I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 362 Resistance! spark

Chapter 362 Resistance! spark!

"Merlin on top!!!"

"Is this a god or a miracle?"

"Oh God! I saw Poseidon!"

Behind Irving, about a few kilometers away, there was another huge cruise ship with bright lights.

This was a Muggle tourist ship that suddenly broke into the maelstrom. It was late June and early July, the best months for travel. There were so many ships plying the Strait of Messina every day that the port was overcrowded.

No matter how strict the Ministry of Magic's protection is, there will still be some ships sailing into the waters affected by the whirlpool.

Of course, it is more likely that it is some kind of external force in the sea water that cannot be identified with the naked eye.

At this time, a group of wizards on the ship were planning to control the ship to leave the sea, and just when they were about to cast a spell, the sea exploded.

Yes - the pot exploded, the pot exploded visibly to the naked eye.

Like countless Muggles, they subconsciously stretched their necks to look into the depths of the whirlpool!

The giant's body shines faintly in the moonlight, adding a mysterious and spectacular scene to this deep sea.

The impact on them from the figure who did not know how many kilometers away was too great.

In this place - the place closest to God's heaven on earth.

Countless Muggles kneeled on the ground subconsciously, staring blankly at the figure.

Calling their gods with their mouths.

Wizards naturally don't talk about Muggle gods.

Amidst several shocked sounds of "Merlin's Beard!", several wizards immediately disapparated and wanted to go to the sea area to see what was going on.

But he bumped into the golden curtain.

No matter what, you can't get through it.

"what happened?"

"Why can't you get through?"

"Is it an anti-Apparition spell?"

Several wizards casually cast transformation spells and transformed into a wooden board. They stepped on the wooden board and stood on the sea.

There were also wizards who controlled the surrounding seawater to stop it from surging, so they were not overturned.

"Look there - there's someone in there!" a wizard exclaimed.

"Is there anyone?"

The others looked sideways and saw an island of ice on the sea. Although they could not see the face of the figure on the ice, they were sure that it was indeed a person.

"Someone's fighting this giant!"


As soon as the wizard spoke, the others turned to look at him, "Stop joking, okay? Fight? Fight with what!"

"Are you blind? That giant is a few hundred meters tall. Merlin is alive - no - Solomon can't defeat such a giant even if he is alive!"

Different from the traditional Camelot legend, after King Arthur died, Merlin entered Avalon and disappeared.

In the world of Harry Potter, Merlin has been committed to promoting the union of wizards and establishing equal relations with Muggles. He can be found throughout Europe and even the world.

This is also an important reason why the catchphrase "Merlin's Beard" can cover different languages ​​and countries.

The last time Merlin appeared was about five or six hundred years ago, which was also the time when the International Confederation of Wizards was established, before Merlin completely disappeared.

It is widely rumored that he is dead. Merlin has lived for more than a thousand years. Death may be his final destination.

But there are still some wizards, such as members of the Knights of Merlin, which is the organization that awards wizards the Order of Merlin. They believe that Merlin did not die. Just like the Muggle legend, he returned to the myth of Avalon and watched quietly. People in this world.

But Owen knew that Merlin must be dead.

Because he is also one of the ‘Sparks’.

As long as the previous generation of heirs survives, there will be no next generation.

So he must be dead.

As for the Solomon mentioned by this group of Italians - he is also a famous wizard.

He was the king who once ruled the plains of Mesopotamia. He was active earlier than Merlin. He was a figure in the first millennium BC. He was a famous master of alchemy, master of spells, master of dueling, and master of magic patterns. He was a key figure in the history of magic. The only wizard king who reveals his identity, he has great influence and is very famous along the entire Mediterranean coast.

His most famous story is the story of how he created seventy-two demon apostles for him to drive.

And the 'Proof of the Wise Man' on the finger, ten magic rings, which are said to be a masterpiece of ancient alchemy. Each ring has incredible power.

If a wizard had ten rings, he would have power comparable to that of a god.

In addition-King Solomon has a high status in the history of wizards.

Modern wizards believe that the history of magic is divided into periods after the death of King Solomon—it could previously be called the Wilderness Period, and some people called it the Age of Gods, or the Age of Gods, according to Muggles.

Then came the Magical Calendar - also known as the beginning of civilization.

After this, wizards established the magical civilization recognized by modern wizards.

And indeed, many of the modern rules of magic, such as the use of a wand to cast spells, came from after Solomon's death. The earliest magic wand was invented around 400 to 500 BC.

