I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 360 Huck: I advise you not to be our enemy!

After flipping through a few pages, Mr. Harker threw it aside.

These are just trivial matters, and the government will secretly fill in the gaps for these people.

Just let MI6 take the lead and do it.

What he is worried about now is not these dozens of people, but - the cook - ugh - the disaster in the Mediterranean Sea.

According to American intelligence, this disaster has killed at least several thousand people along the Mediterranean coast and affected hundreds of thousands of people. Floods have hit Mediterranean countries, Italy, Greece, the island country of Malta, and the North African countries of Egypt and Tunisia. The floods have destroyed many areas. The city and some Roman-era relics that the British Museum cannot move.

The loss is immeasurable.

Concerns are being expressed across Europe.

The UK must make a difference on this matter and cannot allow Germany and France to continue to control the EU.

But when he talked about it, he got a headache.

The British Empire in 1995 could no longer be described as declining.

It is simply like a poor man opening the door and meeting a poor man, with only poverty in his eyes.

The Battle of the Falklands in 1982 was considered the last glory of the Royal Navy.

But this is embarrassing to mention. As a South American country, Argentina dares to challenge the United Kingdom. This is very embarrassing in itself. If you win, it is normal. If you lose, the United Kingdom will be expelled from Ouki and join a third world country. Line up.

In the 1990s, the Royal Navy retired all large and medium-sized aircraft carriers, retaining only three Invincible-class light aircraft carriers, and other ships have also shrunk significantly.

If it had been before, how could the Yankees' North Atlantic Fleet be allowed to run rampant in the Atlantic Ocean?

Therefore, Mr. Harker wanted to shed some light on this matter.

Send a fleet to advance into the Mediterranean and restore the glory of the British Empire.

It's a pity - this is what he thinks.

"Hey!" He sighed softly.

Mr. Prime Minister looked at Humphrey and was about to speak.

Suddenly behind him, the fireplace that was originally used for decoration lit up with a green flame.

Then a man wearing a black robe and a top hat with a resolute face walked out of the fireplace.

This wonderful scene frightened Mr. Harker. He stood up quickly, but after a few seconds of shock, he sat down again. He had already seen this scene once.

On the night when he first moved into Downing Street and became Prime Minister, the other party suddenly appeared like this, and Bernard was also present that time.

"Why are there still irrelevant personnel? I clearly informed you -" Barty Cratchit stood upright, frowning, and spoke extremely arrogant words.

"I don't have to comply with your notice, and I have the right to decide who can enter my house (Downing Street). At least the two gentlemen here know to knock before entering someone's room, unlike some people who appear out of nowhere. Come."

Upon hearing the sound, Bernard on the other side of the desk immediately smiled and tightened his tie, while Sir Humphrey - he was still offline.

"." Barty Crouch was too lazy to argue with the stupid Muggle Prime Minister. He spoke briefly and said bluntly: "You already know about the Italian matter! The Federation requires the Muggle governments of all countries to coordinate to deal with this matter. .

It concerns millions of Muggles, and you must come up with a complete charter to help us cover it up. "

"Covering up the past?" Upon hearing this, Prime Minister Mr. Harker felt a surge of anger rushing through his head.

Compared with the morally vacuum cabinet secretary Sir Humphrey, Mr. Harker still has some moral remnants, although not much, but it will torture his equally small conscience from time to time.

Millions of people are affected by the disaster. What is the concept?

Not since World War II has Europe experienced such a huge disaster.

Faced with a disaster that was entirely caused by the wizard himself, they didn't want to help, but instead came to ask him to cover it up?

Haha - Mr. Harker feels that it is time for him to apologize to Sir Humphrey.

Compared with the wizard in front of me, he is simply a living saint!

He was about to get angry-but at this moment-there was a knock on the office door.

The four people present all looked away.

They saw the door being pushed open.

An old man with silver-white hair, a waist-length snow-white beard that could even be tucked into his belt, blue eyes, half-moon glasses, and a floor-length purple cloak walked in.


"It seems I came at the right time." He said calmly, walked into the room, and the door behind him closed gently.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Harker immediately guessed the identity of the other party.

He stood up, stretched out his hand, shook it with Dumbledore, and said with a smile, "Welcome, Mr. Chairman."

As the Prime Minister of the British Empire and a veteran politician, Mr. Harker's political sensitivity is quite high.

These two wizards.

One is the British Minister for Magic.

The other is the president of the International Federation of Wizards.

The minister just said what the federation requested.

The relationship between superior and subordinate is very clear!

