"Is your head flooded? Can this be said?"

Ye Hao looked at Jiang Changhong speechlessly.

If this were to be told to Wang Yi, Wang Yi would definitely rush directly to swear.

As for why he scolded, Ye Hao himself didn't know.

Anyway, if Wang Yi knew the news, he would definitely leave a sentence and just ignore them.

According to Wang Yi, since you can directly force people to retreat, can't you be done?

"Then what do you say?"

Jiang Changhong also looked at Ye Hao speechlessly.

This is not okay, that is not okay, what is it going to do?

"Wait until Wang Yi arrives. It's impossible for him not to come?"

Ye Hao smiled and said so.

When Wang Yi came, he had to take care of this matter.

"Did you wickedly learn from Wang Yi? You still learn the same."

Jiang Changhong said, the bad water in this guy's belly is definitely not less than Wang Yi!

"Look at what you are talking about. What is called bad water in my stomach. If you have the ability to say this, go to Wang Yi and see if he will hammer you to death!"

Ye Haobai glanced at Jiang Changhong.

This kind of stuff will just cheer in front of me. After changing to Wang Yi, this stuff will definitely not dare!

"Cut, don't I just have to say hi to you? Could it be that you are counting on me to find Wang Yi's trouble? Isn't that looking for death?"

Jiang Changhong replied in an angry voice.

"Yes, wait for Wang Yi to come here."

Ye Hao spread his hands, turned around and went to rest.


On the other side, where Qiantang is:

Qiantang waved his hand slightly after listening to the report from the person under his hand.

"No matter what, as long as they enter, you will retreat."

"But sir, we don't need to retire at all! We can obviously win it directly, so why bother to persuade them?"

Qiantang's subordinates asked without understanding.

If they do it earlier, it is estimated that Ma Datou will not even have the ability to forge defense!

However, an order from Qiantang directly caused them to be stupid.

This is about to evacuate for a hundred kilometers. If we continue to retreat, don't we have to return to the original place?

"What I said, when is it your turn to interrupt?"

Qiantang glared at the subordinate who was talking below, his eyes cold!

In the cold gaze, there seemed to be something else that could be seen, that kind of gaze, it seemed...unwilling...

"Yes, my lord!"

After being glanced at by Qiantang, the man trembled and hurriedly stepped back.

"Have you heard it all?"

After the man left, Qiantang spoke in awe.

The shadow from the corner came out, and a man walked out with a smile.,

"I heard it, don't worry, I will do you no harm."

The person who came out was Zhang Tuo.

Looking at the tone of the two of them, it really doesn't look like Zhang Tuo is under Qiantang.

On the contrary, it seemed that Qiantang was a little afraid of Zhang Tuo.


Qiantang asked.

"what why?"

Zhang Tuo said in reply.

"I said, why not do it!"

Qiantang stared at Zhang Tuo with a pair of cold eyes, completely unwilling!

Such a situation, for him, can be said to be a very good situation!

But Zhang Tuo's words immediately disrupted all his plans!

"Because you can't afford the Tianshan Group, it is better not to move the Tianshan Group first."

Zhang Tuo spoke lightly.

In exchange, it was Qiantang’s sneer.

"I can't provoke the Tianshan Group. I'm afraid your brain is flooded? In the West, who else can I not provoke?"

"Yes, and many, I'm just one, otherwise you won't cooperate with me, just kill me directly?"

Zhang Tuo smiled and said so.

Qiantang's face turned black and blue, but he couldn't say anything else.

"After all, the Tianshan Group is the boss in China. If you really do the Tianshan Group in the West, if the Tianshan Group gets angry, we can't eat it!

Moreover, the master of the chairman of Tianshan Group, up and down, is now in the west!"

Zhang Tuo explained.

Suddenly, Qiantang didn't believe it, but he actually came to the west.

Why didn't he have any news before?

"I want to hide it from you, shouldn't it be very simple? It is estimated that I am already a powerful person who transforms spirits now. How long do you think your people can hold them under his hands?"

Zhang Tuo asked lightly.

Silence, a long silence, Qiantang couldn't speak.

The spiritual cultivator, from the beginning of the body tempering, to the calming breath, to the condensing of the essence, the gathering of energy, the formation of the spirit, and then the floating and sinking realm of the current spirit.

It can be said that the ups and downs of the realm, the artistic conception is to touch the peak of Huaxia Xiuling people!

In the entire China, there are definitely no more than three people who can surpass ups and downs!

And for these three, the old man of Tianshan Group occupied a seat!

"If I'm not mistaken, you're just gathering Qi now, and you're just at the same level as the Twelve Guardian boss of the Tianshan Group. Although you can be stronger than him with meteorite gold, are you stronger? "

Zhang Tuo's words are stuck in Qiantang's heart!

Indeed, in a place like the Western Territory where resources are scarce, being able to cultivate to gather Qi is already considered good.

These are still with the help of Meteorite.

"Then let these guys do evil in the West, and then leave the West with the meteorite subject?"

Qiantang gritted his teeth secretly and asked.

"Of course not. The Tianshan Group suffered a loss in the Western Territory and did not get the meteorite gold body. The meteorite gold body is not so easy to be obtained. Although the Tianshan Group can't get it, you can't get it."

Zhang Tuo shook his head and said lightly.

"What do you mean?"

Qiantang's tone suddenly seemed a bit cold.

He and Zhang Tuo talked well, just need Zhang Tuo’s strength, not afraid of Zhang Tuo.

Really count, Zhang Tuo's power should not be as good as himself!

"It's not interesting, I'm just telling you the fact that you can really target Tianshan Group, but you need to rely on some other forces."

As Zhang Tuo spoke, he took out a document from his arms and placed it in front of Qiantang.

After taking a suspicious look at Zhang Tuo, Qiantang opened the document.

"Wu Shuang City?"

After reading the document, Qiantang frowned and looked at Zhang Tuo's eyes with something wrong.

Wushuang City is in the central area of ​​China, and the entire city is under the jurisdiction of Wushuang City alone.

In Wushuang City, there is no Dijiang Group and Tianshan Group's industry in it.

It is the only place in China where there are no two major groups, Tianshan Group and Dijiang Group.

The trade in Wushuang City is an underground killer trade. One can imagine how many masters there are in Wushuang City!

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