"what did you say?"

Wang Yi was taken aback by him, and his whole body was erected.

"Look at the side of the stone statue, there are still fruits to be enshrined, and you see that the incense ash is still very dry. At first glance, it will burn out soon, and the time will not exceed seven days."

Xidian said, Wang Yi discovered this.

Indeed, in front of Shi Gandang, there are still incense and fruit for worship.

However, Wang Yi couldn't figure out who came in and did all this.

"Fuck, the middle-aged man just now, we should just pull him down with him!"

Feng Zimei spoke up, and directly exploded in a rare foul language.

Wang Yi has not encountered anything that can make Feng Zimei explode in foul language, and now even Feng Zimei has exploded foul language...

"You said he came?"

Wang Yi asked, still a little unbelievable.

The middle-aged people are gone, can they come to this place?

"We were tricked, that guy can stand up at all, and he probably comes here often."

Feng Zimei spoke again.

Except for the middle-aged man, no one knows the way into the underground mine.

To put it another way, those who still dare to go to the mine now, except for their group, are estimated to be the middle-aged man!

"Why is he here?"

Ji Shi asked, he also couldn't figure out why the middle-aged man came back.

It stands to reason that so many people died in the mine, and as the parties involved, they would never return to this place.

The middle-aged people not only come back, but also give this Shi Gan incense. What is this intention?

"Open the iron door and take a look, don't you know?"

Feng Zimei smiled and looked at Song Changying.

"No, let me do all the dirty work?"

Song Changying gave a wry smile, this kind of thing like opening the door will always have his share.

"Now we, it seems that you can solve this iron gate, right?"

Cang Dang!

Feng Zimei had just finished speaking, Song Changying directly removed the iron gate with three strokes and five divided by two!

Looking at the pile of broken iron gates on the ground, Ji Shi couldn't help but glance at Song Changying.

He could also dismantle the iron gate in this way, but it was not as easy as Song Changying...This product is really a monster, why didn't he find it before...

"This thing is Shi Gandang?"

Wang Yi walked up and looked at the stone statue in front of him. Although the traces of the stone statue were carved, it was very simple.

"Otherwise? What else do you think this can be?"

Ji Shi nodded and walked up to hit Shigan with a punch!


In Wang Yi's stunned eyes, Shi Gandang cracked directly, turning into rubble and scattered on the ground.

"What are you doing? This thing has an enemy against you?"

Wang Yi wondered if Ji Shi had no place to vent, and came here to vent. Who did this stone statue provoke?

"There is something in it, you silly."

Ji Shi spoke out of anger, squatted down, and picked up a package from the ground.

"What's inside?"

Seeing Ji Shi picking up the parcel on the ground, Wang Yi hurried to ask.

"That guy wants you to bring something."

Ji Shi sneered and threw the package directly to Wang Yi.

"Damn! Give me this thing!"

As soon as Wang Yi touched the package, he threw the package to Song Changying.

The middle-aged man wanted to take it home by himself, but it was a bomb left under the mine!

Ji Shi just threw it over, what if it explodes?

"Don't worry, this thing can't be blown up without a remote control. The remote control is probably in the hands of the middle-aged man."

Ji Shi just smiled, he dare not say anything else, but he still knows these things very well.

In common sense, middle-aged people should directly detonate explosives to blow up the passage, but middle-aged people did not do so.

Instead, he asked Wang Yi to bring the bomb back to him, which meant that Wang Yi would destroy Shi Gandang.

If Shi Gandang is not destroyed, Wang Yi and the others will not be able to go down!

"It's awesome, the rules of the Western Territory are really strange. To open a mine, you also need to blow up the tunnel when you leave. It's amazing."

Wang Yi said silently.

Huaxia does not have such rules. Since the mines have been hollowed out, why should they blow up the passages?

"What do you know? In the West Territory, this kind of underground passage is reserved. For those forces, it will become the target of competition, so it will be bombed directly."

Ji Shi was helpless, what is China?The land is vast, where underground resources are needed.

The West Territory is different. Every inch of land is gold, and there are passages underground. That means there is an extra way to escape. How could those big powers let it go?

"Great, I have nothing to say, let's go and see what is inside."

Wang Yi planned to go in and have a look around Shizuo.

But before Wang Yi could enter, he was stopped by Feng Zimei.

"You can't be at the forefront!"


Wang Yi asked.

"I don't know what dangers will be encountered before. Under the effect of meteorite, your eyes have almost lost their function.

If you are in danger, you can't find out for the first time, you should let them come."

Feng Zimei's answer, although it is very reasonable and reasonable, but in the eyes of the two people Ji Shi, there is such a slight error.

Isn't this just saying that the death-death thing was let down by them, and Wang Yi just needs to stand behind and enjoy it and it's over?

"Sister, you're still a cow."

Wang Yi could only smile helplessly, and let Ji Shi walk in the forefront.

"Yes, I have become a death squad again."

Ji Shi laughed and cursed, but did not refuse. After all, Wang Yi is now the boss, and it seems that there is no such thing as protecting the boss.

"You are not a death squad, so you can't be the young master?"

Song Changying also smiled.

A few people talked and laughed, and they didn't realize that on the way they came, one eye had been watching them.

Everything they did in it was seen by one person.

The people behind them didn't have any thoughts of going up and recognizing them, they just kept following.

"Boy, you keep walking, I'll see how far you can go."

When Wang Yi's voices completely disappeared in the passage, those who had been following Wang Yi suddenly laughed.

To Wang Yi, he did not have any malice, and he even knew Wang Yi!

I have been following Wang Yi, just want to see where Wang Yi can go...

Wang Yi did not discover this mysterious person. As for when he will find out, it all depends on when this mysterious person plans to show up...

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