I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 361 Spark and God!

In an instant, the bodies of everyone present began to stretch, twist, and then shrink.

Then it seemed like a puppet that had lost its strings fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of flesh.

Owen felt a chill.

He quickly patted the robe on his body.

The treasures on the ground were also squeezed out and blown with blood, and then the treasures were broken and fleshy tumors were squeezed out.

Brutal and terrifying.

After the bloody scene ended, a dead silence surrounded the place.

The world was quiet until bursts of sounds like water drops falling on the ground suddenly sounded.

Owen raised his head alertly, and soon saw a physical person finally walking out from behind the door.

It was a black mist.

Many fragmented pieces of flesh and blood were squeezed out of the mist.

Then a force brought them together.

She floated down silently, hanging in front of Owen. The tendrils and eye stalks shifted positions and reorganized into an elliptical sphere composed of several shapes - similar to a human head.

Then the head twisted several times, and finally a beautiful person emerged.

He has long silver hair, emerald green eyes, clear facial features, and is wearing a luxurious wizard robe.

At a glance, they look like those female leaders who hold high positions and have a transcendent status.

She looks almost exactly like Owen, except for gender.

"Avada Kedavra--"

Owen raised his wand and flicked out a green light.

The green light disappeared into the figure, so of course it had no effect.


"Don't be offended, you have to give it a try! Otherwise it would be so embarrassing to stare at me."

Owen held the wand, took a step back, spread his hands, and said jokingly.

But the vigilance in his eyes has almost become substantial.

Faced with Owen's 'joke', the person in front of him did not show any emotional changes.

It's still as plain as ever.

It's like her face doesn't have such a function.

She looked at the boy in front of her with a face that was exactly the same as Owen's. As if assessing his worth. The way he looks at a product is disgusting.

Owen felt his heart beating wildly, and something was about to come out.

"The flames that come unexpectedly from the other side of the fog, do you also want to burn up God's firewood?"


"Well - it seems that you are not destined to be a star yet." A crisp sound came from the woman's head, like the sound of wind chimes.

She stood quietly, her hands hanging down naturally. She was obviously standing, but her figure had an indescribable sense of laziness.

That complex aura of being in control, being superior, yet mixed with a hint of pity is very special. It's just a glance, it has reached a level that I will never forget in this life.

"Are you Samothrace?" he read the name that came from Chiron's mouth.

It's the Riddler again - and Owen is furious about it.

Can the Riddler get out of this world?

"And you also hacked your account in person?"

Although his body was tense to the extreme, Owen's mouth was still as hard as ever. He looked at the woman in front of him wantonly, tsk - he somewhat understood a few boys in Hogwarts Castle.

It's indeed a bit too exaggerated - Owen touched his chin. He didn't look like this in the first grade. At that time, his eyes seemed not as big as they are now. Although the bridge of his nose was straight, the shape was not very good. Finally, his face shape, before. The face shape is very stern. As a result, now - it can only be said that the xenobiotic effect of ancient magic on organisms is indeed very obvious, as if he had a beauty treatment.

"Ahem—" Owen, who looked a little dazed at himself for no reason, coughed lightly and collected his thoughts. Then he raised his head and looked back at her with wild eyes, "It's a pity that you can't seem to get out of the God's Grant Tower! Did you trick me in to seize the body? But you just hacked the account. Why did you change the gender?"

Owen's mind was rapidly calculating. If the other party couldn't get out of the Divine Grant Tower, then the trap would depend on some external object that affected the real world. As long as he could cut off that connection, it didn't matter whether she died or not. He didn't have to deal with this. The mysterious guy gets into a fight!

Hmmmm - I believe in the wisdom of later generations!

They can definitely solve these problems!

While he was thinking, his eyes quickly looked around.

At this time, the face of the person in front of him suddenly began to squirm, and then she put on an interesting expression very mechanically, and her lips curled up. She was imitating Owen's expression.

"Samothrace? The Supreme Will is not watching here. It's just that part of the god's essence is sealed here."

The woman did not answer all of Owen's questions, and then said softly, "I am very happy to see you here."

After saying that, the woman suddenly raised her hand.

Then, a mysterious scene occurred.

The towering divine grant tower suddenly disappeared on the spot - no - no - it appeared in front of Owen's eyes like a flash.

