I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 314 Strange monsters

"The ultimate fluorescent flash"

After dealing with those hand-shaped monsters.

Miss Granger carefully reached her head, raised her wand and cast a spell on the hole.

Starlight falls.

Light up all around.

Under the hollow is a river.

The yellow-green water flow is sparkling.

Reflecting light.

Of course, this is not the most appetizing thing. What is even more appetizing is that there is a lobster the size of a car underwater.

Its whole body is covered with moss, and its two large dark red pincers are wrapped in a layer of water plants. The red, jewel-like eyes are extremely protruding (this is a weakness), and an unknown number of legs are wading back and forth in the water.

"What kind of monsters are these!" Miss Granger's hair stood on end.

She almost wanted to turn around and go back.

Maybe going the other way is the right choice

But - she was a little reluctant after walking for more than ten minutes.

Maybe that lobster is just a show-off, a paper tiger? It is so huge due to the blessing of the Enlargement Spell or the Expansion Spell.

In fact, any magic spell can kill it?

Feeling a little lucky in her heart, Miss Granger decisively chose the latter.

She didn't really want to go back.

Then, she hid in a high place, stood on the protruding stone bricks of the pipe, and tentatively cast a petrification spell.

"Bang——" It was the rebound of the magic spell, more like the sound of hitting metal.


Miss Granger's eyes widened as she realized that her spell had no effect at all on the lobster's shell.

Not even a trace was left.

Instead of having any effect, this spell exposed her position.

However, when things got here, Hermione didn't panic. After all, she was still more than ten feet below.

Come to think of it, a lobster without wings.


Hermione, who was thinking this way, hadn't even finished consoling herself yet, so it was a good choice to turn around and go back. After all, she was not Harry.

Under the hollow, a bubble-like water column suddenly shot out.

The silt-like water column has a strong corrosive effect.

But it didn't hit her directly, it just hit the rock wall at her feet.

There was a sound of 'tearing' strong acid corroding the pitiful rock wall.

Hermione exclaimed and took a few steps back.

But just when she was extremely glad that she didn't go down rashly, the stone bricks under her feet suddenly became loose.

Then the sole of her foot slipped and she fell flat on her back.

"Shock reduction and speed stop!"

she shouted.

From mid-air, she saw the lobster monster holding up its large pincers and looking at her with excitement.

Judging from the strength of his bones, if he were caught, he would definitely be strangled at the waist - for sure! ! !

"Multiple Freeze!"

In mid-air, Hermione waved her wand.

The tip of the staff exhaled fine cold air, and almost in the blink of an eye, the lobster monster was covered with a layer of cold frost.

Because it was a river, the humidity here was very high, and she could completely freeze the lobster easily.

After landing, Hermione looked around cautiously. According to previous experience, the monster here will never appear alone, there must be multiple ones, one in the light and the other in ambush in the dark.

Sure enough - as soon as she turned her head, she saw two crayfish monsters in the blind area of ​​​​the empty field of vision from above.

They are life-size, standing upright, with two rows of thin legs on their abdomen, like millipedes.

The two crayfish, holding spears, pierced Hermione with their spears the moment they looked at each other.

Miss Granger was frightened to death. (disgusting)

She quickly ducked sideways and threw out a cutting spell, which chopped off the legs of countless crayfish.

There was a "pop" sound, like pieces of meat falling to the ground.

Those broken limbs were struggling on the ice, and many of them were crawling towards the little witch.

"The flames are blazing!"

"The flames are blazing!"

"The flames are raging!!!"

After throwing three fire spells at him in succession, Hermione suppressed the nausea in her heart.

But she forgot that the lobster monster was frozen.

She used the flame spell so unscrupulously, and the high temperature quickly melted the ice cubes on the lobster monster's body.

It's freeing.

Hermione's head was pounding.

Immediately, she looked over there and saw many strange creatures, including ones holding spears like slugs, giant crabs, and a pile of scraps of flesh that looked like inferi.

These are all challenging Miss Granger's limited patience.

Finally - at the urging of the 'click click' sound in her ears, a certain cord in her heart broke.

The next moment, she was filled with evil and anger, and she couldn't care about black magic or white magic at this moment.

Anyway, anything that can crush those disgusting creatures is good magic.

"Li Huo——"

The dragon nerve wand drew strange movements in the air, and then the surrounding air filled with water vapor suddenly became dry.

There seemed to be little sparks lighting up in the void.


The next second, the tip of the wand spit out violent heat.

The bright flames were as hot as lava.

Owen taught her the spell.

Hermione had seen him use it too. At that time, she felt that she might never have the courage to use this spell in her life, it was too dangerous.

The flames, which do not distinguish between friend and foe, will devour the caster himself if he loses the control of the caster.

She didn't like this uncontrollable spell.

Although the Fierce Fire Curse could be controlled with practice, the time consumed was enough for her to master several other spells.

But now - more than the horror of the curse, she hates those weird monsters even more.

The cursed fire carried a terrifying momentum, and the blazing flames occupied the entire space from the ground to the rock wall above the head.

