"Yes, now I'm completely confused."

Wang Yi said silently.

This time I was pitted not lightly, even compared to Jiang Changqingkeng himself before, this time it was a bit worse.

"Don't tell me, I think you are miserable when I look at you."

Jiang Changhong spoke.

Don't say it was Wang Yi himself, he, an outsider, felt that Wang Yi was too miserable.

Obviously he didn't do anything, but the body of the pit was so complete that the whole person was probably stupid.

"Can you not speak? No one treats you as dumb."

Wang Yi spoke out of anger.

"Uh, don't worry, isn't there another Jiang Changqing with you?"

Jiang Changhong comforted.

"Then you mean, are you saying that I also want to drag you down to accompany me?"

Hearing Jiang Changhong's words like this, Wang Yi felt that he was mocking himself. He glanced at him and asked.

"I didn't mean that. How could I cheat you? Besides, we are people on a boat. If the boat capsized, we all have to die."

Jiang Changhong quickly explained.

It is estimated that Wang Yi is now the top of the pit. If he is forced to continue, he may do something.

"You know it, shut up quickly."

Wang Yi felt a nausea, goddamn, what did he do, just cheating himself...

"It's okay, aren't you all used to it? Are you still getting cheated?"

Jiang Changhong curled his lips and said something like this.

His words made Wang Yi even more depressed. Feelings are inherently a physique of being pitted by others?

No matter who it is, come to pit yourself.

"Master Qiantang, just say what we are going to do?"

Below the hall, there were bursts of consistent sounds.

"This... I just want to tell you these things. I really don't want to be the boss anymore. I'm very tired."

Qiantang looked embarrassed.

Wang Yi almost wants to go to the bathroom and throw up. It's so fucking disgusting. You can say this. What else can't be done by Qiantang?

"My lord, if you don't stand up, it is estimated that no one in the Western Region can stand up!"

I don't know who shouted first, which caused the whole audience to scream.

Needless to think about it, Wang Yi knows that this is definitely another trust.

Qiantang is quite well prepared.

Said it was an auction, but it was actually Qiantang's method to win people's hearts.

"It seems that we really have to think about retreat."

Jiang Changhong muttered.

Things are getting bigger and bigger, and the most important thing is that a few outsiders of them can't even talk.

Even these people who have not been arrested are like this, aren't those who have been arrested even more?

Those guys would definitely regard Qiantang as their savior. They would do whatever Qiantang said, even if it was the kind they would be willing to let them eat shit.

"Oh, why bother."

Wang Yi shook his head. In order to strengthen himself, he would pull others into the water, and whether he wanted that old face that had lived for more than a hundred years.

"Haha, Qiantang, you want to regain the West, I'm afraid it is not that simple, right?"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the hall.

This sound made Wang Yi sound familiar.

Pulling the curtains open, this time Wang Yi really saw Ji Shi and Xidian walking in from outside.

Standing behind Xidian is Xichen.

After seeing Xichen, Qiantang frowned.

"Everyone, this is the son-in-law of Qiantang, Xichen, the tall Qiantang in your heart, for your own benefit, let Xichen and Xidian, the father and son, have not seen each other for several years. This is your enthusiastic Lord Qiantang. ."

The corner of Ji Shi's mouth disliked an arc and raised a thumbs up toward Wang Yi's box.

"Why is this guy here?"

Wang Yi lowered his head and muttered to himself.

Isn't Ji Shi supposed to be in Black Wind Mountain now?Why did you come to this place?

"You fart! Master Qiantang is thinking about the West, how could he do such a thing!"

Before Qiantang spoke to explain, someone immediately began to defend Qiantang.

"How many navy soldiers did this guy hire?"

Wang Yi clutched his forehead.

It is estimated that more than 30% of the people are the trust of Qiantang.

And Wang Yi felt that even with these 30% estimates, he was too conservative.

"That's right, Master Qiantang, don't say anything else, your purpose today is to auction the fragments of meteorite gold, and now you are not going to auction it, what do you mean?"

Jiang Changqing's voice fell from the box.

He couldn't sit still, his goal was the meteorite in Qiantang's hands.

Now that everyone else is here, Qiantang suddenly says he won't sell it?

People have offended things and haven't got the things...

"Are you trying to fight me?"

Qiantang glanced at Jiang Changqing coldly.

Slowly shaking his head, Ji Shi spoke.

"We are not against you, don't you still have Zhang Tuo in your hand? Let him come out, why hide and tuck him."

"Everything I do is for the West, and it's not your turn to point me!"

Qiantang seemed to be anxious, so he said.

"We are not pointing you, we just don't agree that you re-take the position of the boss of the West, it's that simple."

Jiang Changqing spoke lightly in the box.

"Don't let me sit? Then you say, who will sit?"

Qiantang sneered and asked.

"I think, Master Wang Yi of Tianshan Group is not bad."

Jiang Changqing continued to speak, and looked towards Wang Yi.

Damn it!

Wang Yi was almost scolded by Jiang Changqing, is this his teammate the fuck?

Is there such a trick to teammates?


Qiantang also glanced at Wang Yi's side.

Standing in the box, Wang Yi is now in a dilemma.

I had no choice but to straighten my waist, and no matter how much I said, I couldn't fall behind in front of Qiantang!

"He deserves too?"

The following one after another shouted that Wang Yi was unworthy, and the voices of these people were extremely vicious.

No matter how many people in it are the trust of Qiantang, these people are mocking Wang Yi sincerely this time.

A person who has just arrived in the Western Region not long ago, although behind him is the Tianshan Group, he has made a name for himself in the Western Region.

But the position of the boss of the Western Territory, even if it is queued, is still not in line with Wang Yi!

"It seems that you are planning to go against me."

Qiantang was not angry, but laughed instead.

"No, we don't want to fight you, there is really no way to survive."

Jiang Changqing continued to speak, hinting crazily.

But his hint, listening to the ears of these guys in the West, seemed to be a mockery.

"What kind of thing you are, Master Qiantang is what you can say!"

Sure enough, the number of people scolding Jiang Changqing began to increase again.

Seeing Jiang Changqing being scolded, Wang Yi couldn't be more upset!One word, cool!

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