She was almost directly separated from Owen by the distance between her lips and teeth.

His breath seemed to hit her face.

"I -" Owen quickly backed away, but the next second the Divine Grant Tower also took a step forward, and the distance between them was moderate and did not widen.

Owen could even see that behind the woman's white neck, behind the long hair, in the body glowing with candlelight, there were countless flesh and blood squirming.

"The gods' plan, oh - let me think about it, what is your mother's name - Gabrielle." This strange monster suddenly became alive. Both body movements and tone are almost the same as Irving himself.

That frivolous look in his eyes, the raised corners of his mouth that looked like a smile but not a smile, and the pause in wording and sentence making.

Owen can guarantee that if the gender of the monster in front of him changes.

Even Miss Granger might not be able to tell the truth from the lie.

"That night, an unprecedented magic resisted the intrusion of the god's essence, and god and you became one.

Well - it was amazing, Ambrosius's observation came true, and I have to admit that Gabriel's magic that night surpassed all the wonders of the world. This is unprecedented and has never happened in tens of thousands of years. "

The monster stretched out a long, pale finger, as if wanting to touch Owen's face.

But the moment she touched the door, countless golden runes on the Divine Grant Tower suddenly lit up, and a golden curtain stopped her fingers.

"What a pity! What luck! Ambrosius certainly didn't expect that you would come here."

"What's the deal?" She suddenly said.

Then he stretched out his finger and shook it, "Don't refuse in a hurry.

Starfire, you have to understand a fact.

The ultimate victory of the Supreme Will is an unshakable and absolute reality. No lies, pretense or questions needed. Open your eyes. "

The monster said calmly, her face full of pride. She was just stating a fact, just like the sun is destined to rise in the east and set in the west.

"But before the great unification, I really wanted to leave here. In this world, part of the essence of God has not been seen with my own eyes."

Owen frowned and opened his mouth. He was about to refuse, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them, "What conditions?"

he said, taking a step back.

This time the Divine Grant Tower did not follow.

The monster in front of me explained the fact in just a few words. She is the so-called supreme will that is part of the essence of God, but she has an independent will.

This is a bit like a Horcrux. There is no connection between the various Horcruxes. They are both unified and independent of each other.

In addition, there is also what she said about her mother. This is true to what Chiron said. Her mother triggered the ancient protection spell when he was born, the magic of love, and the magic kept him alive. came down, but she lost her life due to the intervention of external gods.

And the man named Ambrosius.

who is he?

Why can he observe a future that even gods cannot see?

All of a sudden, there were a lot of puzzles in front of him.

Owen could only hope that he could continue to get some information from the monster in front of him.

As for trading - he only likes to make deals with others when he is in control.

Like this - he would only agree if his head was twitching.

"Bring me someone here."

"With people?"

"Another Cyclops was born in the giant tribe." She said leisurely, "My dependents didn't come back. You should have stopped me."

"I don't want your body anymore. It's a treasure of the Supreme Will. If I get it, it won't be a good thing.

In exchange for the Cyclops, I can help you delay the arrival of the unification for a little bit, maybe a month. One year. Or longer. Perhaps, during this period of time, you can find a weapon to kill the Supreme Will, or a descendant strong enough to compete with God. Although you will fail...you can still try. I'll give you a chance. This is far more generous than the Supreme Will. "

"..." Owen said with a straight face, his expression turned contemptuous, "Is your reward too unreal? What is the difference between this and no reward?

It's not up to you to decide whether it can be postponed or not. How can I still confirm it? "

"Yeah - indeed." The monster pondered for a moment, and then said, "In that case, I can tell you the method of cultivating the World Tree."

Her body surface suddenly became transparent, and the flesh and blood on the translucent skin was crawling crazily.

Then, she took a step back, and the black mist behind her seemed to bring nourishment.

After replenishing her body, her figure became solid again.

"Cultivation of the World Tree?"

"That was the creation of the previous generation of Starfires." She said, "Not all Starfires are so brave.

This World Tree is the ship he escaped from. The World Tree that truly thrives will give birth to a new world in its buds, a world that is enough to survive in the void. You can try to cultivate it and prepare for the worst. After you fail, your friends and relatives can go to the new world and continue to survive.

Although their fate will be the same as this world. It's just delaying death. "

"Really? It sounds really good." Owen showed a longing expression.