This is covered in Professor Spencer's History of Magic for a considerable amount of time.

And after two wizards passed in advance.

Others couldn't help but start thinking.

"Maybe King Solomon can deal with such giants. Didn't he create seventy-two demon gods? Maybe those demon gods are so huge."

A middle-aged wizard with dark skin and curly hair sighed.

"Don't worry about Solomon!" the Auror in charge said, "The wizard was obviously involved accidentally. We have to find a way to save him and go back to contact the department. Send members of the Department of Mysteries over to take a look. , what’s going on with this curtain!”

As soon as he gave the order, a wizard behind him distorted time and space and disappeared.

And he turned his sight behind the curtain again.

It was like the age of the gods, the battlefield of the gods.


Owen let out a cold breath.

He stared straight at the giant in front of him.

Compared to others, his feeling was more shocking.

Such a huge giant - just one breath, the breath produced is like a wave of wind.

With a twist of his body, he can create a wave of wind.

Not to mention, the twisted body composed of countless flesh and blood limbs.

The SAN value drops at a glance.

He must maintain Occlumency with high intensity at all times, and the whispers of the alien gods are simply pervasive.

"That is--"

Just when Owen was calmly suppressing the miserable and ferocious cries in his mind, the giant's body suddenly underwent huge changes.

On his chest, the mountain-like stone muscles suddenly twisted, and then an eye popped out.

Getting bigger and brighter.

After a while, the one-eye occupied the giant's entire chest.

It was a blood-red eye, the whites of the eyes were stained with bloodshot eyes, and there were several magatama-shaped flames in the black pupils. The flames flowed like water, and an evil that was about to come out spread out.

"Starfire - I'm frightened by my truth."

In the flame's eyes, the figure of the woman just now slowly emerged.

The same face that is almost identical to Irving.

Her hair was like fire flowing around the back of her head.

The body shape is located among those magatama.

"Isn't this true?" Owen wanted to run away on Iceland floating alone on the sea.

But the mouth is still as tough as ever!

"You must have invaded the body of the Giant King! It seems you want another body to see - this invasion should be imperfect." Owen said, "Sometimes big - does not necessarily mean good, this It may be a disease or disease, or it may be caused by the body's inability to carry your magic power, just like the clothes are bursting, so you keep letting the group of gods' favored ones bring flesh and blood to mend the clothes, right?"

The corners of Owen's mouth raised in mockery, "It's a pity that by patching it up, I turned myself into a monster!"

"Well - I think you look very good now. People can tell you are a monster at a glance. If you looked like that just now - people who don't know would think that I have some cross-dressing fetish!"

Although he had fun pretending to be Lani and Melina to tease the wizard, that didn't mean he was willing to use his face in women's clothing!

You can use someone else's

"Smart—the future Spark that Ambrosius values ​​most, you are much smarter than the others."

"But -" the woman in the pupils looked down at him coldly, "your strength is too weak. Since you are unwilling to reach a condition with me, I cannot let go of this opportunity and let you leave."

"Why - are you helping me again?" Owen looked at the tall, god-like figure with disdain, "Didn't you just say that I am the treasure of the Supreme Will? Why do you want to snatch it away?"

"Well - Starfire, you are indeed very smart." The woman suddenly regained her agility again.

She crossed her arms and smiled cruelly.

A purple light suddenly lit up in Flame's pupils.

"Now that you understand, you should give your body to me even more." She said, "This world will not be completely annihilated. I will replace it, just like a child devouring its parents."

"The great unification will be promoted by me. In this way, you can be regarded as an alternative victory over the Supreme Will.

The most enemy? Why wouldn't you do it? "

The woman's voice was long and full of temptation.

Owen's mind, illuminated by the strange purple light, suddenly arose with infinite negative emotions. The emotions of abandonment, giving up, loss, and exhaustion almost annihilated his consciousness.

Forget it—that’s it!

Anyway, I can't defeat such an enemy.

Maybe we can negotiate a good deal - and other thoughts kept impacting his persistence.

Just like he said to Sirius.

How the world will end up has nothing to do with him.

Is that his responsibility?

Is that his obligation?

Who asked him to fight against the alien gods?

Everything is imposed on himself, and if he lets it go one day, it will undoubtedly be a relief.

Well - the world suddenly became so quiet and warm.

Like Hufflepuff's common room, his soft bed.

I really want to get in now and sleep until the universe is destroyed.


In the pet backpack with blue sky and green grass, Shilok's sapphire-like eyes were looking at the faintly shining branches in front of him.