Mr. Harker's enthusiasm immediately aroused the irritation of Barty Cratchit, who is the Minister of Magic!

However, he is also an old man in politics. The old Crouch did not show the anger in his heart, and his expression remained the same.

"Hello," Dumbledore said, "but I prefer to be called the Headmaster, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, than the President."

"Yes - teaching and educating people is much easier than running a country." Mr. Huck still said enthusiastically.

However, these words made Dumbledore's expression unnatural for a moment, and he said with some emotion, "That's not necessarily the case."

After the two parties were quiet, they sat on opposite sides of the long table.

Sir Humphrey took the long way to Mr. Harker's side, and sat down beside him.

The situation is unclear now, and he is a little unsure, so he will wait and see for a while before talking.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and his statement was completely in vain. Crouch Sr. immediately spoke and reiterated, "The Muggle government must help us."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mr. Harker. He turned his head to look at Sir Humphrey and said: "Humphrey, who has the final say in the British government, the British Cabinet or the President of the United States? Why do you want to do this now?" What kind of minister is there for more than one?”

Hearing the sound, Sir Humphrey on the side raised his head, his lips moved, and he leaned back, "This question is very interesting."

He smiled and continued, "Secretaries discuss this issue all the time."

"What was the final result?"

"I admit that I am a bit of a heretic. I think it is the British cabinet, but -" Sir Humphrey smiled playfully, "I know that I belong to the minority."

As an important ballistic missile launch base for the United States, the British have positioned themselves very accurately.

"What do you mean!" Old Crouch glared at Mr. Harker.

"What do you mean?" After being slighted several times, even the good old Mr. Harker was aroused. He looked at Crouch and said coldly: "It means that the US North Atlantic Fleet and the NATO Combined Fleet have sailed in. In the Mediterranean, the British, French, Italian and German coalition forces have also arrived in the affected cities, and if necessary, NATO countries will take tough measures."

Others don't know it, but can the countries that own satellites still don't know it?

The hurricane in the Mediterranean is not a natural phenomenon at all. It is most likely caused by the so-called "magic", otherwise the Minister of Magic would not come here personally.

If they could destroy the inconspicuous island in the center of the storm's eye and stop the so-called magic, the hurricane would naturally subside.

The water in the Mediterranean is not warm enough to generate hurricanes.

Even if the hurricane does not disappear by then, as long as the magic is destroyed and the hurricane becomes a normal hurricane, the flowing storm will always dissipate naturally, instead of being pinned to the waters of western Italy like it is now.

"Don't say you were unprepared, sir." Mr. Harker stood up and looked at him indifferently. At this moment, it was as if Winston Churchill's soul was possessed. He, who was suppressed by the civil service group on a daily basis, burst out with astonishing momentum at this moment, "You guys The wizard went too far this time.

Also, watch your attitude!

You're talking to the British Prime Minister!

I advise you not to try to be an enemy of the Queen, not to try to be an enemy of the British government, let alone to try to be an enemy of the 580,000 British citizens.

If you want this planet to become uninhabitable for humans. "


The threat of nakedness.

And it’s a nuclear threat!

Although the wizard in front of me may not understand what a nuclear threat is.

But old Cratchit doesn’t understand, someone does!

Dumbledore knew very well that Muggles possessed a weapon powerful enough to destroy the earth's surface. It was said that the principle was taken from stars hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

During the years when he and Grindelwald broke up.

The other party used this weapon to arouse wizards' fear of Muggles, thereby achieving their goal.

"Calm down! Mr. Prime Minister." Dumbledore's face became serious.

Of course he wasn't here just for the dozens of people in London.

The International Federation of Wizards sent a liaison officer to inform him that a few days ago, the Muggle army moved very frequently, and dozens of warships of various sizes sailed into the Mediterranean.

This makes the already chaotic situation even worse.

He must try his best to ease the relationship between the two parties. At this time, he must focus on rescue and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

"I am very calm, Mr. Principal." The Prime Minister sat back in his chair.

He turned to look at the wizard who held a high status in the magical world, even the highest status. His face showed a touch of excitement, as if some kind of glory was within reach, "I have never been so calm."

The same scene also happened in the offices of the top leaders of major European and American countries such as the United States, France, Germany, and Italy.

Of course, the situation encountered by those federation liaison officers was not much better than that of Old Crouch.

The worst they faced was a regional power that was in charge of one side, not to mention a world empire within it. Those leaders had restrained themselves by not directly asking the agents to secretly shoot the wizard.

Wanting them to obey the wizard's orders.

No - how many drinks do you have, bro? Are you so drunk?

