible!

Hiss - For a moment, both Harry and Owen had the feeling that the clothes on their bodies seemed to be too thin. What should I do?

The two of them looked at each other and saw something in each other's eyes, that is - they would never step foot into the prefect's bathroom in this life.

"You are so beautiful." The female pervert had floated in front of them.

She looked at Owen with fiery eyes, "Silver and black hair, eyes, nose, and mouth." As she said that, she suddenly stretched her head and stared at his collar. . Want to explore deeper.

"Climb!" Owen felt a chill and immediately hid behind Harry, "Be careful, I'll beat you up."

"Giggle." Myrtle smiled to please herself. She had not been so happy for a long time.

And there is no one in the castle who can push Owen to this level.

She is still the first.

"By the way, I actually saw the witch from Ilvermorny in the prefect's bathroom!"

"Koatl?" Owen stuck his head out from Harry's shoulder. "You are so greedy! As a wizard of Hogwarts, I told you that you should stick to a certain bottom line!"

"Oh!" She screamed like a girl, "Are you saying that I can only watch the little wizards of Hogwarts?"

She raised her head, her lips twitched with an excited expression on her face, and her eyes kept peeking towards Owen.

"What about you?"

"I don't, and I don't want to take a bath either. Keep talking, sorry to bother you!" Owen stretched his head back halfway, leaving only his eyes.

"Huh - so naughty," she said. "But she does have a good skin."

"Isn't it?"

Myrtle suddenly stopped laughing, and her expression became strange. "but--"

Her dramatic changes in mood made Owen a little confused. After all, if a female ghost suddenly changes her expression in front of you, then the next second she could only show her true colors and eat people.

That's not the case with The Ghosts of Hogwarts , but long-standing novels and movies have made Owen and Harry take a step back.

Owen: I already feel suspended. Damn it!

"You have no idea what she was doing in the bathtub."

"What are you doing? Shave your legs?" Harry suddenly complained, which almost made Owen burst into laughter and his body trembled and fell into the water pipe.

"Harry." Owen put his hands on his shoulders, "Pretty girls don't have hairy legs."

"Is that armpit hair?"

"Fuck - you're in love with Maomao, aren't you!" Owen laughed awkwardly, thinking about how funny it would be if a woman like Coyateer hid in the prefect's bathroom and hung her armpit hair. .

"No -" Myrtle yelled angrily.

Then he stared at the two of them with wide eyes.

“Cut your wrists—” she said. “More than once, the blood stained the pool red.”

"Huh?" For a moment, the expressions on the faces of the two people who heard the sound seemed to be frozen. There was doubt and disbelief between his eyebrows.

"I saw it with my own eyes." Myrtle said solemnly, "But she is not dead. It's really strange. Where did she get so much blood? And the wound healed so quickly. In just the blink of an eye, she looked smooth. No trace left."

Harry said bluntly, "Is she committing suicide?"

"Nonsense, if it's not suicide, why do you need to bleed yourself? For your health?" Myrtle laughed at Harry. "I really don't understand your little wizards now."

She said in an old-fashioned tone, "No one takes their own lives seriously. Only fools would participate in such a competition."

Myrtle sat at the entrance of the secret chamber, craning her head and looking down. Her eyes were pitch black, as if there was a silent abyss waiting for an opportunity to devour your flesh, blood, and soul.

"Some things are much more valuable than life." Owen walked out from behind Harry, he frowned and thought in his heart.

"What is more valuable than life?" She suddenly choked up. "The thing I regret most is that when Olive Humbey was sarcastic to me, I didn't punch his jaw to pieces, but hid here." .

Look at me now, I have to be on guard because someone flushes the toilet and takes me with them. "

She became melancholy, as if she had lost interest in everything around her, and then she slipped back into the toilet.

Disappeared without a trace.

Neither Owen nor Harry had time to say anything comforting.

But - they couldn't say anything.

Myrtle Warren, she suddenly looked into the eyes of the basilisk, and then died.

