I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 277: What If I Say I Can

"You're so amazing, you got his daughter."

Wang Yi just smiled, and didn't put this Qiantang in his eyes.

No matter how good he is, it is only before, and if you want to deal with it now, there is no way.

At least now that he and Jiang Changqing are united, they are not afraid of him.

"He got the meteorite gold, even if all his previous forces are gone, it is not easy to deal with."

Xi Chen said, he thought Wang Yi didn't know that Qiantang had received meteorite gold.

"I know this. Isn't it the meteorite gold? You think he is the only one who got the meteorite gold there, and one person also got the meteorite gold."

Wang Yi nodded, he naturally knew that there was meteorite in his hand.

However, he is not the only one who has the fragments of falling gold.

Zhang Tuo also has a piece of falling gold in his hands. How can I say that Zhang Tuo's power cannot be compared to him.

Unless Zhang Tuo and him are in the same group...

"You mean Zhang Tuo? You think... he and Qiantang are not in the same group?"

Xichen spoke, and Wang Yi was shocked.

What he just thought of was actually confirmed!

In that case, the only two people in the Western Territory with meteorite gold are now in the same group...


Xi Chen spoke lightly.

If only him, the West is so big, there is still a way to deal with him, but not only Qiantang alone, there is also a person who has meteorite gold in the West, there is also Zhang Tuo.

And this Zhang Tuo and He Qiantang belong to the same group.

When Zhang Tuo came to Wang Yi's Tianshan Group, it could be seen that these two people were basically together.

It's just that Wang Yi didn't find that much.

"When you say that, I suddenly understood."

Wang Yi took a deep breath and was reminded by Xi Chen that he understood completely.

Among them, Tianshan Group is included.

"At that time, it's a pity that you only understand now. I guess you will understand later without me telling you."

Xi Chen sneered, Qiantang's plan was almost half executed.

Just wait until the so-called auction day, most of the people there will go to him.

that time,……

"You still think you have a way to deal with the fuck?"

Xi Chen asked.

"Well, it does look a bit troublesome now."

Wang Yi didn't pack the ticket this time, and last time he talked to Jiang Changqing only about Fu Qiantang alone.

Suddenly, Zhang Tuo and Qiantang were in the same group, and Wang Yi was completely confused.

"Haha, weren't you very good before?"

Xi Chen chuckled, just like a wicked face.

"I didn't know these things before."

Wang Yi said nonchalantly, he didn't worry, he withdrew from the West in a big deal.

Falling gold is not something that I have to get.

Run if you can't beat, this is Wang Yi's consistent style.

"Master, it is estimated that the master will not let you out now."

Song Changying suddenly leaned forward and spoke in Wang Yi's ear.

"Shut up, don't I know this?"

Wang Yi returned him angrily.

Wang Yi still doesn't know what Tianshan Group wants to do in the West.

But what Tianshan Group wants to do at the moment needs to be done by itself.

If you can't do it yourself, can you just run away?

"If you feel that you have the confidence to do this, I can agree to your request."

Xi Chen spoke.


As soon as the voice fell, Wang Yi spoke immediately.


Xi Chen was completely stunned, didn't she just look like she was helpless?Changed after turning around?

"You said, if I am confident that I can do it, you will agree to my request."

Wang Yi said as if he had nothing to do with him.,

"No, weren't you unsure just now?"

Xichen looked at Wang Yi, his face was blue and purple.

"Yeah, I was really unsure just now, isn't it now?"

Wang Yi nodded and replied.


Xichen was so annoyed by Wang Yi that he could not speak.

Isn't this just talking about yourself?Things that were unsure just now, turn around and become sure?

"Hey, you don't understand this. This is called lust and indulgence. Just as you pay the tuition, I told Xidian to let him come to you."

Wang Yi spoke, and he turned around and left after he finished speaking.

"and many more!"

Just as Wang Yi was about to leave, Xi Chen stopped Wang Yi.

"What? What else do you want to say?"

Wang Yi looked back and asked Xi Chen.

"Are you really sure to deal with Qiantang?"

Xi Chen asked.

"That's natural, otherwise I'll be a bullshit with you, don't worry, I will do all the things I promised you!"

Wang Yi nodded, turned and waved and walked out.


"Master, are you really sure?"

On the way back, Song Changying looked at Wang Yi and asked.

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows and said.

Song Changying felt bad when he heard it, and Wang Yi was definitely bragging!

The cowhide this time was different from before. This time the cowhide was blown to the sky by Wang Yi, and he actually said that he could handle the combination of Qiantang and Zhang Tuo.

"Don't worry, I said, I can't do it."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

Although I heard the news at first, I was really surprised.,

But when I think about it carefully, I don't seem to have any need to be afraid.

It's impossible for Tianshan Group to let it die in the West?

If he couldn't fight, he could still move soldiers from Tianshan Group.

At that time, there must be other people willing to come here to clean up Qiantang.

"Master, I didn't expect how you planned to deal with Qiantang."

Song Changying curled his lips. From his perspective, this was simply impossible.

"Isn't there still ups and downs? If it doesn't work, he will do it too, right?"

Wang Yi smiled and looked at Song Changying seriously.

The purpose of floating in the west is to protect your own safety.

The big deal is that I ran to Qiantang desperately, and I didn't believe that at that time, I would not be able to hold back and save myself!

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