I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 288 Arrange for Wang Yi

The brains of these guys have long been fooled by Qiantang and don’t know where they went.

Qiantang is also very good at drawing people's hearts. No matter what it is, as long as he gains the title of Western Territory, countless people will think that what he did is right.

"I will think about what it will be like when we go out."

Wang Yi listened to Qiantang's words, if it wasn't for his failure, he immediately went down to beat Qiantang.

It was too shameless, I was shameless enough, and now I finally saw a shameless person than myself!

Put your face on the ground and rub it hard...

"I don't know, I guess it will be wonderful."

Jiang Changhong shook his head and said with a smile.

"You can still laugh, that guy just hadn't let these people in the west directly kill us."

Wang Yi said silently.

Qiantang's words, if they were more explicit, they would directly instigate these guys to kill himself and others!

But there is no difference between what he said like this and what he said clearly, anyone can hear what Qiantang said.

"Hehe, it's not that I didn't bring people here. Anyway, I am enough people who run away."

Jiang Changhong smiled.

His people are waiting outside the gag. It is not that simple to move themselves.

He didn't believe it anymore, these big Westerners, who came to the auction, would bring everyone along!

"My lord, how can you be sure that it must be an outsider?"

In the hall, a question suddenly came.

But when Wang Yi heard this sound, not only did he not feel happy, but he felt cold.

This time I'm pulling the calf, Qiantang actually prepared a support...

If it were not for the support, Wang Yi would have taken off his pants!

Those who dare to question Qiantang this way, if it weren't for Qiantang's arrangement, Wang Yi would chop off his head!

"I have a witness here, let him speak."

Qiantang smiled and spoke, and didn't mean to blame the person, he became more strange.

Wang Yi could not see the situation, but he could hear the sound under the hall.

A man walked up the hall and looked at it with a horrified tone.

"When I came to participate in the auction of Lord Qiantang, I was attacked. Looking at the clothes of those people, it seemed to be from the Tianshan Group... Fortunately, Lord Qiantang's alien team..."

Halfway through, Wang Yi couldn't listen anymore.

What does this have to do with the Tianshan Group?

I was also kidnapped, okay, now I see that I have not been kidnapped, so I throw the pot on myself?

Now I can't wash it out even if I jump into the Yellow River.

In an instant, all eyes turned towards Wang Yi’s box.

"Look at your uncle! Give me back!"

Song Changying's impatient voice came from inside Wang Yi's box.

It seems that Song Changying and the others are also very angry.

The victim is now the perpetrator.

In Qiantang’s mouth, is there anything black and white that cannot be reversed?

"Hehe, of course, I believe Tianshan Group will not do this, right, Master Wang Yi?"

Qiantang smiled, and unexpectedly took the initiative to help Tianshan Group to defend.

But his defense made Wang Yi not happy at all.

At this time, I was completely dependent on myself. What Qiantang meant was to attract all the hatred to him again!

"Master Qiantang clearly learned that Tianshan Group will not do such a thing."

Although disgusted in his heart, Wang Yi spoke.

If he didn't speak, he probably had one more charge.

These guys' enthusiasm for Qiantang surpassed their imagination. When they were silent, they felt that they did not respect Qiantang.

"Look, the young masters of the Tianshan Group have spoken. They don't bother to do this kind of thing. We come to the West because we want to make money too? Why bother?"

Opposite the Wang Yi box, Jiang Changqing smiled and spoke.

There is no difference between saying this and not saying it. He even attracted a part of hatred.

"He is expressing his determination to you."

After hearing this sound, Jiang Changhong smiled and said.

If Jiang Changqing did not speak, then Wang Yi would have to bear the anger of these guys alone.

Now when Jiang Changqing speaks, these one person will naturally think that Jiang Changqing is Wang Yi's accomplice.

"He said that, these idiots will think we are embarrassed."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

Anyway, no matter what they are talking about now, it doesn't taste like that anymore.

In these guys' minds, they are all the murderers who mess up the West.

This is indeed the case. After they came to the West, the West was indeed messed up a lot.

"Fuck your mother! Tianshan Group would do such a thing?!"

This sound was unexpected to Wang Yi, and this sound was Ye Hao's voice.

"Leader Ye Hao, you are not staying in your Huaxia, what are you doing here? Are you here with the young master of Tianshan Group?"

Qiantang smiled again and said, Ye Hao is a violent temper, and he is not used to him, and continues to roar.

"Qiantang! Others are afraid of you, don't think that I am afraid of you. Many of my guards have already reached the west. If you dare to move the young master of Tianshan Group, I will kill you first!"


Wang Yi's face was black.

Ye Hao, this stupid, arrogant man at this moment.

Threatening Qiantang?Fortunately, he can figure it out, and doesn't look at the degree of fanaticism of the idiots below for Qiantang. He dares to threaten Qiantang. Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

"When is it your turn for an outsider to speak to Master Qiantang like this!"

Sure enough, a curse came from below.

"Yes, this is a big one."

Wang Yi clutched his forehead.

Why did he spread such a thing, Ye Hao didn't say anything, there might be room for things.

Now it's completely gone...

"I am also curious, where did you find a fairy thing."

Jiang Changhong looked at Wang Yi with a smile on his face.

He can still laugh, just because there is no anger attracted to him for the time being.

However, Tianshan Group and Evergreen Group have now become targets of public criticism...

"Master, this is not Ye Hao, it's fake."

When the screen of Wang Yi's mobile phone turned on, such a message came over.

After seeing this, Wang Yi frowned. Qiantang was really a good method. With the help of Ye Hao’s voice, he was even more angry.

Ye Hao had provoked a lot of powerful characters in the West.

Then Ye Hao would definitely have a counterproductive effect if he speaks for himself at this time!

Qiantang's purpose is this, Ye Hao doesn't even need to come forward, just need Ye Hao's voice to complete it!

Just say it yourself, how could Ye Hao be so stupid!Everything in this way was arranged by Qiantang early!

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