After returning to China and arriving in Sichuan and Shu, Wang Yi's first feeling was heat!

It's hot!very hot!too hot!

I originally thought that places like the Western Territory were already hot enough, but I didn’t expect China to have a hotter place than the Western Territory!

"Huaxia's air..."

After getting off the plane, Song Changying took a long breath and looked satisfied.

"Eh, by the way, where is your little girlfriend? I heard that you got Huaxia here, where is it?"

Tianlong approached Song Changying and rubbed Song Changying's shoulder with a gossip on his face.

"Go, go, who said it's my little girlfriend, shut up!"

Song Changying's face blushed and he quickly explained, but this explanation didn't seem to be that powerful.

"Come on, stop making trouble, I guess Zhang Tuo should be here now, but I don't know where he is."

Wang Yi stared at the two silently.

These two weird flowers can make a noise no matter where they are.

"Young master, don't worry, Wushuang City is not that easy to go to. Even if Zhang Tuo wants to go, it will take a while."

Tianlong spoke.

Wushuang City never welcomes outsiders, especially those from the West.

Zhang Tuo, who arrived early, is probably depressed now how to get in touch with Wushuang City...

"Let's go to the nearest Tianshan Group branch first."

Wang Yi nodded and said.

"No, come pick us up."

Song Changying pouted.

There is no way to be in the Western Territory, but it is not on your own turf. Once in China, it is too shameful for Wang Yi to leave for the Tianshan Group by himself?

Sure enough, Song Changying had just finished speaking, and there was the roar of a team of motorcades outside!

"I almost forgot who I am."

Wang Yi also gave a wry smile.

I stayed in a place like the West for too long, and I forgot that I still had this kind of treatment in China.

"Hehehe, Master, get in the car."

Song Changying smiled and licked her lips.

It's not just Wang Yi, even he hasn't enjoyed such treatment for a long time.

Song Changying felt unspeakable excitement at the thought of regaining his previous status and treatment.

Sitting in the car, Wang Yi comforted Xiaomi for a while.

After waking up, it was already at Huaxia's branch in Sichuan and Sichuan.

This branch is not much worse than the branch in Jiangdu, but in any case, it is more stylish than the branch in the West.

This is like the Tianshan Group. The branch in the Western Territory does not match the identity of the Tianshan Group.

"Brother Xiaoyi! You are here!"

As soon as Wang Yi got out of the car, he heard a harsh scream.

Turning his head and looking over, a woman in a yellow short skirt was waiting for herself at the gate of Tianshan Group.

"this is……"

Wang Yi looked at Song Changying.

"This is your third sister, Feng Miaomiao, don't worry, he is not the temperament of Missy."

Song Changying smiled and explained.

Looking at Song Changying's expression, Wang Yi could also see that this Feng Miaomiao must be easy to get along with.

You can tell by comparing Song Changying's expression when he saw Feng Zimei.

After Song Changying saw Feng Zimei, how could she laugh when she didn't see a ghost.

But in front of Feng Miaomiao, Song Changying could actually laugh.

This also shows that this Feng Miaomiao is not that scary.


Wang Yi walked up to his so-called third sister.

When Wang Yi walked in, he discovered that this was another disaster for the country and the people...

The young ladies of the Tianshan Group are all such charming faces?

"I have always heard about you, but have never seen you. Now that you are back from the West, I have to treat you well!"

Feng Miaomiao said excitedly.

"Uh, this is not necessary, it's all from my own family."

The corners of Wang Yi's mouth twitched. This is too enthusiastic. The enthusiasm makes him a little uncomfortable.

"Go, arrange someone, arrange a meal in the largest hotel."

Feng Miaomiao immediately ordered his subordinates to do it.

He didn't even give Wang Yi a chance to refute!

"I heard that you are now the person in charge of the three districts of Jiangdu. Now the three districts are rich in sweets, and they have become the most profitable district of Tianshan Group!"

Feng Miaomiao looked at Wang Yi with admiration.

This expression seems to be that Xiao Mimei saw her idol.

Wang Yi felt uncomfortable wherever Feng Miaomiao showed him.

It seems that I haven't done anything in Jiangdu, right?

Since going to the west, Du Lingyue and Yu Wenbo have been in charge of everything in Jiangdu.

But they can develop the three districts well, and Wang Yi did not expect it.

"Let's go, let's have a meal first. Have you worked hard along the way?"

Feng Miaomiao looked at Wang Yi with little stars in his eyes.

"Um, third sister, can you tell me what it's called here? I'm here in a hurry, I haven't had time to see it."

Wang Yi asked.

"Oh, here, this is Lujiang City, which can be regarded as the half core of Sichuan and Shu area, but the real core is in Wushuang City's hands. We are not qualified to go."

Feng Miaomiao explained to Wang Yi.

This was also the first time Wang Yi heard about Wushuang City from people in Tianshan Group.

Looking at the appearance of this third sister, it seems that he doesn't have any special opinions about Wushuang City?

"It's good to be used to it. Tianshan Group is not a god. It is impossible to think that everything is in your own hands?"

Feng Miaomiao smiled, but looked very openly.

"But Wushuang City controls most of Sichuan and Shu, is it really okay?"

Wang Yi asked.

Others don't say that he still doesn't know, it turns out that this Wushuang City has never been out in Sichuan and Shu.

In this way, the autistic forces can actually exist in China for so long?

"You don't know this, Wushuang City is not easy to penetrate, so there is no one of us."

Feng Miaomiao reached Wang Yi's ear and said quietly.

The Chuanshu core area is the only enemy in China that has not been installed by the Tianshan Group.

It can be regarded as the only place where Tianshan Group dare not get involved.

However, the elixir needed by Wushuang City will still be purchased from Tianshan Group. This branch can be regarded as providing resources for Wushuang City.

Otherwise, even the branch in the core area of ​​Sichuan and Sichuan will not exist!

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