Our lobster monster was cooked in an instant, then seared, then reduced to char.

At this time, the Lihuo Curse had just begun to show its power.

A fire lion stepped on the boiling river water and roared towards the seafood. It just passed by and the seafood was ignited.

Either they were turned into charcoal, or they were caught in the flames and saw the afterlife.

And the person who started all this, Miss Granger, turned around and ran away long ago.

The moment she cast the Fire Spell, she turned around and ran into the hazy fog behind her.

She kept running.

She didn't stop leaning against the wall until there was no more sound of burning fire in her ears.

Then - she regretted running over.

Because in front of me - God - what kind of hell is that!

Suddenly, there were many ants climbing on the wall above her head.

Have you ever seen an ant bigger than Hagrid?

And not just one, but a whole litter.

She saw many male ants with wings buzzing their large claws into the river water, looking for food.

At this moment, Hermione was desperate.

She felt that she was not here to break through, but to deliver food.

If she continues like this, she will be eaten by some monster sooner or later.

"Owen Sanchez!!!"

The little witch yelled viciously.

All the teeth will be broken into pieces.

———————Four hours later.

Hermione, who was leaning against a pipe wall somewhere, hiding from the slate ghosts flying around outside, no longer had the energy to scold Owen.

In the past four hours, she had seen all the psychological shadows she might see in her lifetime.

From the inferi with deformed sarcomas, to various mechanical alchemy traps, and all kinds of strange creatures.

She even met a rat woman the size of a Quaffle.

Their attack method is to shoot out their own limbs like bows and arrows.

She almost got hit, but luckily she reacted quickly enough.


Hermione began to miss her bed.

own books.

Even Snape's smile, she would rather go to the Potions Master to wash the cauldron than stay here!

She was about to cry but had no tears, so she could only cheer up and stand up again.

Keep walking forward.

The only thing keeping her going now was anger, anger towards Owen.

Wait for her to go back, wait for her to go back!

Be sure to smash that guy's head like a watermelon! ! !

Suddenly, just as Hermione walked around a corner. There was another clear 'click, click, click' sound from the end of the pipe.

The sound was like something sharp hitting the stone.

Miss Granger subconsciously stepped back behind the corner.

Then he turned off the fluorescent light and squatted down. He raised his head and looked at the wall of the pipe.

Although she knew that she could easily beat the person who made the sound, she didn't want to wave the wand anymore.

Fatigue - is the exhaustion of the soul.

‘click click click’

The sound is getting closer.

She had already held her breath, but just when Hermione thought another disgusting monster was going to jump out.

The voice did not stay beside her, but walked towards another corner of the tunnel.

"Huh~" Hermione took a deep breath, groped in the dark, stood up cautiously, then turned around and ran in the opposite direction to the voice.


"Damn it."

The sound of crisp bones and shattering echoed clearly in the tunnel.

Hermione, who had already guessed what would happen in the next three seconds, turned around decisively. The next second, her wand lit up, "Fire is blazing!"

After trying dozens of spells on her.

Although very common, the Fire Spell is indeed the best magic to deal with these conduit creatures.

Because whether it is petrified or imprisoned, it may be rebounded by those shelled seafood, only high temperature will not.

The flame loves everyone equally.

At this moment, the blazing fireball turned into a huge head, swallowing the monster whose figure could not be seen clearly in the firelight in one bite.

Regardless of whether her move was effective or not, after throwing the spell, Miss Granger turned around and ran away.

The pace is fast.

Four hours of experience, don’t ask.

If you ask, if you take a step slowly, you may be surrounded by creatures from all directions.

Finally, without warning, she rushed out of the tunnel.


Standing at the edge of the tunnel.

In front of me is an abyss.

It was a huge hollow about a dozen feet below her current location.

Of course, these are not important, the main thing is the silver lampposts scattered in the cavity, which are embedded in the wall, and the weak light barely illuminates the cavity.

Then Hermione saw the truth beneath the hollow - there were stumps and broken arms everywhere.

There was no blood, and there was no strange smell.

Not even human.

Instead, they belong to countless magical animals, with their various bodies.

The body of the Acromantula, the head of the fire dragon, the horns of the Chimera, and the tentacles of Horkrap.

There are more than a dozen names that she can name.

There were many more, and she couldn't tell which magical animal they were part of.

"Oh my God!" Hermione sighed.

Then suddenly, the tunnel under his feet seemed to come alive, the walls began to pour downward, and some kind of dark green slime protruded from the rock wall.

When the mucus flowed through Hermione's shoes, she slipped suddenly, as if the friction disappeared, and her whole body slid out quickly.

"Ah——" the little witch screamed.

The sound seemed permeable in the hollow.

"Shock reduction and speed stop!"

At the moment when she was about to come into close contact with the ground, Hermione finally reacted, and then threw out a gray magic spell.

Then, her speed suddenly stopped and she hovered in the air for two seconds before landing on the ground.

"What is it?" The moment she landed, Hermione got up.

