Perhaps it was ups and downs deliberately revealing that he was in the West?

Then let Qiantang fear his identity and dare not do it right away?

"Master, we seem to have ran for nothing. Those guys who were a hundred miles away all ran away."

Ye Hao gave a wry smile and came to Wang Yi.

The news that I just received, those guys are no longer a problem of retreat, these guys actually ran away directly!

"See? That's why you are scared. Now they just ran away?"

Wang Yi was even more speechless.

He doesn't know what to say about these guys now.

Every one of them was not good at leather. When I saw Qiantang was about to deal with them, they all got scared!

This time, I was really scared to pee!

It is estimated that such a city wall was built, hehe, as a result, people would not fight you at all...

"Master, Jiang Changhong asked me to make this city wall, I didn't want to make it!"

Seeing that things were not developing right, Ma Datou immediately threw Jiang Changhong out.

Jiang Changhong's face flushed immediately, and Wang Yi was still speechless while looking at Wang Yi.

"Stop talking, I take it."

Wang Yi raised a hand.

These fools are pissed off him.

It’s not like doing things like this...

"Master, don't be anxious, let's figure out what Qiantang wants to do now."

Tianlong spoke, and Wang Yi nodded.

Xing Bo is the one who knows the news, but Xing Bo has not seen him recently, not only in Tianshan Group.

After the accident, even Datou Ma had not seen him several times.

"Xing Bo is not running away, right?"

Song Changying murmured.

"Run your mother! You just ran away, am I like that kind of person?"

He had just finished speaking, and the voice hadn't completely fallen off, and there was a roar from the crowd.

Song Changying was shocked by this roar.

"Fuck you! You fucking scared me to death, I didn't run without running, you called a shit!"

"I am that kind of person?"

Xing Bo walked out of the crowd and came to Wang Yi.

"You come out with me alone."

After speaking, Xing Bo turned and looked at the expression on Xing Bo’s face, Wang Yi was a little strange.

The expression on his face was unspeakable, as if there was something to say to himself, but it was hard to say.

In the end, I can only let myself go out alone.

"Master, you better go clean, I think he really has something to tell you."

Ma Datou spoke quickly.

Finally, someone dismissed Wang Yi. How could he not seize this opportunity?

"Fuck off, I don't know yet, you wait, what you did is not over yet!"

Wang Yi replied in an angry voice and turned to leave.

Follow Xing Bo out of the gate and come to a hill.

"what do you want to say?"

Wang Yi asked.


Xing Bo did not speak, but sighed instead.

"You speak, you are so scary."

Hearing Xing Bo's sigh, Wang Yi's heart suddenly shrank. This guy had never sighed like this before.

Is this something serious?

"This matter doesn't seem to have much to do with the Western Territory, but it's a matter of your Tianshan Group."

Xing Bo hesitated for a moment, then spoke softly.

"Did you reach Huaxia? Yes, you!"

When I first heard Xing Bo say this, Wang Yi thought that Xing Bo had reached out to China.

Xing Bo shook his head slightly.

"No, I mean, Qiantang seems to have sent Zhang Tuo to China."

Xing Bo shook his head and said so.

"Go to China, what are they going to do in China? What are they still unable to achieve in China?"

Wang Yi trembled all over and asked quickly.

"You think too much, the people of Huaxia always look down on the West, how can they allow people from the West to exist in China? He went to Wushuang City."

Xing Bo shook his head and spoke.

"Wushuang City? Which one is Wushuang City in the Sichuan and Sichuan area of ​​China?"

Upon hearing this news, Wang Yi's first reaction was stunned.

What are these guys doing in Wushuang City?

What Wushuang City does is indeed the sale of killers. Is it to buy killers, but in order to deal with its own people, how many killers do you need to buy?

This is not realistic...

"They intend to unite Wushuang City and let Wushuang City suppress China's Tianshan Group headquarters. As long as the Tianshan Group headquarters does not support you, do you still have the confidence to gain a foothold in the West?"

Xing Bo spoke and looked at Wang Yi with a wry smile.

"Is this going to come for real?"

Wang Yi's expression became serious.,

Wushuang City suppressed the Tianshan Group, which is not obvious, but Wushuang City can still prevent the Tianshan Group from sending manpower to the west.

"They think that the Dijiang Group does not exist?"

Wang Yi sneered.

Suppress Tianshan Group, isn’t there a Jiang Changqing?

When Jiang Changqing asked for help from Dijiang Group, wouldn't it still be the same result?

He didn't believe that Qiantang could find an unparalleled city to suppress the Tianshan Group and another force to suppress the Dijiang Group!

"You think too much, Dijiang Group will probably not make a move by then."

Xing Bo smiled bitterly again.

"The relationship between Dijiang Group and Tianshan Group is not very good, let alone, if you can get rid of you, Xijie, Wushuang City, United Dijiang Group directly won the Tianshan Group, he will not enjoy it? Why bother you?"

"Fuck... trough..."

Wang Yi's mouth grew in surprise.

These people are too fucking sinister, right?

Obviously, he wants to survive and die in the West, but in fact he is restricting the Tianshan Group through himself.

When Qiantang regains control of the West, Hexi, and Wushuang City, we will add the power of the three major forces of the God River Group to solve the Tianshan Group.

These people's abacus is really good, if it weren't for Xing Bolai and himself, he would not have seen that the other party would actually play such a big banner!

"Then tell me, what should I do now?"

Wang Yi looked at Xing Bo and asked.

"Bet! You only have to gamble now! You are now taking someone back to Huaxia, no matter what, you must not let Zhang Tuo and Wushuangcheng negotiate a good deal. At that time, even if you leave the West, it will be useless! "

Xing Bo opened his mouth and pointed out a way to Wang Yi.

But in Wang Yi's view, this road is a bit difficult...

What is the simple thing to stop Zhang Tuo?

Huaxia is so big, where can he go to find Zhang Tuo, if Chuanshu is not wrong, it is a place where Tianshan Group has not set an area.

In other words, Tianshan Group has no control over a place in Sichuan and Shu!

In this way, it will be even more difficult for oneself to do things!

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