I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 231 Underground River

"Have you heard that, there seems to be a sound of water in front of you?"

As he walked, Ji Shi stopped suddenly and turned to Wang Yi to ask several people.

"You go to ears, I didn't even hear it."

Wang Yi curled his lips. He didn't hear the sound of water that Ji Shi said.

"I heard it too."

Feng Zimei nodded, she also heard the sound of water that Ji Shi said.

"The feelings of you are all downwind, why are my eyes not working here?"

Wang Yi felt very depressed.

Why these guys can use their ears, but their eyes are useless.

It was supposed to be my home court, but now it's better, I just became blind!

"You haven't practiced well on weekdays. It's normal. There should be an underground river in front of you."

Feng Zimei just smiled, making Wang Yi feel very shameless.

It seems that after I go back, I should practice well...

Sure enough, just like what Ji Shi said, it was an underground river that prevented a few people from moving forward.

It’s just strange that there are torches burning faintly on both sides of this underground river!

"We are in the ghost market."

Ji Shi said with a very understanding appearance.

"What? What ghost market? Is there a ghost here?"

Wang Yi asked, the name sounds scary enough.

"What do you think? I have long heard that there is a black market in the underground underground, but the entrance to this black market is very cryptic.

People who know this entrance will not exceed five thousand in the entire western border, but they didn't expect that this underground mine tunnel would actually lead to the ghost market."

Ji Shi began to explain.

"You still didn't say why it was called a ghost market."

Wang Yi is speechless, is there any difference between saying and not saying?Just tell yourself what is the use of knowing fewer people...

"Because it is active underground all year round, and the transactions made in it are shameful, and there are many underground passages in the ghost market. If ordinary people can't say it, they will just get lost in it, so it is called a ghost market, understand?"

Ji Shi spoke to Wang Yi again.

He didn't know anything else, at least in his time, people in the ghost market were still very rare.

"Then how are we going? There is only the river ahead."

Looking at an underground river ahead, Wang Yi asked.

"There is a way, but what is embarrassing now is that we seem to have gone the wrong way. The passage just now should lead to the ghost market."

Ji Shi continued to speak, taking out a whistle from his arms and placing it beside his mouth.

A harsh whistle echoed in the underground river.

In the distance of the dark river, which was still dim under the torch, a black figure slowly approached him. After entering Wang Yi, he realized that it was a small boat.

The person wearing it was dressed in black, covering the whole body, completely invisible.

"How many, where are you going?"

The hoarse and low voice looked a little scary in the dark river.

"Go to the inorganic pavilion."

Ji Shi answered.

"Wangwu Pavilion? That Wuji Pavilion that disappeared in the ghost market ten years ago? You can't go now. You haven't been to the ghost market for a long time, right? The biggest news channel for the ghost market now comes from Wutian Pavilion."

The sailor said in a low voice.

"It's really been a long time since I've been here, then go to Wutian Pavilion."

Ji Shi twitched his mouth awkwardly and said.

"Twenty thousand, just go and not return."

The sailor spoke and reached out to Ji Shi.

"Can you swipe your card?"

Wang Yi stepped up and asked.

"I only want money."

The sailor shook his head, and Wang Yi was stunned. Where is the 20,000 yuan? Where did he get so much cash now?

"I have, I will give it."

Ji Shi had no choice but to speak, and after taking out the money, several people boarded the boat.

"Don't look back, don't remember the way."

The boat rider said at last, holding the boat and leading a few people across the underground river to go deeper.

On the boat, Wang Yi looked at the person holding the boat in front of him, turned his head, and asked softly.

"What did he mean?"

"It's not simple, just go and not return. He is only responsible for taking us into the ghost market, but we have to rely on ourselves to get out of the ghost market."

Ji Shi began to explain.

"No, you've been to the ghost market before, do you remember the way?"

When Ji Shi said this, Wang Yi quickly asked again.

"What do you mean? I don't know if the road I remember is still there or not, and besides, I know, it's not this road, isn't it? There are many entrances in the ghost market, but only one exit. How do I know how to go?"

Ji Shi looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"My day! Then you still come in!"

Wang Yi shouted immediately, isn't this harmful?

Wouldn't they be able to go out, just bring people in, bring people in to die?

"Walk around, there is always a way to get out anyway, besides, there are many news channels in the ghost market, and it is not easy to know the way out."

Ji Shi's expression was relaxed. For an old oil like him, these things were simply clear and couldn't be clearer.

Before meeting Wang Yi, to be precise, when he was still Zhang Tuo's apprentice.

This ghost market, he is considered a frequent visitor, the time spent in this ghost market is even comparable to the time he spent in the West.

If it wasn't for the ghost market that is not suitable for him to hide, maybe he would be dormant in the ghost market instead of Black Wind Mountain!

"Then you are awesome, if you can't buy the news then, I see what you do,"

Now that Ji Shi had said this, Wang Yi naturally had no idea what to say, so he went with this guy.

"Apart from him, it's the first time to come to the ghost market, right?"

When Wang Yi and Ji Shi were talking in a low voice, the person in front of the boat suddenly turned around and asked.


Wang Yi nodded.

"I have to remind you that in the ghost market, don't trust anyone lightly. This is advice. After all, the ghost market now is different from the previous one."

The boater said something like this for no reason, and stopped talking.

Wang Yi is at a loss. What does this mean?

I went to the ghost market to buy news, and now this person on the boat tells himself not to trust others easily?

"What do you mean by this, can you tell me more specifically?"

When Wang Yi asked again, the person on the boat stopped answering.

"He was right, anyway, just be careful when the time comes."

Ji Shi also nodded.

What the boatman said is what he wanted to say, the ghost market is changing all the time.

The people inside have also changed batch after batch. Even if the relationship between the previous batch of people has been dealt with, they may be replaced someday.

So the rule of survival in the ghost market is not to trust anyone!

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