This is what it fished out from the pond of World Tree.

The length is about the same as a normal wand, and its surface is covered with green leaves.


The kitten stretched out its fleshy paws and patted the branch tentatively.

Suddenly the light became even brighter, like some kind of rhythm spreading out, vowing to reach even farther away.




So noisy - who is it?

Owen, who had already covered himself with a quilt, suddenly heard a loud noise.

He didn't want to open his eyes.

But I saw the "outside" very strangely.

Unlike the sea inside the curtain, which is as calm as a lake, the sea outside the curtain is turbulent, like boiling lake water, and the turbulent vortex prevents anyone from approaching the light curtain.

Wizards also ride broomsticks or use magic spells to control the sea water in order to stay for a while.

In the distance, a Muggle cargo ship unexpectedly sailed in.

Although it was a giant ship of 10,000 tons, it was easily overturned in the face of such huge waves.

The next second, countless containers and Muggles fell into the sea.

Screams and calls for help suddenly became noisy.

"The concealment magic and Muggle expulsion spells don't work at all. More and more Muggles are coming here. Ships from the entire Mediterranean!"

The wizards shouted loudly.

When the Charybdis vortex first strengthened, the Italian Ministry of Magic set countless expulsion and concealment spells around the vortex a few months ago.

It was these spells that protected the cargo ship in the sea for more than a month.

But now - obviously, their magic has finally completely failed.

There seemed to be a force in the depths of the sea pulling the boats of these Muggles, causing them to sail over one after another to die.

"Save people first!" the Italian Magic Auror Commander ordered.

They are not dark wizards after all.

Although they despise Muggles in their hearts, they are still alive and they will save them if they need to.

It's just that they are too busy.

The rescue efforts were of little use.

Many merchant ships came around, and more than one of them was capsized. Whenever they tried to rescue the people in one boat, people in the other two boats fell into the water.

Life is like duckweed. In this wave, a big wave becomes part of the sea.

Screaming - shouting - struggling

Like a nightmare.

And all this appeared clearly in Owen's closed eyes.

It was like the picture appeared directly on his pupils.

Look at the man who fell into the water!

With his bewitched consciousness, Owen slowly walked into the deepest part of his memory.

It was a memory.

In memory, it is also a sea.

Also a freighter.

He remembered the rain that day, as heavy as it was today.

Then someone fell into the water.

He remembered that there was a fool who desperately jumped into the sea with a lifebuoy.

He remembered that he had never told anyone else.

There are times when everyone is desperate.

Everyone has moments of timidity and fear.

There is no shame in escaping, it is biological instinct.

It is precisely because of this that the preciousness of courage can be reflected.

It is a hymn unique to mankind.

A noble hymn!


"The greater the ability, the smaller the responsibility - damn it." The boy who fell into the water laughed at himself.

The lavender sea beneath him created ripples.

Consciousness rushed out of this muddy Zhaotan.

On Iceland, Owen opened his eyes.

"Zi Zhen——" The corners of his mouth curved upward, and he made a smacking sound, "This is the first time I've seen someone talk about betrayal and lies so clearly."

"So, you want my body?"

Owen's expression changed, with anger and arrogance in his eyes, and his wanton voice echoed on the sea.

"Then come and get it!"

"I'm right here!!!"


Lightning suddenly lit up in the sky.

Bring a ray of light to this shadow-covered world.

The next moment, Owen raised his crystal wand.

Ancient magic spurted out from the warp wand along his arms.

Turned into countless invisible threads.

Connecting the power of nature high in the sky.


He started waving his arms widely.



Thousands of lightning surged from the dark clouds.

And Owen is using weather spells to control these natural forces.

Ordinary magic spells are definitely useless against such an enemy.

Only the most primitive, terrifying, and destructive curses could harm her.


A horse's cry came from high in the sky.

It turned out that those lightning bolts had gathered into galloping horses, rushing down with unstoppable power.


Not the sound of bombing.

But some kind of crashing sound.

Owen raised his head, his eyes showing surprise. The Pegasus transformed by thunder and lightning seemed to have hit something on top of the giant's head. He could even see the surging current venting, but he could not move forward even if he did not move forward. One inch.

"Starfire—" the woman's voice was still neither sad nor happy, "You are the only wizard who has reached such a height at such an age.

Is this the brightest spark predicted by Ambrosius? "

In the giant's eyes, the woman slowly raised her arm, "I am not the supreme will, but I am still a god."

