I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 306 I want to return to China

"You mean, I better go back to Huaxia right now?"

Wang Yi looked at Xing Bo and asked.

"Yes, if you go back right now, maybe it's too late."

Xing Bo nodded and said.

"Uh, it's a bit embarrassing. I went back to China again before the matter was settled."

The corner of Wang Yi's mouth twitched awkwardly, and he said.

"When you go back to China, isn't it just to deal with things here? What do you think you are?"

Xing Bo looked at Wang Yi speechlessly.

If Zhang Tuo can easily find the people in Wushuang City, and also successfully draw Wushuang City over, that's the end of the business!

"But it's still a bit inconvenient if I go back."

Wang Yi touched his nose, whether he really didn't want to go back.

It's just that after I go back, what I need to face is not just a simple Zhang Tuo.

My father will definitely find himself, maybe Feng Zimei will also find himself...

"If you don't go back, it is not you alone, but the entire Tianshan Group who is waiting for death. Think about it."

Xing Bo looked indifferent. After all, he just worked for Wang Yi.

As for whether Wang Yi died or not, it didn't seem to have much impact on him.

But for Wang Yi, it was totally different. If he didn't go, it would be like giving away half of the Tianshan Group.

Wang Yi still doesn't want to do such a thing...

"Uh, forget it, let's go, I'll go right now, but can you be sure, after I'm gone, Qiantang won't do it?"

Wang Yi waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Don't worry, Qiantang is afraid of Tianshan Group, and will not rush it, unless you go back to China, and there is no time to stop Zhang Tuo. Let Zhang Tuo take the lead in sending the news back to the West. That's not good."

Xing Bo nodded repeatedly, and finally warned Wang Yi.

"Oh shit!"

Wang Yi cursed secretly and felt the weight of his burden.

Now it can be said that the entire Tianshan Group must rely on him to save.

But with him alone and without any support, can it be done?

If Zhang Tuo is really stopped this time, he will have to worry about the fucking tens of billions spent by his father!

If it succeeded this time, then even if he saved the Tianshan Group, as the hero who saved the Tianshan Group, tens of billions would not be a problem.

If you don't even give this money to yourself, then your own dad would be too fucking picky!


Back in front of everyone, only to find that everyone was waiting for their return.

Everyone was very curious about what Xing Bo had just said to himself.


Wang Yi cleared his throat first, then spoke.

"I may have to leave the West."


Obviously, the sound of broken in the center of the room can be heard.

Ma Datou looked at Wang Yi in shock, and ran to Wang Yi immediately.

Before Wang Yi could react, Ma knelt down towards Wang Yi with a big head.

"Master, you can't leave the West Territory!!! If you leave, what can I do!!!"

Looking at Ma's big head who was holding his thigh and crying with his nose and tears, Wang Yi was stunned.

What is this guy doing, and he didn't say that he won't come back if he left, is this guy as for?


It's not a big deal between himself and Ma Datou. Why is he so sad when he left?

"That's right, young master, we can think of a way if we can't beat Qiantang. There is no need to rush out of the West, right?"

Song Changying also spoke softly beside him.

It seemed that they all thought that Wang Yi knew something terrible from Xing Bo's mouth, and then felt that they could not beat Qiantang and planned to leave.

This made Wang Yi a little embarrassed.

"No, what do you guys mean? I have something to deal with when I go back. Besides, if I don't go back, it will be a chance for Qiantang to show off his power."

Wang Yi looked at these guys helplessly.

Especially the big horse on the ground.

The bubble of this guy's nose is about to fall on his shoes...

"Ah, it turned out to be like this, I said it earlier."

Hearing Wang Yi's words, Ma Datou immediately stood up and restored the original Mo Yang.

"I'm going, your face changed too quickly, right?"

Wang Yi was shocked. His face changed. He had a snot and tears just now. It became like this in a blink of an eye?

"You are really capable."

Wang Yi said silently.

"By the way, young master, if you go back to China, what if Qiantang does something against me?"

Ma Datou still asked worriedly.

Just know that Wang Yi was not afraid of Qiantang leaving the West.

As for the rest, let's talk about it...

"Don't worry, Qiantang will not attack you in a short time."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

He could see that he understood, Ma Datou is a shameless person.

Just thinking about the scene of crying while holding his thigh, I feel sick.

"That's good."

Ma Datou nodded and chose to trust Wang Yi unconditionally.

"Speaking of Master, why are you returning to China suddenly?"

Tianlong asked curiously.

"Something happened."

Wang Yi shrugged and glanced at Ma Da's head and a few people beside him.

Song Changying and the two immediately understood, and followed Wang Yi out. Jiang Changhong saw these three guys go, and followed by a thought.

"Why are you here too?"

Seeing Jiang Changhong also following, Wang Yi asked.

"Nonsense, there is something I can't know, are you really planning to leave behind?"

Jiang Changhong looked at Wang Yi suspiciously.

This move is indeed as if preparing to roll up and leave, no wonder Jiang Changhong.

"I run ass, I run..."

Wang Yi could only tell these people what Xing Bo and himself had just said.

After listening to Wang Yi's words, these people looked at each other.

It's no wonder that Qiantang didn't mean to do anything. He was waiting for an ambush here...

"Just say how could that guy keep not playing, really playing chess."

Jiang Changhong suddenly realized.

If there is no Xing Bo, it is estimated that a few of them are still in the dark.

At that time, if Qiantang's plan is really realized, it will be miserable...

"Go talk to Jiang Changqing and test him. I guess Dijiang Group will give him instructions soon. I need to know his position."

Wang Yi looked at Jiang Changhong and said heavily.

If Jiang Changqing chose to listen to the Dijiang Group, he would indeed have to make another plan!

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