"Fuck you, I shouldn't believe you! What else to say this wall is soft, I think your mind is soft!"

After Wang Yi put his hand up, the wall was not as soft as Ji Shi said, but rather hard!


Ji Shi was still shouting that it was impossible, but when he put his hand up, he found that the wall was not soft!

But I actually found that the wall was really soft just now, damn it?

"Isn't it possible? You are very happy to play me like a monkey, isn't it?"

Wang Yi looked at Ji Shi speechlessly. This guy played with his grandmother as a monkey.

The walls are soft. I actually believed this kind of thing.

"I really didn't lie to you, just now I really found that this wall is soft!"

Ji Shi was still explaining, but Wang Yi didn't believe it. If he still believed what Ji Shi said, wouldn't he be a fool?

I was fooled by Ji Shi just now, can I still believe it now?

"Well, you don't believe it, forget it, you can toss it yourself."

Ji Shi was helpless, Wang Yi didn't believe it, and now he doesn't believe it a bit.

But there is absolutely nothing wrong with the feeling that I touched just now. As for why it suddenly became different, Ji Shi couldn't say why.

"I think what he said is true."

Xidian spoke suddenly, and Wang Yi looked at Xidian.

"No, you believe it all."

"He has no reason to lie to us. Did he touch something that made the change like that just now?"

As Xidian said, Ji Shi couldn't believe it, but Xidian opened his mouth to help himself?

"I don't believe it, how is it possible!"

Wang Yi still didn't believe it.

"Master, the wall here is also soft, it suddenly sank a while ago, now there is no movement!"

Just when Wang Yi wanted to rebut, Song Changying suddenly spoke.

His words attracted Wang Yi's gaze again.

"what happened?"

"Phantom! Phantom of meteorite gold!"

Feng Zimei stood on the spot, and said something for no reason.

"Remember the people who died in the Qingqiu Mine in the news? They didn't have any injuries, but they died directly. They should have been scared to death."

Listening to Feng Zimei's words, Wang Yi felt terrified. It turned out that scaring people to death was really not nonsense.

"Why do you know these things?"

Wang Yi now had to believe it even if he didn't believe it. All the people present except him believed what Ji Shi said just now.

It's hard to adjust...

"Because there are such drugs in the Tianshan Group, but they are only banned."

Feng Zimei spoke slightly.,

Ji Shi's weird gaze immediately came over.

"Tianshan Group actually does these things?"

"What's wrong with this? It's not normal. There is nothing shady about any group."

Feng Zimei faintly opened her mouth, looking disapproving.

"Then you mean, we are now in the range of meteorite influence?"

As if realizing something, Wang Yi spoke quickly.

"It's almost like this. According to my coordinates, we are now in the south of the west, and meteorite gold almost appeared in this place."

Song Changying nodded, and the mark he left on the ground showed where they were now.

"So, we can't afford this stuff?"

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows.

It was so scary when I first came up, and if I continue to visit below, I might know what will happen.

"I can't say that, it's just that we can't afford to provoke us now, maybe, we can let the predecessors come and see."

Song Changying shook his head.

A few of them will be affected by the phantom shadow of falling gold, which is enough to explain the mystery of falling gold in the west.

But this is only limited to them, if the ups and downs come, maybe they won't be afraid of the fantasy of falling gold.

But it's hard to say whether you can find meteorite gold.

"Where is that guy now?"

Wang Yi asked.

"It should be at the headquarters of Tianshan Group, and the chairman has called him back."

Song Changying said that when he left Jiangdu, perhaps Feng Duyun called him back to the Tianshan Group.,

If it weren't for the ups and downs to go back, it is estimated that Tianlong would not come to the West.

The head of the twelve guards and the ups and downs, there must be one to protect Feng Duyun's safety by his side.

Since Tianlong is no longer with Feng Duyun, what is now with Feng Duyun is floating!

"Then we can't just leave like this, right?"

Wang Yi took a deep breath.

He finally came here, if he left like this, he would not be reconciled.

"Maybe you can continue to go down and try it, but you must be careful. There are not many equipment in the mine that can be used. God knows what else can come out of this meteorite."

Ji Shi opened his mouth and said that he was the group of people who had seen Meteorite before, and Meteorite was certainly mysterious.

But now that the distance is so far, at most it will be affected a little, and if you continue to go down, there should be no problem.

"Then try it."

Wang Yi nodded, his eyes fixed on the passage in front.

Except for the passage from which they came, there was only one passage left, and that passage should be the passage to the deeper part of the mine.

"It's sealed there. I have seen it. There is a stone statue."

When Song Changying saw Wang Yi looking over there, she said quickly.

"Stone statue?"

Wang Yi asked in doubt, how did the stone statue come in in this place, wouldn't it be an illusion of falling gold again?

"It should not be. I have seen it. There is an iron fence in front of the stone statue, which is still locked. It seems that I don't want people to enter it again."

Song Changying shook his head. He had visited that place just now.

All traces are man-made, it seems that no one wants to enter the depths of the mine again.

"I don't want people in, let's go and see."

After that, Wang Yi brought a few people to the so-called stone statue.

On the stone statue, you can still see the traces that have been chiseled time and time again, which should have been made in the mine.

As for why it is placed here, is it because the people in the previous mine built it to prevent someone from being affected by the illusion again?

"This stone statue seems to have been moved here deliberately. The town was supposed to be sheltered and safe under the mine. Now it has been moved."

Ji Shi said, in the West, the danger of mining mountains is greater than that of Huaxia, I don't know how much.

It is not unreasonable for these people to make such a stone Gandang to town, but putting the stone Gandang at the entrance of the passage to block the passage is a bit unreasonable.

"Someone has been here!"

Suddenly, Xidian yelled, shocking everyone.

Both are full of goose bumps!

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