Her voice, like wind chimes, sounded like a loud bell at this moment.

The sky is shining brightly, and the Constitution of Heaven is in the mouth.

Her words were probably heard by all the wizards and Muggles within a few nautical miles.

"I say, the thunder will dissipate!"

As if he really had the Constitution in his mouth, the tumbling thunder and lightning Pegasus dissipated in an instant as if someone had wiped it from the drawing.

"I said, let there be light!" Zhiyou said.

High in the sky, the second sun rises.

Real stars, stars that have been shining for hundreds of millions of years, their light is obscured by dark clouds.

But the second sun is a circular shape made up of ancient runes that looks like a magic circle.

The rings were nested within each other, reminding Owen of the ubiquitous symbols he saw in Ionia.

It is this dharma ring that emits golden light.

The entire sea area within the "curtain" seemed like daylight.

Owen stood on Iceland, looking up at the majestic miracle like a low-level beast.

At this moment, he felt how the giant felt when he created Xingyu.

And that's only a few hundred feet away.

Now - it's several nautical miles.

"I say, you will be bound by the light!"

The light in the clouds suddenly became hot and bright.

The magic ring suddenly sank, like a meteor falling, but not that fast.

And the sea surface, which is like a mirror, also reflects the magic circle in the sky.

Soon - soon.

Owen discovered that there was more than just a reflection on the sea.

It really appeared in circles, with him as the center, constantly shrinking.

Owen could feel that the space around him seemed to be restricted.

All the pipes in the space used by Apparition were blocked.

He had no access to any pipes.

Although it was originally impossible to use apparation here, the seal is undoubtedly stronger now.

Thinking about it, some of the previous heirs must have used some kind of phantom transformation spell that could escape most of the blocked space passages.

He had said before that the struggle between the outer gods and the successors was spiraling, like an endless arms race.

Now, this magic circle has finally blocked all the space channels. This is the product of the arms race.

The light is still gathering.

Those who claim to be gods do not have any time to breathe.

Golden light flows, and high in the sky, the magic circle produces countless sharp swords made of light.

The golden sword penetrates the dark clouds.

Heading straight towards him.

Owen couldn't dodge at all, he could only look at——looking at the golden sword, trying to pierce his heart with thousands of arrows.

"Huh..." At the critical moment, Owen forced himself to calm down.

"A god?" he whispered, shock and fear fading from his face.

Crystal wands have never been so transparent.

"Since you can't avoid it, let me show you what it is, the ultimate barrier that bends the will of the gods."

"Sanchez Force Field!"

The blue light spots, like blooming roses, wrapped him tightly.

The will of the gods turned into thousands of sharp swords.

The raindrops reflect the sword light, which is gorgeous and colorful.

When the golden sword collided with the rose, the heart-wrenching scene appeared.

I saw that all the golden swords passed by Owen, as if they met a natural enemy - like light passing through a black hole, like breaking the will of a god and breaking it apart forcefully.

All the sharp swords were heading behind him.

Some even passed through the curtain and headed outside.

Amidst the rumbling sound, huge waves exploded in the distance.

Another merchant ship was capsized.


The gods' doubts were deafening.

This is the best compliment anyone can receive.

"We haven't seen each other for a thousand years. The Starfires have made some progress."

The giant's flaming pupils stared at him.

Owen could notice that the Fire Giant's body seemed to be more rocky.

Well - it seems that the so-called gods are not free from burdens to fight against him.

"Good magic, good ultimate, all good."

As it spoke, several of its huge eyes and thick eyelashes were slowly petrifying.

Think of the giant's huge stone body.

Owen has reason to believe that the gods cannot completely control this body.

Her strength exceeds the endurance of her body.

No wonder, she found a Cyclops, because other creatures couldn't inhabit his spirit.

"Not bad?" Owen chuckled, "Since everything here obeys your laws and the power of nature has no effect on you, then-"

Owen's eyes revealed madness, and he waved the crystal wand quickly again.

"Origin: Extreme Cold Storm."

The sea breeze suddenly became quiet.

In silence, a cold and biting wind spurted out from Owen's wand.

The white storm was like wild sand. It rushed past, and everything in its path was frozen.

The quiet sea surface has become an excellent ice rink.

The ice spread extremely quickly and reached the feet of the hundred-foot giant in an instant.

Then, the stone began to shrink when exposed to the cold, and the black and blue surface was covered with a layer of white mist. The mist became thicker and thicker, as if it was covered with a piece of frozen armor.

Then - "Soul Torrent!"

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