Of course it would be regrettable to die in such a way. It would be okay if I tried my best, or it would be okay if I was in battle, but... I haven't done anything yet, and my life has come to an abrupt end before it even started to go uphill. end.

Owen couldn't think of anything else going on in Myrtle's head other than regret, maybe anger?

Life is counting down, making people nostalgic and painful.

And when it was all over, besides regret, there was only regret.

Owen and Harry looked at each other and fell silent.

Regarding Koyatel, the fog shrouding her has not diminished at all, but has become thicker and thicker.


On the other side, under the entrance to the secret room.

When darkness completely surrounded her, Hermione felt like she was rushing down a dark abyss.

She didn't know how long she had been falling. Sometimes, a fleeting light would shine on her face. With that light, she could see that there were many more tubes branching out in all directions, but none were as thick as this one. .

This pipe has twists and turns, seven twists and eights, and the slope is very steep all the way down. Hermione knew that she had slipped very, very deep under the school, even deeper than those underground classrooms.

In addition to the "whooshing" sound of the wind, the only sound left in her ears was the sound of clothes rubbing against the wall of the pipe.

And just as her mood became heavier and heavier along the pipe, she suddenly fell to the ground.

The water pipe became horizontal, and she emerged from the mouth of the pipe, then jumped up and rolled on the ground with agility, losing the power of the downward thrust.


Hermione raised her wand, and pale light suddenly fell on the ground.

She opened her eyes wide.

He looked around carefully.

The first is your own feet.

It was a tunnel paved with stones, dry and smooth, as if it had been repaired by someone.

It can accommodate several people side by side.

There is no imaginary smell around, and there is no danger.

But Hermione would never let down her guard. She paid full attention and then cast a 'Revelation' spell towards the darkness ahead.

A golden light flashed past, like the sun shining into the dark underground world for a moment.


Hermione still felt uneasy.

Irving deliberately adjusted the difficulty of the game in the first game, so there is no guarantee that he will do it again this time.


The little witch looked ahead.

So dark!

Really, why would the competition venue be chosen in such a place.

It must be Owen!

Hermione gritted her teeth and thought for sure that it was definitely him who suggested putting the competition venue here!

Inexplicably, a fire sprouted in the little witch's heart.

And this anger made her temporarily forget her fear of the dark.

She opened her legs, pressed against the wall, and began to walk cautiously toward the invisible pipe.

About ten minutes later.

The darkness around him was still thick.

The pipeline seems to have been cast an infinite stretch spell, no matter how far it goes, it can't reach the end.

Hermione could only detect that she seemed to be going downhill.

"It's - probably a few miles away from the school," Hermione said, her voice echoing in the tunnel.

At this point, her position may have been deeper than the deepest part of the Black Lake.

If this distance were stretched into a straight line, it would be enough for her to walk from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade.

But now, she still can't see the end.


In the darkness, the girl's scream carried far away, especially in the pipe. She was even frightened by the echoes of her own voice.

"So - did you see it wrong?" The miserable white light burned a hole in the darkness.

The light shines on the wall, which is dark and covered with a layer of frost.

And on the frost, a certain protrusion on the rock wall looked like a human face.

He seemed to be coming out of the wall, but he only had time to poke his face out.

"Am I being too worried?" After getting closer, Hermione discovered that the human face was actually just a stain on the rock wall. Due to the refraction of light, it looked like a human face from a distance.

Hermione blinked and continued walking forward.

She was more focused than before, and she forced herself not to imagine those terrible things, because the fluorescent light shone her shadow on the wall, and as she stepped forward, it looked like a monster shaking.

What Hermione didn't see was that the light began to move slowly from the rock wall.

That human face actually became clear. The moment the light completely disappeared, it turned stiffly to look at Hermione who had gone away.

Then suddenly retracted into the wall. Like a pebble sinking into water.

As for Miss Granger, she was still moving forward cautiously.

From time to time, a 'original appearance' spell will be thrown.

