The group of people rode in the motorcade toward the two gates near the Tianshan Group.

Chu San was also very familiar with the path, and he would go to these two gates to handle some things from time to time on weekdays.

It is very simple to find these two plugs.

When he came to a place less than 20 kilometers away from one of the gates, Wang Yi stopped the convoy.

Such a large number of people directly enter the gate, and the other people in the gate will definitely know that Wang Yi does not want to see a group of people who will run away by then.

"In this way, Wu Minglong, you two take half of you to the other gate, and Song Changying and Ji Shi will just follow me."

Wang Yi said.


Upon receiving Wang Yi's order, the Wuming two separated from the motorcade with people.

Wang Yi continued to move towards the gate.

Before arriving at the mouth, Chu San spoke.

"The owner has changed here."


Wang Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu San.

"Look, young master, the flag that hung outside has changed from the lion head flag at the beginning to the tiger head flag, which shows that the previous owner of the gate has now been expelled."

Chu San began to explain, and Wang Yi also noticed the change of the flag above the gag.

However, Wang Yi had never been to this gate before, so he could only listen to Chu San's explanation.

"Let's go, let's go in, don't reveal your identity yet, explore the foundation of these guys."

Wang Yi spoke and gave up driving into the gate. A dozen people went to the gate on foot.

Ji Shi followed the back of the team, his gaze, from the beginning to the end, did not look at the gate, but at the direction when they came from the West Division of the Tianshan Group.

He always felt something was wrong. When he rushed from Heifeng Mountain to the western branch of Tianshan Group, he could still see many strongholds on the road.

Now from the Tianshan Group branch to the Sekou, I haven't even seen a stronghold.

This is not in line with what these guys do...

"what happened?"

As if discovering something wrong with Ji Shi, Wang Yi came to Ji Shi from the front of the team and asked.

"I think something is wrong, just be careful anyway."

Ji Shi asked him to tell him now, he really couldn't tell, but he just felt something was wrong.

"Don't worry, these guys will not be our opponents."

Wang Yi walked up and patted Ji Shi on the shoulder.

This guy may have been in Heifeng Mountain for too long, and he hasn't realized the changes in the west.

Entering the gag, Wang Yi found that the gag looked a little desolate, desolate and abnormal.

Even the walking people couldn't see a few, let alone those who were stationed in the gag.

"what happened?"

Wang Yi frowned deeply. Did these people know that they were coming to make trouble and escaped first?

"Go directly to the stronghold in the gag."

Wang Yi did not hesitate, and led people towards the main stronghold in the mouth.

The main stronghold in the mouth is a fairly large teahouse, but there is no one in the teahouse now!

It looks like a dead city!

"What about people?"

Wang Yi sighed again, this is absolutely impossible!The flags outside are still there, the fucking people are gone!

"You said, a gag, if there is not even a man stationed, what is the situation?"

Looking at Ji Shi, Wang Yi asked.

"Don't ask me, it's the first time I have encountered such a thing, I am still wondering."

Ji Shi shook his head quickly. He has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

If you take down the gag and don't let anyone guard it, isn't the leader of the gag a cerebral palsy?

In this way, anyone who comes here can occupy the mouth!

"Go and take down the flag, I don't believe it, I overturned your flag, you still can't come out!"

Wang Yi opened his mouth, and came up with a plan of extinction. If you don't come out, you can, then you will snatch your gag. I don't believe you won't come out yet!

Just when Wang Yi sent someone to pick up the flag, Tianlong called.

"Master, there is no one in the gag here!"

Wang Yi's heart immediately thumped. This situation is almost exactly the same as the situation he is encountering now.

Also, no one is guarding in the gag!

Hanging up the phone, Wang Yi was lost in thought, what the hell was going on, not even a single person was guarding him.

Even if it's a gag, it's like this for both!What do those guys want to play?

"Master, you said, do those guys think they can't deal with us and take the initiative to retreat?"

Ignorance spoke on the other side of the phone.

"How is it possible! Absolutely impossible! With you replaced, can you take the initiative to retreat without seeing anyone?"

Wang Yi immediately shook his head.

Just kidding, how can you take the initiative to retreat? Even if you want to retreat, you have to take the flag away, right?

"You take a closer look at the situation over there first."

In the end, Wang Yi could only say this. He himself didn't know what these people wanted to do.

Just after hanging up the ignorant call, Wang Yi received a call from Jiang Changhong.

Jiang Changhong, who was on the phone, looked very worried.

"Wang Yi, what the hell did you do! Your hometown has been taken out of you, you still don't know?"

Hearing Jiang Changhong's words like this, Wang Yi himself was dumbfounded and confused.

"Your Tianshan Group branch was taken by someone, and even the flag was inserted. Where did you go?"

Jiang Changhong did not hear Wang Yi's answer for a long time on the phone, and quickly continued to ask.


The corners of Wang Yi's mouth twitched frantically, he didn't even answer, and hung up the phone.

He finally knew why there was no one here. Those guys thought they were not in the Tianshan Group, so they went straight to occupy the Tianshan Group's territory.

The Tianshan Group branch, which is not defended by people, is an empty city. If you want to occupy it, it is not too simple.

"What happened to Master?"

Seeing that Wang Yi's expression was wrong, Song Changying quickly asked.

"Nothing, there is a little problem."

Wang Yi waved his hand, this damn embarrassment broke out.

It is estimated that after those people occupy the Tianshan Group branch, they will definitely make a big announcement in the West.

The Tianshan Group’s reputation in the West was not good at first, but now that it’s done like this, it’s probably stinking directly.

Wang Yi thinks that these guys are absolutely impossible to think of, it must be Jiang Changhe's idea!

In this way, in the West, no one will still think that the Tianshan Group is strong, and naturally no one will come to help the Tianshan Group.

With Jiang Changhe's hand, Wang Yi really didn't expect that this hand would turn the tiger away from the mountain and be played by Jiang Changhe...

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