Why not try adding nodules and embrace a sweet, eternal sleep, where you can have everything in your dreams.

Fortunately, it's 1995, and a certain violent red-se-empire has come to an end.

Otherwise, Lao Maozi will have to give the wizard some medals.

Let him see what force is!

In short, after the efforts of the Federation, the Muggle government and the wizards could not be said to be sincerely cooperating, but could also be said to have almost drawn swords.

Cooperation is impossible. There are countries that have the mentality of catching all the wizards in one fell swoop.

But no matter how noisy it was outside, there was no need for Owen to worry.

Because he was being watched intensively at this time.

"Who are you? What are you doing here at such a young age? Do you know it's dangerous here?"

On the mysterious island, a group of people came over.

The leader is a middle-aged black-haired wizard wearing neat wizard robes, with fingers and toes connected together and cheeks on his ears.

He was holding the wand and looking at Owen carefully, his eyes were quite cold.

At first glance, you can tell that he is the kind of elite Auror who has experienced hundreds of battles, at least on the same level as Kingsley.

"Are you an Auror from the Italian Ministry of Magic?"

Owen stared at him with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

No wizard noticed him just now.

Could it be that the Italian Ministry of Magic has deployed some kind of induction magic on the periphery?

impossible! If magic was deployed, he would definitely be able to detect it.

But the person in front of him, and the people behind him, totaled ten people.

Everyone's body exudes surging magic power.

You can tell at a glance that he is not easy to mess with.

"Yes, I am responsible for this sea area." The man said with his head raised, his strong aquiline nose raised high, his expression full of pride and arrogance, a pair of amber eyes looking at Owen, scrutinizing His eyes seemed to be looking at the prisoner.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Who are you? What are you doing here?" the man continued with an emphasis.


Owen studied the man.

He was sure that the other party must have taken gill grass, or an underwater breathing potion with gill grass as the main ingredient.

The gradually healing cheeks on his face and the separated flesh on his fingers all confirmed this.

And - Owen's eyes went beyond him. In the distance, the whirlpool surrounding the island opened a gap at some point. It was like the miracle of Moses parting the sea, and it was displayed in front of him blankly.

I think this is how these wizards entered the island.

What is that power? Magic item? Or something else, anyway, it can't be a curse.

Then, Owen coughed lightly, then opened his mouth and made up a lie: "I am an employee of Gringotts in London, and I was assigned to help you decipher the secret of the tower."

"You?" The middle-aged man obviously didn't believe what Irving said.

Nonsense, he looked too young.

Curse breaker is a technical job.

Even the best graduates from major magic schools who want to become Gringotts Curse Breakers must undergo a few years of internship and then work as assistants to the official Curse Breakers in various ruins. This requires at least Five years.

And Owen—he looked like he was only a teenager.

"I take better care of myself." Owen said haha, since it was impossible for the other party to cast Legilimency on him anyway.

Dude, you are just talking nonsense. What can you do?

"Ha--" The other party laughed out loud, amused by Owen's poor excuse.

"It seems that I should arrest you and take you to the Ministry of Magic for interrogation." He came closer with an unkind look on his face.



Finally, someone discovered the eye-catching school badge on Owen's robe.


Suddenly, the man showed his original expression. It was summer vacation, and it made sense for the little wizard from Hogwarts to come here out of curiosity.

Although he was confused about how Owen got through the vortex, he finally knew who to look for and who his parents were.

"Well, as it happens, I also met a group of British people here."

As he spoke, he turned back.

Immediately afterwards, Owen also looked over. In the distance, at the gap in the whirlpool, another group of wizards walked in.

The leader was the Italian Auror.

But behind him, there was a figure that Owen was quite familiar with.

Sirius - and Professor Lupin and the Gryffindor trio.

They are all here.

The Aurors who were watching Owen were divided into two teams, and one team began to study the Divine Grant Tower behind them.

The other team was still watching him.

The sudden tear in the Grant Tower attracted the attention of the Aurors.

They looked at it carefully.

Cast a spell.

Then he walked straight in.

Owen was watching from the sidelines.

As a result, the physical separation he expected did not happen, and the group of wizards remained intact.

Waited for a while.

Finally, the Gryffindor team led by Sirius and Lupine finally arrived here.

"We are here to help you. We are Dumbledore's people. The Federation sent us here."

As soon as he came up, Sirius revealed his identity and position.

Maybe it's because he's been with Owen for too long, but this guy talks nonsense without any pause.

"Help us?" The middle-aged man did not restrain his vigilant gaze because of Sirius' words, "Help us, and bring the little wizard with you?"