"Crack!" A crisp sound of bone breaking sounded.

She lowered her head, looking dazed.

It turned out that the smooth ground under her feet had disappeared.

Instead there was a rough, slimy road covered with animal bones.

Hermione tried her best to restrain herself and cheer herself up, but her mind kept thinking of those terrible monsters and monsters.

She thought of the video tape she watched at home.

The Shining, Alien, The Return of the Clown, etc.

It seems that many scenes are quite similar to the tunnel in front of me.

Thinking about it, Hermione couldn't help but shudder, and then she immediately felt ridiculous. She was a wizard, so why would she be afraid of those fake monsters in movie plots.

After taking two steps, her robe suddenly seemed to be pulled by something.

Immediately, she knew why, because those monsters really existed in the magical world

"Shattered to pieces!"

No matter what, Hermione turned around and cast out a gray curse.

But there was nothing behind him, and the magic spell flew into the darkness with bright light, silently.

But Hermione felt the strangeness of the robe suddenly appear on her ankles.

She lowered her head in shock, and then she saw a pair of hands covered in mud and as dry as skin and bones grasping her feet.


Before Hermione could react, her whole body was instantly pulled down by these hands.

Submerged in the broken bones.

"The flames are blazing!"

"The flames are blazing!"

"The flames are blazing!"

In a pipe stacked with bricks and stones, Hermione suddenly fell from the upper wall.

In mid-air, she waved her wand and cast fire spells around her.

Orange flames engulfed the surrounding darkness.

It wasn't until Hermione quickly got up after falling to the ground that she realized there was nothing around her.

There are traces of flames on the walls.

The tip of my nose was filled with a foul odor.

The ground was covered with brown mist.

There were also pieces of squirming flesh from an unknown creature at his feet.

Hermione staggered back a step. Even though she didn't want to breathe the stench at all, the involuntary violent beating of her heart still made her breathing heavier.

Immediately she opened her legs and trotted towards the pipe in the distance.

The only difference here is that it is no longer pitch black, but every once in a while, there will be a lamp hanging on the wall to illuminate a small space.

But that's not really a benefit.

Because she still couldn't see clearly in front of her, there was a thick layer of fog in the distance, obscuring Hermione's sight. Compared with the darkness, it might be the light that could help her regain some courage.

At this time, Miss Granger's leather boots were already stained, and the brown water was stepped on and splashed, leaving only the sound and a running figure.

She didn't know how long she had been running, but the fog in the distance suddenly dispersed, revealing a hole. Hermione quickly stopped, but the moment she rushed out of the pipe, on the left, there was a huge wet, sticky Something shot out and wrapped around her waist.


Hermione turned her head in shock, and then she saw a frog half the size of a car squatting in the corner of the wall where the hollow was connected to the pipe.

What kind of frog is that? It has green greasy skin, huge eyeballs, and connected fingers and toes. Of course, if you can ignore the strange tumors and sores on its body, this thing is pretty normal for the wizarding world. .

"Split into pieces!"

Hermione cast off the curse in an instant, and the frog's tongue was cut off by the curse. Then, she hurriedly threw the half of the tongue wrapped around her waist on the ground.

"How disgusting!"

Then she cast a crushing spell and killed the poor frog.

Just when she was about to take a breath, there was a vision above her head.

Hermione looked up and saw that on the wall of the pipe exit, there were densely packed palms the size of silver plates.


Hermione didn't have time to think about it, and the magic spell was raised, which was the "quick confinement" spell.

The magic spell flashed with a gray light, and the next second, all the palms on the walls were hovering in mid-air.

Only then did Hermione see clearly that there were palms with green skin, ranging from five to more than a dozen, and green smoke was rising from the fingertips.

It's really a palm-shaped monster.

The cut on the arm is clearly visible, squirming, and through the wound you can see the red flesh inside.

For the exam at the end of the month, I’ll save a manuscript. I’ll write five thousand first and reply next month.

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