I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 303 My Daughter's Mysterious Master?

"What do you mean by taking out these things?"

Qiantang frowned and continued to ask.

"Everyone knows that you are now the boss of the Western Territory, Tianshan Group is the boss of China, and Dijiang Group is the bloodline group of sacred beasts, second in China, this unparalleled city is a balance between these two forces."

"As long as we can get support from Wushuang City, isn't it easy to deal with Tianshan Group?"

Zhang Tuo opened his mouth and said his initial plan.

His initial plan was to find people in Wushuang City and rely on the energy of Wushuang City to suppress the Tianshan Group.

At least the Tianshan Group headquarters in China has no way to help the West!

Regardless of China's Tianshan Group headquarters, let Tianshan Group continuously send people to the west, for them, it is definitely not good news!

"People in Wushuang City, don't they look down on the West?"

Qiantang asked Wei Mi with both eyes.

"That was before, and now the West is different. The existence of meteor gold makes these guys want to come to the West to make a fortune, but the people of Wushuang City are not allowed to leave Huaxia, but they have no way to leave China."

Zhang Tuo explained aloud.

After Qiantang received the falling gold fragments, he has been developing his own power.

So I don't know much about these external things, but Zhang Tuo is different.

He Zhang Tuo collects information from the outside world all the time!

These things are what he has gained during this time.

If anyone in China can limit the Tianshan Group, apart from Dijiang Group, it is this unparalleled city!

Wushuang City has existed in China for thousands of years, and has existed since ancient times!

No matter when it was, Wushuang City's name has never changed!

"What is the price for Wushuang City to dispatch?"

Qiantang thought for a while, then asked,

"It's easy, just exchange meteorite gold."

Zhang Tuo spoke nonchalantly.

"You're fucking crazy! Can this thing like Meteorite be given to outsiders?!"

Qiantang immediately shook his head.

He wondered if Zhang Tuo was crazy. With such a thing as Meteorite, he could draw a group of strangers in his hands.

Are you going to give it to Wushuang City now?

Wushuang City has always coveted China. You did this, aren't you giving Wushuang City a chance?

"Hehe, now the young master of the Tianshan Group has meteorite gold in his hand, and my unlucky apprentice also has a piece of it. We only need to hand over one piece.

As for the other piece, it was used to please Dijiang Group, united with the Western Border, Wushuang City, and added God River Group. Do you think Tianshan Group can stand it?"

Zhang Tuo sneered. This was the first time he showed such a sneer. It was chilling!

"We are in trouble with Dijiang Group. Will Dijiang Group help us?"

Qiantang didn't believe that the Dijiang Group that Zhang Tuo said would also join the West.

After all, the Dijiang Group is in the West, so it can be said that they have lost all their faces.

Under such circumstances, will Dijiang Group still stand with the West?

"You are wrong. Our sin is only the son of the Dijiang Group, not the Dijiang Group. No one wants to kill the Tianshan Group more than the Dijiang Group. They need the elixir of the Tianshan Group, understand?"

Zhang Tuo shook his head.

He knew all these things clearly.

This search information for nearly a few decades, he can now be regarded as a know-how in the West...

"Also, take care of your daughter, don't let her get in the way! The master of your daughter, we can't afford it!"

After speaking, as if thinking of something again, Zhang Tuo looked at Qiantang and said another sentence.

"You don't need to worry about these things, he is my daughter, she listens to me."

Qiantang replied lightly.

Now that Zhang Tuo is relying on his own news, he actually started to take care of his family affairs.

"I just remind you, don't forget, how did you get your meteorite gold back then? If you didn't have the master of your daughter, you would now be just a little boss in the West."

Zhang Tuo smiled.

Whether it was news from China or the West, he knew everything clearly.

He even knew something about Qiantang.So I know everything that happened to Qiantang.

"I know."

Qiantang spoke lightly.

The reason why he didn't let his own daughter go out, and even threatened his daughter with Xidian, was that he didn't want his daughter to find her master.

If that person appeared in the West, the whole West would tremble.

Just like Feng Duyun's identity in China, his daughter's master is in the West, which is equivalent to Feng Duyun in China!

"Now only your daughter can find her. If she appears, you and I will lose all rights!"

Zhang Tuo spoke again.

Between words, he is also very afraid of the person in his mouth.

This person is in the West, that is the only boss, not about power, but about strength!

This person, if he wants to, can directly overturn the entire Western Territory. This person is only stronger than ups and downs!

Even the strength is still above the ups and downs!

And he hates fighting very much. If he knows what Qiantang and his doing in the West, he must give up their rights!

Believe that the ups and downs remain in the west, and have not appeared, the person who wants to find is also this person!

However, they have sent people to search for so many years, and they have not been able to find any news about that person in the West. It is impossible to find it within a short period of time!

"You can contact Wushuang City. People in Wushuang City can't leave Huaxia, so you can go to Huaxia in person. I don't worry if others go."

Qiantang looked at Zhang Tuo and said.

"By the way, the meteorite gold has to stay in your hands, otherwise, if the people in Wushuang City plan to grab it, I can't help it."

With that, Zhang Tuo put the meteorite in his hand in Qiantang's hands.

Qiantang looked at the falling gold in Zhang Tuo's hand with a strange expression.

"You are not afraid that I will swallow it for you?"

"What are you afraid of, this thing has my blood imprinted on it. No one else can use it except me. You will stay in the Western Realm first, and when I finish the plan, I will uproot those guys directly!"

Zhang Tuo looked confident, and after speaking, he turned and left.

Qiantang sat on the spot, his eyes flickering at the back of Zhang Tuo leaving.

Soon after, he put his eyes on the meteorite gold in his hand.

Looking at the falling gold in his hand, a smile appeared on Qiantang's face. If Zhang Tuo saw this smile, he would regret giving the falling gold to Qiantang!

Because of Qiantang's expression, it was a little scary, even indifferent, looking at the falling gold in his hand, it was like looking at his own things!

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