"Master, you are really a hob meat. If you know what you think, you can be pissed off by you."

Song Changying's mouth was angry.

"I don't care if he is angry or not, what can be done even if he is angry, I didn't do it."

Wang Yi said so angry that he could not pay for his life.

"You are awesome, you can't be awesome anymore."

Song Changying gave Wang Yi a thumbs up, and he was convinced Wang Yi.

It’s only Wang Yi to be able to say such things so clearly...

"No matter what, go back to Tianshan Group first, go back and have a look."

Wang Yi made a big move and directly sat in the co-pilot.


Evergreen Group:

Feng Zimei sat in Jiang Changqing's office, looking at Jiang Changqing on the opposite side.

"Xiaoyi said that he can cooperate with you, but don't give me any tricks."

"Hehe, you think too much, it's related to my own interests, how can I play tricks?"

Jiang Changqing smiled and said.

What he was worried about was the fragment of falling gold in Qiantang's hands. It was not a conflict of interest with Wang Yi, so naturally he would not play any tricks.

What Wang Yi wanted was the meteorite gold from the Qingqiu Mine. Instead of looking for it like this, he might as well take a piece of meteorite gold fragment from Qiantang's hand.

With meteorite fragments, it is much easier to find the main body of meteorite gold.

"Although I don't know your specific plan, I don't know what you want to do. I will give you a warning and do it for yourself."

Feng Zimei said coldly.

To Jiang Changqing, she would not have a good face.

Even if Wang Yi and Jiang Changqing cooperate, it is still the enemy's relationship, and it is impossible to ease the relationship between the two because of one cooperation.

"Don't worry about this, I won't do anything. At least, after this incident, I will deal with you Tianshan Group again."

Jiang Changqing is very plain, even talking about dealing with Tianshan Group is very plain.

"Are you talking about the Tianshan Group or the Tianshan Group in the West?"

Feng Zimei raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Which Tianshan Group is the same? Anyway, I only have to deal with Tianshan Group, no matter which one, as long as it has the surname of your Tianshan Group, I will deal with it!"

Jiang Changqing still smiled.

Feng Zimei felt wrong, Jiang Changqing had never dared to say this in front of him before.

At least he would be afraid of Tianshan Group, but now he is not even afraid of it!

Feng Zimei didn't believe he didn't know the consequences that Jiang Changqing would endure when he said such words.

So there is only one answer. Jiang Changqing knows the consequences, but he is not afraid of Tianshan Group!

"Then see if you can do it like you said after it's over."

Feng Zimei finished speaking coldly and left Jiang Changqing's office directly.

Along the way, Feng Zimei was puzzled, why Jiang Changqing dared to point at the nose of Tianshan Group!

Before coming to the West, Jiang Changqing had never done anything like this before, but now he dares to directly attack the Tianshan Group!

"What do you think of your Tianshan Group?"

This sentence, Feng Zimei just heard Jiang Changqing say, and I don't know what this guy thinks.

"Sister, I'm back!"

Feng Zimei was depressed, but Wang Yi's voice suddenly came in from outside.

"Xiaoyi, are you back?"

"Otherwise? I will die outside if I don't come back?"

Wang Yi smiled and walked up towards Fengzimei.

He also found something wrong with Feng Zimei's expression, and asked quickly.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? It feels like a shit expression."

"You just ate shit."

Feng Zimei replied to Wang Yi in an angry voice.

"Then you should explain what is going on with your expression."

Wang Yi was at a loss.

He hasn't seen Feng Zimei with such a shit-eating expression a few times, it can't be ugly anymore!

"That fellow Jiang Changqing said to deal with Tianshan Group."

Feng Zimei said.

"Isn't this a normal thing?"

Wang Yi shrugged my shoulders indifferently. He hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter.

"You didn't hear what I said, it was Tianshan Group! It was not a branch of Tianshan Group, nor you or me! It was Tianshan Group!"

Feng Zimei emphasized again.

"The Tianshan Group is the Tianshan Group, so he can't see if he can deal with it?"

Wang Yi still looked nonchalant.

Jiang Changqing said he can deal with Tianshan Group, so can he deal with Tianshan Group?

Then he also said that he can directly get the entire Western Realm into his own hands?

"He dare to say this, he must have his own reason in it, otherwise he has no reason."

Feng Zimei spoke.

Although Wang Yi was right, she always felt that Jiang Changqing must have his own thoughts.

As for how to deal with Tianshan Group, she didn't know.

"Sister, it's not that you don't know. It is not a simple matter to deal with Tianshan Group. Even if Jiang Changqing is brave, Tianshan Group will always be a behemoth that he can't shake. Don't worry."

With that said, Wang Yi comforted Feng Zimei again.

"Forget it, don't talk about this, how did you go?"

Feng Zimei waved her hand and did not continue to investigate this issue with Wang Yi.

"It's okay, but I don't know what Xidian will say."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

Xi Chen had already said it himself.

And he has asked Song Changying to inform Xidian, and it is estimated that Xidian will go to the ghost market soon.

I just don't know if Xidian can bring Xichen out of the ghost.

If it is possible, having a powerful Gu Master beside him can be considered a considerable combat power.

"You'd better be prepared. Now that there is a mixture of fish and dragons in the West, you can have a little more control with one more helper."

Feng Zimei nodded and said.

There are already a few big Westerners she knows.

Counting those she didn't know, the huge western border really wasn't as presumptuous as the Tianshan Group...

"Sister, do I think you want to say something?"

Wang Yi felt that something was wrong more and more, and asked.

"I wonder if something has happened to Tianshan Group."

Feng Zimei said with some worry.

Jiang Changqing's action is really unimaginable.

Moreover, Jiang Changqing directly exposed his purpose.

According to Jiang Changqing's scheming, such a situation will never happen!

"Then how about you go back? I should be enough here in the West."

Wang Yi nodded and said.

Although the Western Territory can be said to be a mess, but Wang Yi wants to survive here, there is nothing impossible to do!

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