"If you say you have something to do with me, it really has a little relationship, but if you count it, it's not my business."

Wang Yi touched his head.

If you want to stay out of it, it's not impossible.

But he was not born the kind of person who watched others make a fuss about himself in the theater, since there is fun to join in, how could he not have fun.

"I knew it, I saw it on my way here. Many forces are leaning towards the Tianshan Group, and they may have to attack you."

Ji Shi nodded and said.

On the road from Heifeng Mountain to Tianshan Group, you can see many forces that have never appeared before.

If you want to explain, the only possibility is that these guys want to attack the Tianshan Group!

"Shoot me, are they crazy?"

Wang Yi frowned.

Instead of looking for Jiang Changhong first, but looking for yourself first?What is the truth?

"Think of you as a soft persimmon. I heard that you are very close to the Beisha Mercenary Group. It is estimated that those guys feel that they can't deal with the Beisha Mercenary Group. First use your Tianshan Group to practice."

"Take me to practice hands?"

Hearing what Ji Shi said, the anger in Wang Yi's heart suddenly surged.

This is too fucking to think of himself as a human!

If you can't offend the Beisha mercenary group, can you offend yourself?

These guys are also powerful enough. The Tianshan Group is indeed not doing anything in the West, but when Wang Yi is here, do these people think it is the Tianshan Group before?

"I think it's normal for these people to do this. If I don't understand you, I will choose to trouble you first instead of Jiang Changhong."

After all, in Jiang Changhong's place, they were the head of a mercenary group anyway.

It is understandable for Ji Shi to say this, and even Wang Yi thinks it is correct, but it is very uncomfortable to be looked down upon like this!

Unhappy, unhappy, those guys want to deal with themselves, they still have to find a way to solve it.

"When will those guys come?"

Wang Yi looked at Ji Shi and asked.

"How the hell do I know that those guys are now squatting outside your Tianshan Group branch like dogs. As for when they will come, it's not based on the feelings of those guys."

Ji Shi said helplessly.

He is not the undercover agent on the other side, but can he still know when the other party will start?


Wang Yi spit out, and turned around to look for them.

"What do you want?"

Ji Shi realized that something was wrong and asked quickly.

"What do you think, I can still wait for them to come and find me in trouble? Then I don't want to save my face."

Wang Yi cast a glance at Ji Shi.

What would it look like to let those people squat outside their Tianshan Group branch?

Since he is going to cause trouble, what are you still struggling with? If he doesn't come to find himself, he will be over if he finds him by himself?

"If you say that those people are shameless, you're desperate."

As Ji Shi said, he didn't mean to persuade Wang Yi. He also felt that taking the initiative to attack might not be a good thing.

Hit those guys by surprise!

Just let Jiang Changhe see if Tianshan Group is as powerless as the rumored in the Western Border!


Wang Yi found ignorance and asked ignorance to gather all the combat power of the Tianshan Group.

Looking at the dozens of people in front of him, Wang Yi nodded secretly.

These people are all guards before his father. Dozens of people are comparable to hundreds of retired special forces!

In such a battle, it is not difficult to solve those shameless guys.

"Everyone, I think you have also heard that the guys outside of the Tianshan Group branch want to crush my Tianshan Group. Do you agree?"

Wang Yi looked at these people in front of him and asked.

"Master, you don't need to inspire me. Since these guys want to make me Tianshan, it will be overwhelming. Then we will let them suffer first!"

Wuming opened his mouth and said, Wang Yi was very satisfied with what Wuming said.

What the ignorance said is what I want to say to these people.

It is obviously impossible for him to target those guys lurking outside the Tianshan Group by relying on his own strength.

Only with the power of these people can we overturn those shameless goods!

It is estimated that those guys would never have thought that such a group of people are still hidden in the western branch of the Tianshan Group.

Such a batch of horrible existences that can make the entire West Territory tremble!

"Master, do you think about how to do it?"

Tianlong approached Wang Yi and asked aloud.

It is estimated that there are at least hundreds of people crouching outside the Tianshan Group.

And these are just the number of people on the bright side, no one knows how many people are hidden in the shadows.

"It's simple. As long as I show up, those guys will definitely come out. I'm still confident about this."

Wang Yi smiled.

He intends to be the bait himself, to attract all those guys out.

Then the ignorance will lead people and kill those guys!

As for the lives and deaths of those guys later, I will leave it to Tianding...

"What about weapons and equipment? Tianshan Group does not have so many weapons and equipment now."

Ignorance asked again, can't let them face those well-equipped people with bare hands, right?

Even if they are strong and armed, they will always have the upper hand!

"Don't worry about this. There are not many people who have thermal weapons in the West, and I guess that few of those guys can have them."

Wang Yi smiled and waved his hand.

No matter where it is, thermal weapons are rare things. On average, one in ten people can own it.

"But Master, you are going to be the bait yourself, we are still a little worried."

Song Changying also spoke. These thugs in the Western Territory would not show mercy to Wang Yi's men, and they would not care whether Wang Yi was a young master of the Tianshan Group.

If you see Wang Yi, you will definitely not be merciful, and kill if you should!

"Don't worry, it's not that simple to kill me."

Wang Yi still waved his hand. He hasn't been idle these days. Open Yangyan is practicing every day. Now Wang Yi can see everything thousands of meters away.

"Let's go, go!"

Wang Yi did not hesitate and turned around and walked out of the Tianshan Group branch. The entire Tianshan Group branch has become an empty city!

Even Chu San followed the team. As the team's nanny, it is necessary for him to follow!

The place Wang Yi is going to is at two gates not far from the branch of Tianshan Group.

The people Ji Shi saw were in those two gags!

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