"This fucking..."

Wang Yi walked out of the hotel, feeling a little depressed.

Originally, I was thinking about how the other party would target myself, but I didn't expect it to end like this.

"what happened?"

Seeing Wang Yi coming out of the hotel, Song Changying and the two hurriedly greeted him.

"It's okay, but I'm wondering why this guy refuses to do it directly, but depends on my situation."

Wang Yi shook his head.

He could walk out so plainly, even he himself didn't expect it.

Instead of acting against him, the other party said some strange things.

"Master, this is actually simple. It is estimated that the master should have said something."

Tianlong spoke.

This kind of thing, if it weren't for what Feng Duyun did, it would be a bit unreasonable.

"No, why does this involve my father again?"

Wang Yi did not understand.

Shouldn't this be your own business?What is Feng Duyun doing with such a blending?

"Master should be helping you. It is impossible for you to face these things alone."

After thinking for a long time, Tianlong spoke.

In fact, he didn't understand. If Feng Duyun made the move, he would send someone here to catch Zhang Tuo.

Why give Wushuang City a chance to see it?

"Why don't you ask?"

Wang Yi said.,

"Master, please don't make a fuss. You want us to talk about this kind of thing?"

Song Changying spoke silently.

It seems that Wang Yi is Feng Duyun's son, right? As the eldest master of the Tianshan Group, he didn't want to talk about it, but let them talk about these things instead?

"Isn't it inconvenient for me to say something to my father?"

Wang Yi said in embarrassment.

He didn't dare to call Feng Duyun or something. If he hit him, he would have to face it. It was Feng Duyun's curse immediately.

"Uh, then you can't let the two of us say it? After all, this kind of thing is not something we can say."

Tianlong also spoke like this.

Even if you want to report, you have to report by Wang Yi.

Why are they two bodyguards qualified to take care of these things?

"Forget it, wait for a while, anyway, don't worry."

Wang Yi said helplessly.

Rather than let him contact Feng Duyun, he would rather just wait like this.

"Master, I understand, does the chairman have any grudges against you?"

Song Changying took Wang Yi into the car, started the engine, and asked.

"You are right to say that, don't you always say that father and son are enemies in the previous life?"

Wang Yi didn't care.

In any case, the crisis is temporarily lifted.

The next step is to find Zhang Tuo. Once you find Zhang Tuo, you will know everything.,


But what Wang Yi didn't know was that just after he left the hotel without much time, a figure that made him feel familiar walked in.

If Wang Yi hadn't left yet, he would definitely recognize that this person was Zhang Tuo!

After Zhang Tuo came in, he ran to the room where Wang Yi was just now.

"what do you mean?"

The middle-aged man saw Zhang Tuo coming in, glanced at Zhang Tuo, and said.

"Ask me what do you mean, what do you mean, you said contact me these few days, then what?"

Seeing that the middle-aged person actually took the initiative to post, Zhang Tuo was dissatisfied.

Last time he came to find a middle-aged person and got a clear answer from the middle-aged person.

But now the middle-aged man gives him this hand again.

"Do you think my dignified Wushuang City people will play tricks with you?"

The middle-aged man glanced at Zhang Tuo,

If there is no Feng Duyun and Wushuangcheng contact, maybe Wushuangcheng will really cooperate with him.

However, Wushuang City seemed less anxious when Feng Duyun was stirred up like this.

"I know you don't know how to play tricks, but you have to give me a clear answer? Let me waste time with you, what is it?"

In the face of middle-aged people, Zhang Tuo was also very helpless.

He could feel that even though the middle-aged person was just a simple person in the realm of body tempering.

However, the other party is a high-level in Wushuang City, and now he is in China, and it is impossible for him to threaten the middle-aged.

"Wait, I will give you an answer soon, up to three days."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned around and left, regardless of Zhang Tuo's ugly expression.

"Fuck you!"

Seeing the middle-aged man turned and left, Zhang Tuo cursed directly.

Although it has long been thought that the people in Wushuang City would not be so easy to cooperate with him, but the middle-aged people are really too aggrieved!

"grown ups……"

As soon as the middle-aged person left the room, a person walked in immediately.

This person is not a middle-aged person, but Zhang Tuo's.

After walking to Zhang Tuo's ear and saying something to Zhang Tuo, Zhang Tuo's expression seemed a bit interesting.

"You mean, Qiantang has also come to China, is the news reliable?"

"The news is indeed like this, Lord Qiantang is already in China."

The man answered quickly.

"What is he doing in China? Isn't it enough to have me here?"

Zhang Tuo frowned.

The original plan had been disrupted, and now suddenly a Qiantang popped out.

Qiantang didn't need to leave the western realm at all, just stay in the western realm and wait for his news.

What do you want to leave the West at this time?

"Subordinates heard that Lord Qiantang not only came, but also brought meteor gold."

Zhang Tuo's men continued to report.

"What? He's crazy!"

After learning this news, Zhang Tuo immediately became vigilant.

Even if Qiantang came by himself, he actually brought meteor gold!

If this is solved in China, not only will there be no people, even the meteorite gold that depends on it will be taken away!

Qiantang is not like such a visionary person...

"My lord, do we need to be wary of Qiantang?"

Zhang Tuo's men continued to ask.

Even he could see that something was wrong.

"I don't need it yet. I don't know what he wants to do. He should understand the people on a boat."

Zhang Tuo shook his head.

Although he doesn't know what Qiantang wants to do, he should be sure that Qiantang will not do excessive things.

"But I am worried."

Zhang Tuo's subordinate still spoke with some worry.

"Don't tell me, are you my person or I am your person, listen to me, go down first and wait for the news from Wushuang City!"

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Tuo raised his hand to stop him.

Being blocked by Zhang Tuo, he couldn't continue to say anything, so he could only turn around and leave.

Zhang Tuo sat alone in the box, looking out the window...

"Qiantang, what exactly do you want to do..."

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