I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 276 I'm His Father

"If you say this, you have seen him before, so why, don't you want to see him now?"

"Boy, don't worry about so much, the more you know, the faster you will die! Understand?"

The middle-aged people didn't say it.

Although he wondered why Wang Yi knew so many things, his inner subconscious wouldn't let him say more.

"I know much more than you think. I'm not alive now. The more you know, the faster you die. It's just farting!"

Wang Yi continued to speak. He never believed that the more he knew, the faster he would die.

He only knew that if he didn't know anything, he would die faster!

"If you want to know, you can just ask him. Anyway, he is yours now."

The middle-aged man spoke, turned around and did not attack Wang Yi again.

"No, no, these are two different things. Knowing from his mouth and knowing from your mouth are not the same thing at all."

The middle-aged man looked like he didn't want to say anything, but Wang Yi still didn't give up.

Instead, he walked to the middle-aged person.

"You Gu Masters, there should be some problems with you? You chose to stay in the ghost market because of some reasons for you, right?"

Once Wang Yi finished speaking, the middle-aged man immediately stared at Wang Yi.

"Don't look at me, this is not what I know from Xidian, you have said that I am from the Tianshan Group, then I know these things, isn't it normal?"

"You know these things. I'm not surprised. What's strange to me is, is there any use for you to tell me these things?"

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and spoke lightly.

Although what he said was plain, Wang Yi could see a trace of unwillingness in the eyes of middle-aged people.

He was unwilling to stay in the ghost market like this.

Looking at the actions of middle-aged people who directly made so many Gu worms, Wang Yi could see that this middle-aged person is very strong!

Compared with Xidian, these two people are not on the same level at all.

Middle-aged people are even stronger than Ji Shi!

It is indeed a pity for such a person to stay in this ghost city forever.

"I mean, I may have a solution that can help you solve it, but in exchange, you also need to help me with something."

Wang Yi spoke, and the middle-aged man refused without thinking.

"Impossible! I will not act for the Tianshan Group!"

"No! Not for the Tianshan Group, just for me."

Wang Yi shook his head.

It seems that it makes no difference to say that he is the eldest of the Tianshan Group. Doing things for him is equivalent to doing things for the Tianshan Group.

However, the brain circuits of these Gu Masters are a bit unusual, and they will not do anything for the Tianshan Group.

Putting it another way, it might work for the people in the Tianshan Group.

"What do you want to do?"

Sure enough, the middle-aged man immediately hesitated.

"I want to know, you and Xidian, you can tell me, or if you see Xidian, I will help you out."

Wang Yi spoke.

"Impossible! Don't even think about it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Yi was repeatedly rejected by the middle-aged.

"No, I didn't ask you to do anything for me. It's just a little thing, it won't work?"

Wang Yi was on fire, and he had spoken kindly from the moment he came in. This guy has a fucking big frame!

Such a big shelf is still the first in front of me!

"Let me do things for you, but see Xidian, I won't do it."

The middle-aged man spoke, making Wang Yi very confused.

It seemed to Wang Yi that what he wanted him to do was simply that it couldn't be simpler.

"I am his father. For some reason, I cannot see him. You can ask me to do things for you."

The middle-aged man continued to speak.

He still wants to leave the ghost market, and he understands that only Wang Yi can do this now.

So he needs to rely on Wang Yi.

"You can guess that you are his father. If you are his father, why can't you see him?"

Wang Yi didn't make any surprised expressions. He could guess about this.

It's just that he can't understand, since Xichen is Xidian's father, why can't he drink Xidian to meet him?

Is it so difficult to meet?

"You don't understand, there are some things I have to do."

Xi Chen spoke.

Not only did Wang Yi come to him, but even Xidian came to him countless times. Under such circumstances, he did not choose to see Xidian.

How could he change his mind just because of Wang Yi's words.

"I don't understand these things about you, all I know is that I want you to see Xidian! I just made this request!"

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

Xi Chen was anxious and rushed to Wang Yi.

"What do you know! I saw Xidian, it hurt him, I saw him, he will die! Can you guarantee that you have the ability to make him not die?"

Looking at Xi Chen, who was pulling his collar with red eyes in front of him, Wang Yi was a little moved.

It seemed that it was not that Xichen didn't want to see Xidian, but because of certain circumstances, Xichen had to do so.

It's just that Wang Yi didn't know that in the Western Realm, Xi Chen was still such a strong Gu master of the two of them, and what else he needed to fear.

"Standing in front of you is the young master of Tianshan Group, you said, can he do it?"

Song Changying stepped up, thinking stupidly that he would be able to control the scene by relying on the young master of the Tianshan Group.

But what everyone did not expect was that Xi Chen shook his head.

"What about the young master of the Tianshan Group? In the West, it is not like that. You think you are noble in the Tianshan Group, but you are still the same in the West? You can't afford it."

Wang Yi was depressed.

That sounds right, but I feel offended...

"Don't tell me, how do I know if I can solve it?"

Wang Yi said, still wanting to struggle.

"Qiantang, can you afford it?"

Xi Chen spoke and looked at Wang Yi.

The corners of his mouth twitched wildly, and Wang Yi was speechless. He really couldn't provoke this Qiantang.

Anyway, Qiantang was also the former boss of the Western Territory. At least he and Jiang Changqing need to work together to deal with him to be able to confront him.

Even so, it is only capable of confrontation, and it is not certain that Qiantang will win.

"Xidian's mother is Qiantang's daughter. This is the rule set by Qiantang. Xidian and I cannot meet, otherwise, we will both die."

Xi Chen spoke, and Wang Yi took a deep breath, frightened.

This Xichen is so awesome that he actually soaked in Qiantang's daughter!

But looking at Xichen's age, Qiantang must be a century-old monster...

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