"Study!" Professor Lupine stood up, with a smile on the good old man's face, "We are professors at Hogwarts. I heard that you discovered the relics of ancient wizards, so we brought several outstanding students here to study. visit."

"Really?" The man still didn't believe them.

But compared to before, he was much friendlier.

"Then you can visit as you like, but you cannot leave here." After saying that, the man turned around and directed the Aurors to enter the Divine Grant Tower to investigate.

After the Aurors vaguely surrounding them dispersed, Sirius made his next move.

"You brat!" He came over in a hurry.

I'm going to beat him up if I look at it!

Owen, whose soles were oiled, immediately ducked away.

"What are you doing? What are you doing! School violence? The teacher beats the students!"

"Beating? It's you who's being beaten! You really deserve a beating!" Sirius raised his fist and was about to do it again.

However, he was stopped by Professor Lupine.


He broke up the fight between Sirius and Owen.

Now that we are here, we should focus on that tower.

With that said, the two ignored Owen and left the opportunity for communication to the little wizards.

"Hi! Owen!" Harry greeted him, but he was sensible and didn't interrupt any further.

The girl behind him had fire in her eyes.

Pulling Ron, Harry quickly got out of the way, and then immediately walked to the Tower of Divine Grant, and looked closely at him with his whole face, thinking that he was an expert in ancient runes.

"Um - hello, Miss Granger!" Owen was a little embarrassed and waved to Hermione.

And what about the little witch?

Her eyes were deep and melancholy, and behind the melancholy was anger.

She walked quickly towards Owen.

He raised his fist, but dropped it gently.

"Why do you like to be a hero so much!" She looked up at the boy, her brown eyes filled with reluctance.

"How could I?" Owen laughed dryly, a little embarrassed, "I just... was forced to get involved."

Hermione took a deep breath and raised her head again. The anger in her eyes had disappeared. "No one is forcing you. If you don't want to, you don't have to do it."

Hermione's voice was trembling, her eyes were slightly red,

He sobbed and suddenly turned around and hugged Owen tightly, "I know this is a risk and I'm scared! But when I see you, I feel that as long as I'm with you, I can get through whatever difficulties I face."

Owen was a little frightened by Hermione's actions. He gently patted Hermione on the back, "There are outsiders here!"

Hearing his voice, Hermione let go of Owen and raised her sleeves to wipe away the tears that were about to fall. He raised his head again, with a trace of complaint and helplessness in the corners of his eyes.

Owen smiled helplessly, and he took Hermione's hand, "Okay, let's go see the Aurors now!"

Hermione nodded, and the two walked side by side to the cracked door of the Grant Tower.

Many Aurors were coming in and out of the gate.

A lot of things were moved out of it.

Some ancient books.

A few pieces of equipment that still exude magic.

There is also a stone basin containing various bottles and jars.

There must be many lost and powerful potions stored there.

"Owen, Hermione!" At this moment, Sirius suddenly popped his head out of the door and said to Owen, "We found an ancient rune carving. Come over and see what is written on it."

"Okay." Hermione responded, then pulled Owen to enter the Divine Grant Tower.


Huge force came from his arm, and Owen didn't move at all.

Seeing this, Hermione looked back at him in confusion, and then said softly, "What's wrong?"

"That - if we go in now, it will be too obvious Miss Granger!"

Owen let go of his hand.

"Five questions," he said.

"First, as soon as the door opened, someone came from outside the vortex - it was a bit artificial."

“Secondly, Italians don’t speak English to me.”

"Third, the character modeling is too rough. Except for the protagonist, everyone else has worn it, you know? Look at Ron - his hair just got stuck in his neck."

"Fourth, you moved the treasure out as soon as you entered the tower. Are you looking down on my brother and insulting my intelligence?"

"Fifth, and most importantly, Miss Granger's touch is wrong. It's too soft. The smell is wrong. The fragrance is too strong. She doesn't know how to use perfume. And her personality is wrong. If it's really Granger, Miss, just now, she would definitely pick up the stones on the ground and throw them over, and then take out her wand, no matter whether it was hit or not, she would first throw a few magic spells to relieve her anger."

"I said - have you not seen a girl for a long time? This simulation is too rough."

He spoke to the tower.

"No matter how much you want to trick me into entering, you shouldn't be in such a hurry! Polish it! Or it's OK to skip the ticket. Just hold on - wait until next time you try to trick me. This time it's just about collecting information.

If you dare to serve a half-finished product on the table, think of yourself as 2077! "

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