I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 309 Feng Duyun's Strength

"Uh, what I am curious about is, why is the relationship between Tianshan Group and Wushuang City like this?"

"Since Wushuang City needs Tianshan Group's medicinal materials to train talents, it still treats Tianshan Group like this."

"The most important thing is that Tianshan Group actually let Wushuangcheng treat itself like this?"

Wang Yi asked a series of questions suspiciously.,

"You ask a lot, let me answer one by one."

Feng Miaomiao shook his head helplessly, his own brother, this is a little gossip.

"First, Wushuang City needs Tianshan Group, and Tianshan Group also wants to make money, so that's it."

"Second, Wushuang City is already proud. You expect them to treat Tianshan Group differently because Tianshan Group gives them medicinal materials. That is impossible."

"Third, the power of Wushuang City is indeed very big. There are hundreds of masters of Qi gathering alone! Do you think Tianshan Group can deal with such a power?"

After answering Wang Yi's question, Feng Miaomiao looked at Wang Yi and waited for Wang Yi to follow.

But Wang Yi stopped talking.

What Feng Miaomiao said just now scared Wang Yi a bit.

Hundreds of Qi Gathering Masters!

Thinking of this, Wang Yi couldn't help but glanced at Tianlong. It seemed that Tianlong himself was a master of Qi gathering...

"Master, don't look at me, just their kind of gas gathering masters, I can beat more than a dozen each."

Tianlong saw Wang Yi's eyes and said quickly.

"What do you mean?"

Wang Yi asked incomprehensibly, both of them were masters of Qi gathering, why could Tianlong say that he beat more than a dozen one by one.

"Of course it's like this. People are all killers. You've seen that killer fights. Aren't they all killers?"

Without waiting for Tianlong to explain, Song Changying directly dismantled Tianlong.

Tianlong glanced at Song Changying sullenly.

It is indeed true that those assassins are cultivated for the purpose of killing people!

If he is really going to hit hard steel, it is really not a problem if he hits a dozen or so.

"You said, if all the twelve guards are on, can you deal with a hundred masters of Qi gathering?"

Suddenly, Wang Yi said something like this.

"Master, you are crazy! We are just guards around the chairman. The real masters of Tianshan Group are not us, okay?

Besides, we are just a name. The chairman himself is a strong soul, so where is it necessary..."

Halfway through, Tianlong suddenly realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly covered his mouth and said nothing.

"What did you just say that my father is?"

Wang Yi caught this point keenly, and asked.

"No, it's nothing, Master, you just don't hear anything."

Tianlong waved his hand immediately.

Obediently, I accidentally told me the strength of the chairman, that is, here is my own.

If others know about it, just find a shit pit and drown yourself!

"Say it!"

This time, it was not that Wang Yi took the initiative to persecute, and even Feng Miaomiao got together.

Looking at Feng Miaomiao with a curious look, and then at Wang Yi, who also had the same expression as Feng Miaomiao, Tianlong seemed to cry without tears.

"Master, don't play with me anymore, can't I make a mistake?"

Tianlong smiled bitterly. If this were to be known to the chairman, the identity of the twelve guards would be needed.

The identity of the twelve guards has a lot of salary in Tianshan Group.

If Feng Duyun gets angry and takes himself to clean the toilet, won't it be cold?

"Say it! I'm also curious, I have followed the chairman for so long, don't I know the strength of the chairman?"

Even Song Changying looked at Tianlong curiously.

"No, you also asked this, don't you know what it means after you say it?"

Tianlong looked at Song Changying, wishing to take off Song Changying's pants and give him a whip.

Others don’t know, do you still know Song Changying?

This is the secret of the Tianshan Group, a first-class secret, the strength of the chairman can be said casually?

"I know, it's confidential, but you said it. What does it have to do with me? Just say it!"

Song Changying looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

Confidential, it has half a dime relationship with me, and he didn't fucking tell me this thing.

I don't believe that I can still rely on myself at that time. If you ask for trouble, it is also trouble for Tianlong, isn't it?

"Let me talk about a few uncles, just let me go, this thing is really impossible to say!"

Tianlong was about to cry.

These three people, if any one of them asked him alone, he would absolutely ignore them.

But these three people got together, and suddenly fell into a passive position...

"It's okay if you don't tell me, I'll tell my father, you told me all about him, and if you don't tell me, I won't let you feel better!"

In the end, it was Wang Yi who was the most ruthless.

Tianlong compromised instantly!

Can you still play like this?Without saying it, Wang Yi ran to tell Feng Duyun that he had said it.

That is, whether you say it or not, Wang Yi has already said it.

Wang Yi would not sue if he took the initiative to speak out.

If you don't say anything, it is estimated that Wang Yi will be able to call Feng Duyun immediately.

"I said, I said, the chairman was already a strong spirit formation two years ago, as for the old man Feng..."

Having said that, Tianlong looked around and couldn't say anything.


With a loud shout, Wang Yi actually frightened Tianlong.

"Cut, also master!"

Wang Yi cut and continued to stare at Tianlong.

"Father Feng, is a peerless powerhouse who transforms spirits..."

In the end, Tianlong still didn't resist the pressure, and spoke out.

After speaking, Tianlong hangs weakly.

This time is over. I am afraid that Wang Yi and the others will grab this handle.

Especially Song Changying, she will no longer have the qualifications to pretend to be in front of Song Changying.

As long as Song Changying threatened him with today's affairs, he would not dare to talk nonsense!

Frustrated, heaven, earth!What am I doing!!!

The three of Wang Yi didn't pay attention to Tianlong's inner monologue, and the three leaned aside mysteriously.

"My father is so powerful. It seems that the outside world's evaluation of him is untrue. According to the news from the Western Realm, my father is just a master of condensing yuan, and now he is a strong spirit?!"

Wang Yi spoke first.

"That's it, the chairman looks weak in front of us, I didn't expect to be so powerful!"

Song Changying also agreed.

"Unexpectedly, the chairman's uncle is so powerful, I actually want to hold my thigh a bit now."

Feng Miaomiao spoke like this, looking forward to...

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