The green mucus still stained on the soles of her feet made her almost fall again.

She could probably guess that this was some kind of strong lubricant, but it was used in a place like this.

The little wizard had secretly guessed what was going on in this place.

Because any wizard would choose to wait and see instead of rushing forward when encountering a strange situation, except for Harry and Ron.

Irving poured so much lubricant on that spot. It was obvious that he didn't want the Warriors to think about it for too long.

To avoid coming up with any countermeasures.


There was a huge sound, like a mechanical rotation, and Hermione looked up blankly. She saw that many mechanical arms suddenly appeared in the surrounding walls. They quickly pieced together the remains of the limbs at a speed that dazzled her.

In the blink of an eye, a huge monster several feet tall stood up.

Its whole body exudes purple light, like blood vessels, with the body of the Acromantula as the basic frame, plus countless other biological limbs.

For example, the Troll's arms, the Salamander's tail, and the Charmander's head.


The dragon's roar carried some kind of mechanical noise, and waves of sound came towards Hermione.

She raised her wand, and the Iron Armor Curse suddenly opened.

The dragon's head spit out flames. The blazing flames looked as if someone had added gasoline and pure oxygen. They were astonishingly large.

Hermione was immediately enveloped, with fire in all directions, and only the iron armor spell that was struggling to hold up separated an area.

How abnormal!

Hermione wanted to see if there were two tubes in the mouth of the faucet, responsible for outputting oxygen and gasoline.

Because the proportions of the flames and the dragon's head are too different.

The difference between a needle and an iron rod.

But unfortunately, there was only a dazzling fire in front of her eyes, and she couldn't see anything else.


It was the sound of rocks cracking under her feet. The high temperature had melted many rocks into magma, and what was worse, the magma was about to flow to her feet.

"All curses end!" Hermione waved a golden curtain, and then hid aside the moment the flames disappeared.

"Seal the tongue and lock the throat!"

The red curse fell on the dragon's head the moment the little witch landed.

Then its mouth was closed together as if someone had forcibly covered it.

But the flames hadn't stopped yet, and then there was a 'bang'.

It burned his head straight through.

"That's it!" The little witch clenched her fists and raised her arms.

She had guessed this scene when she noticed that the dragon had a weird head.

If it is a real fire dragon, even if its mouth is suddenly closed, the flame will not burn itself, because it will extinguish the flame.

But for the suture monster in front of me, it was easy to guess that there was a delay in its flame extinguishing.

Hermione had the idea of ​​giving it a try, but she didn't expect to succeed the first time.

However, before she could celebrate in a hurry, another mechanical arm reached out. They quickly removed the fire faucet and then left it aside as if throwing away garbage.

Then another head was found from the ground. It was a huge basilisk head with ferocious teeth and dark green eyes.

"Split into pieces!"

Miss Granger cast a spell, aiming at the mechanical arms.

With a "bang" sound, the curse seemed to hit some kind of metal, making a crisp sound, and then a large number of mechanical arms broke, and purple slime spread out from the fractures.

Then more robotic arms poked out from the wall.

"Hiss~" In the blink of an eye, the snake head was installed. It raised its head. In its mouth, behind a row of sharp teeth, there was a meat tube. The meat tube suddenly shook, and then green smoke spewed out.

Seeing this, the little witch's expression froze. She had not prepared any antidote.

Immediately, she quickly raised her wand, the weather spell came out smoothly, and a strong wind blew out from the tip of her wand.


The fire borrowed the wind, and the fire instantly ignited the poisonous mist.

Like water falling into scalding hot oil, the smoke crackled and made a disturbing sound.

But those robotic arms are still bringing in new limbs from around them.

Hermione could only cast the Obstruction and Petrification Curses a few times, hoping to slow down the mechanical arm, while she herself ran quickly towards the other side of the hole.

The fire just now seemed to have burned out the Acromantula's body of the suture monster.

This gave her about a minute or two.

"Quickly imprison him."

Another locking spell hit the mechanical arms, which again slowed their movements.

The robotic arms stopped for less than ten seconds.

But this is the most precious thing to Hermione.

Soon a solid wall appeared in her sight, with two intertwined snakes carved on it. Their eyes were set with large, shining emeralds.

In an instant, Hermione knew what she should do.

Because the two snakes looked too much like the locks of some kind of door.

She quickly took out the small speaker Owen gave her and pressed it hard, and a 'hissing' sound came out.

At this time, behind her, a brand new monster was still pieced together.

One has the body of a cat, the tail of a fire snake, and the head of a water monster.

The neck is wrapped with a mane of broad-leaf cattail grass, which is the characteristic of the horse-shaped water monster.

This time, the monster is not big, but its body is quite flexible and its explosive power is very strong. Two or three times more than Hermione had to run for a minute or two.

On the other side, when Parseltongue sounded.

On the wall, the two snakes began to separate.

The stone wall also cracked in the middle and slowly slid to both sides and disappeared.

At the moment when the horse-shaped water monster has teeth and bites.

Hermione jumped over with a single bounce.

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