This coincided with his safe house plan.

He did wish to give Miss Granger a chance to live if he could.

"None of the previous generations of Sparks have had such conditions. This may be the only opportunity you have in this life."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Owen.

"But I refuse!" Owen's face changed.

The monster stood in the shadows, and he stood in the light.

Owen would not agree to this condition anyway. First of all, he didn't know what she would bring to the world after she was freed.

But thinking about the monster in front of her, her mother must have never taught her to do more good deeds.

Secondly, is it true or false to cultivate a world tree? Can he tell the difference?

If this is true, then why was the previous Starfire, the heir, useless?

When I saw that this was a cake, I almost felt unreliable.

Unsurprisingly, after hearing Owen's answer, the monster who claimed to be part of God's essence did not show any anger at his rejection.

Her expression suddenly froze, and then she became mechanical again, as if she had lost her luster.

She lost interest in talking to Owen.

"You are indeed as Ambrosius expected.

It's really sad that since you came into this world, the loom of your destiny has already woven the yarn of the end. "

“This long period of fighting against the Supreme Will must come to an end.

Ambrosius wanted to end, the gods wanted to end, and I also wanted to end. After all, it was too long and boring. In the future, there should be a new spinning machine to replace the old one. "She seemed to be talking to herself.

Seeing Owen's eyes getting brighter and brighter, some terrible idea came into her head.



The sea water stirred up thousands of waves.

The waves were rough and under the dark sky, a ship named "Poseidon" was sailing bravely forward.

The captain knew all about the hurricanes near Italian waters.

But a few hours ago, the wind and waves were only on the coast of Italy.

The clouds stayed in place, only disturbing the surrounding fifty nautical miles. Their ship sailed from the direction of Greece without encountering much wind and waves.

Some merchant ships even sailed directly through the waters that were still tropical storms at that time. Although it was dangerous, there were no accidents.

But who knew - this time, not long after the 'Poseidon' left the port, the wind and waves suddenly became huge.

He had only seen violent storms and doomsday scenes in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the Mediterranean Sea.

How could there be such a huge storm in the Mediterranean Sea?

And it was so sudden.

At the bow of the Poseidon, the captain was looking at the deck in horror.

I saw the sea water stirring up waves more than ten meters high, hitting the deck.

Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky, and a bolt of lightning pierced the dark night sky. Then, a gust of wind came from the sea, instantly rocking the boat.

The situation was getting worse, waves were breaking over the deck and water was starting to pour into the cabin.

"Oh my God! What is that?"

Big waves hit the hull of the ship, making a loud roar.

Suddenly, they seemed to see hell.

the end of the world.

Not far away, a huge vortex suddenly appeared.

The whole sea water is pouring in.

Their ship was dragged directly into the whirlpool without any room for resistance.


Did they run into a hurricane in eastern Italy?

But - how could it be possible? He was clearly headed in the direction of Greece, and his instruments and communications were all normal. How could the ship come here?


Before they had time to think about it, the sea water surged up instantly, and they could only watch their boat sink slowly in the turbulent waves.


Something fell into the sea, maybe a person or an object.

It sinks slowly and heavily into the sea, as if it is mourning the life lost. The water poured into the cabin, taking away everything that could be taken away. All that was left was the cold metal and the wails of the people submerged in the water.


Before the wail could rise, it was interrupted by a wave.

A few lucky guys were still struggling, trying to grab anything they could to save their lives. The face was full of fear and despair, and the arms were waving helplessly.

There was no time to lower the rescue capsule, the water was too strong.

The hull of the big ship was quickly disintegrated and silenced, not to mention the small rescue cabin.

Soon, the cargo ship with hundreds of people even wailing was swallowed up by the sea water.

The vortex turned into a huge meat grinder, and all the flesh, flesh and soul were crushed, gathered together, and flowed into the depths of the sea little by little.

Entering the silent mouth.


There was another loud noise.

The sea water is boiling.

Lightning and storm danced together, and the clouds instantly completely blocked the only sunlight. The seawater surged outwards, and a small island floated in the center of the vortex.

And just now, those Muggles who fell into the sea became the "nutrition" of this island, and it became more "live".


In the roar.

Miserable because of someone's neighing roar.

Hot lava seeps deep into the island's rocks.

