"Who cares about you and makes you bark every day, you can't learn from other people's Tianlong, why don't people have so much shit about you?"

Wang Yi said angrily.

I'm so embarrassed to scream in front of myself, without seeing what I am.

"Well, master, don't you just like Tianlong, let him warm your bed."

After Song Changying said yin and yang weirdly, she turned her head and ran.

At that speed, Wang Yi is beyond the reach...

"This guy runs pretty fast."

Wang Yi gave a wry smile. This guy has no other abilities, but he is quite capable of running away.

"Master, do you really plan to go alone?"

Tianlong asked beside Wang Yi.

After all, Wang Yi is just a body-hardening spirit cultivator. If Wang Yi has reached a fixed interest now, he will not be so worried.

"Don't worry, I don't believe him, Wushuang City really dared to move the people of Tianshan Group, let alone I am still the eldest master of Tianshan Group!"

Wang Yi patted Tianlong on the shoulder.

Regardless of whether this is a Hongmen Banquet or not, I have decided myself!

Whether it’s a Hongmen banquet or a dinner party, don’t you know everything when you go?


The afternoon arrived soon, Wang Yi briefly prepared, and went directly to the hotel.

At the door of the hotel, the person in charge of the hotel yesterday stood in front of Wang Yi with a humble appearance.

Even more than when I saw the youth yesterday.

"Hehe, what happened to you today?"

Wang Yi chuckled, planning to make fun of this guy.

"Um, young master, last time I didn't know Taishan, please don't remember the villain!"

The person in charge of the hotel hurried up to cater to Wang Yi.

Now Wang Yi can be regarded as a guest of Wushuang City. Although I don't know why Wang Yi beat the people from Wushuang City last time, Wushuang City still invites Wang Yi to dinner.

But just because of the cruel end of Wang Yi's stay in the hotel last time, even if Wang Yi is not a guest of Wushuang City, their hotel would absolutely not dare to neglect Wang Yi any more.

Not to mention Wang Yi, even the entire Tianshan Group will be valued in the future!

The disrespect of Tianshan Group’s fate was already and obvious last time.

A living person, directly fainted by the hammer, is this fucking too miserable?!

In this case, who would dare to provoke Tianshan Group.

Are they all fools who dare to provoke Tianshan Group?

Without wasting too much time with this guy, Wang Yi arranged a box for those guys who came to Wushuang City.

After entering the box, Wang Yi was surprised by the game.

In the entire box, there was only the middle-aged person I saw last time.

"Come on, sit down."

Seeing Wang Yi coming in, the middle-aged man greeted Wang Yi enthusiastically.

"Are you giving a banquet?"

Wang Yi didn't mean anything, but asked directly.

"You think too much, how could I be such a person?"

The middle-aged man chuckled.

The smile on his face looks very sincere, but in fact he only knows what he is thinking in his heart.

"I don't want to eat your meal, but I am interested in your safe code."

Wang Yi sat down without even looking at the dazzling array of food on the table.

"Oh, you said that, you don't want to know what's inside? Just ask the password?"

The middle-aged man suddenly realized.

Looking at him like this, people who don't know thought he had forgotten the password to Wang Yi.

"You said."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

"Inside, there are many hidden weapons created by our Wushuang City, which may be useful to you."

The middle-aged man said softly.

"Hidden weapon, you might as well just give me arms and firearms."

Wang Yi smirked.

What time are these, and I got myself cold weapons...

The thought of this product will not stay in the ancient times, right?

"You don't understand. Hidden weapons are much better than those arms and firearms."

The middle-aged man just smiled, and he didn't say much about Wang Yi's look down on the hidden weapon.

"If there is a hidden weapon in it, I don't think I would be so interested."

Wang Yi shrugged.

Instead of giving him these things, it is better to give him money directly.

That huge safe, if it's full of money, tut tut...

"I heard that Young Master came from the West, and someone from the West just came to me."

The middle-aged man spoke, and finally got the topic into the subject.

Wang Yi's heart jumped.

The person he said came to him is definitely Zhang Tuo.

Zhang Tuo's movements are so fast?

"It seems that you know the eldest master, the eldest master came here for this matter too?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said.

"How do you know that I am not here to play?"

Wang Yi still looked motionless on the surface, and asked.

"Don't worry, I haven't agreed to the terms he negotiated with me. I have also contacted the Tianshan Group. Your father meant it, obviously, it was just me."

The middle-aged man continued to speak.

While talking, he was still observing the changes in Wang Yi's face.

After hearing that the middle-aged man had contacted his father, Wang Yi's face sank slightly, but he soon recovered.

"My father said so, it's normal."

Wang Yi spoke lightly.

He doesn't understand the relationship between these big forces.

This kind of thing, can you talk to his father directly?

Doesn't this mean putting everything on the bright side?

Wushuang City was originally famous for relying on assassinations by assassins, so he sold himself out, Wushuang City, do you want to get mixed up?

"You don't need to be curious, at least for now, you Tianshan Group is still the first force, and I also know some other news. I have to check it before I can make a decision."

The middle-aged man said with a chuckle.

During the conversation between the two of them, they did not go to eat the food on the table.

As Feng Duyun said, Wang Yi came to Sichuan and Shu, and he was the most threatened. He was not Wushuang City at all.

From beginning to end, Wushuang City recognized the name of the top force of Tianshan Group!

However, if there is a chance to deal with the Tianshan Group, or to replace the Tianshan Group, Wushuang City is expected to be the first to make a move!

"Then you just wait."

Wang Yi spoke lightly, and after finishing speaking, he stood up and walked outside the door.

"Wait, you don't want the password?"

The middle-aged man also stood up and stopped Wang Yi.

"I will return those things to you, Lao Tzu is not rare!"

Wang Yi did not turn around, just turned his back, finished speaking coldly, and left the room...

"Boy, very spine, and your father, look the same!"

After Wang Yi had left, the middle-aged man sat down again, looked at the food on the table, and fell into deep thought.

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