Suddenly, the whole piece of rock was torn apart by the high temperature, and then dark red lava emerged from under the skin.

But—that’s where it ends.

The lava eruption Owen expected did not occur.

The injured 'island' squeezed out many granulations, and these granulations connected and combined with each other to repair the damage he had just caused.

This island - it's alive!

Owen was shocked.

Then, without thinking, he turned around and ran away.

He finally figured out that the entire island was within the control of that monster. This was her home field. It would undoubtedly be quite stupid for him to fight her here.

Simply put, the monster didn't restrict him too much. She seemed to be busy controlling the island's rise.

So Owen was able to leave the island easily.

He broke through the bonds of the sea.

Come to the water.

"Multiple Freeze!!!"

Owen used a magic spell to create an island of ice for himself on the water.

Behind him, the island has completely surfaced.

Owen gasped and stood on the island.

The heavy rain poured on him randomly, as if someone was pouring water from the sky. The heavy raindrops hit his body, even causing some pain.

The sea breeze howled.

In addition to the sound of rolling waves, there are also thunder and lightning that are constantly lighting up in the sky.

The vortex was receding—Owen noticed with shock.

The vortex is receding – how is this possible?

What kind of power can stir up such a large amount of sea water?

Owen didn't understand, and he didn't have time to understand.

Because a dazzling golden light was rising into the sky from the sea behind him.

It was like fireworks exploding in the air.

Firefly-like light spots fell.

Spread into the surrounding sea.

Others may not know it clearly, but he sees it really.

Those golden ones are actually countless ancient runic characters, and the magical characters are intertwined with each other to form a golden curtain.

Ambilight - filled with a certain divinity.


Without enough time to take a breath, Owen opened his legs, the soles of his feet stepping on the light of blue-white ice crystals. Ice formed with every step, like a petrel in a storm, running forward on the sea.

But no matter how fast one runs, how can a person's speed be as fast as that of light?

Soon he hit the light curtain.

"Damn it - why is there still an air wall!"

He kicked the light.

Every bit works.

Owen could decipher those traveling runes if he was given time.

But now - BOSS's hatred has been captured by him.

There is no time for decryption.


Another roar came from behind him.

It was like the sea was angry, and he turned back silently.

Then I saw the light golden Divine Grant Tower swaying on the dark sea.

And that little island - the little island with arms and legs, Owen really didn't know what to call it.

It can only be said that it looks like a Titan.

Arms like mountains, body like ridges.

The body of the gully is covered with sea water and falling.

On a head, covered with seaweed and sea water, a golden crown inlaid with this huge gem gave off a cool light.

The mountain-like figure is filled with the aura of eternity. His body was so tall that it seemed he could reach the stars.

The giant's body is covered with hard rock, as if he is not a living thing at all, but a moving mountain. The skin is gray-black, and the face is as solemn and mysterious as a knife or an axe. He has no eyes, and there are only two holes where the eyes should have been stored.

There is also a hole in his forehead.

The giant's hands were wide and powerful, and each finger was like a huge stone pillar. After he emerged from the bottom of the sea, he put his hands on the surface of the sea, as if to demonstrate his incomparable strength. The water calmed down under his support, forming a calm circular area like a huge lake.

Owen had no idea how big he really was.

The water only reached its belly.

"This is--"

Giant King?

But how could it be so huge!

According to legend, the Giant King is the most powerful warrior among the giants, but no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be more than fifty feet tall.


And this mountain-like giant in front of him, five hundred feet (152.4 meters), even Owen believed.

Because if he could stand in the sea and expose his body.

The height is already over five hundred feet, and the depth of the sea here is only about five hundred feet.

No, no, no - Owen shook his head.

too exaggerated. At five hundred feet, the giant can still sprout half of its body. Doesn't that mean that its height is more than a thousand feet?

In this way - he would rather believe that the giant has a pair of mermaid feet, just floating on the water, and his lower body is paddling hard!


The roar from the barbaric era shook away the dark clouds.

For a moment, the sun shines through.

But it was soon obscured by dark clouds again due to the cyclone.

The roar was like the death knell of the end of the world, and the rainstorm stopped for a second.

However - Owen had cast the Blinding and Hearing Curse in advance, so his brains were not spilled all over the floor.

"Why are the mud monkeys so loud!"

"There are no US military planes here!"

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