Tianshan Group at this time:

"Fuck, what are you two doing, kidnapping!"

Wang Yi sat in the office, looking at the two dragons in front of him.

These two guys broke into their office directly, as if they were about to do something to themselves.

"No, Master, something went wrong!"

Tianlong said, Wang Yi's heart jumped.

"what happened?"

"Miss, miss he appeared!"

Song Changying also spoke beside Tianlong, very anxious.

"Which lady, Feng Miaomiao?"

Wang Yi asked.

"No, it's Miss Jingluo!"

Song Changying spoke, Wang Yi trembled all over, and immediately got up from the chair.

"What did you say? You say it again?"

"I said, Miss Jingluo has appeared!"

After hearing Song Changying say this again, Wang Yi was finally sure. He almost thought he had heard it wrong just now.

"Yes, if I hadn't seen it just now, I almost thought I had read it wrong."

Tianlong nodded quickly.


Wang Yi was even more shocked.

I thought these two guys got some news before they knew of the whale falling.

As a result, these two guys still saw the whale fall with their own eyes?

"Where did you see it?"

Wang Yi asked.

"Not far, it's nearby, but now the people are gone. If you go, Master, there will be no results."

Song Changying spoke, but Wang Yi was speechless.

"Are you a pig? You don't know what a mobile phone is, why don't you notify me quickly?"

Wang Yi was speechless.

It's unlucky for me to run into these two fools.

If a normal person sees this kind of thing, he will definitely think about calling him the first time.

In the end, Song Changying didn't react...

"I was so stupid, I didn't expect these things."

Song Changying spoke awkwardly.

It's strange to say that if it is really a whale falling, it shouldn't be difficult to catch up with it and ask questions with your own strength.

But I can't catch up!

This is the true purpose of Song Changying's doubts...

"I really convinced you, and I don't know what happened to the whale landing here."

Wang Yi said silently.

Originally wanted to find it, but now he doesn't even have the idea to find it.

It's all like this, go find a fart...

"Master, maybe Miss Jingluo will show up. The chairman arranged it."

Tianlong spoke, and Wang Yi looked at Tianlong.

"what do you mean?"

"Don't you think, Master, things are weird? When I was in the West, I had already heard that Miss Jingluo had come out of the Tianshan Group to perform the mission."

"Then after we got here, we happened to see Miss Jingluo again. Maybe this time the mission is to help us."

Tianlong spoke.

I have to say that Wang Yi also agrees with his idea.

The sudden appearance of the whale falls seems to be justified by this explanation.

"Master, I don't think you need to worry, since the chairman can let Miss Jingluo come out to perform the task alone, then Miss Jingluo must be very strong, at least better than you."

Song Changying accidentally said something in Wang Yi's ear.

"Oh? What do you mean... I'm not as good as my sister?"

The unhappy eyes immediately looked at Song Changying from Wang Yi's eyes.

"No, I didn't mean it, Master, you have thought about it!"

Song Changying shook her head quickly.

The whale fell to the Tianshan Group to see a doctor. The headquarters of the Tianshan Group was originally located on the Tianshan Mountain. There were as many medicinal materials as needed.

Moreover, Jingluo is still cultivating under Feng Duyun and can be better than Wang Yi. Isn't that normal?

But what he said seemed to have changed.

"Pay attention to yourself, I'm too lazy to care about you."

Wang Yi replied irritably.

"Hey, Master, I see, it's my mouth problem, Master is the most powerful."

Song Changying quickly said the wrong thing.


What they don't know is that what is here now is really a whale landing.

It's just that the whale falls now, even if Wang Yi sees it, he probably won't recognize it.

In an quaint teahouse, the whale was sitting in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside.

The corner of the mouth inadvertently brings a meaningful smile...

The Whale Falling who got experience in Tianshan Group seems to be the same as before.

The current Whale Landing is somewhat similar to Feng Zimei in temperament, but it is not as oppressive as Feng Zimei.

"Since you are here, come out and hide. It's not like the style of the boss of the West."

Suddenly, Whale Luo spoke softly, his voice sounding like a clear spring in the mountains.

"Hehe, Tianshan Group actually sent you a girl to confront me?"

From the corner of the teahouse, Qiantang's voice came.

Qiantang's dissatisfaction can be heard clearly in the tone.

Regarding the Tianshan Group dispatching Jingluo to negotiate with him, Qiantang felt that he was looked down upon by the Tianshan Group.

"Could it be that you think, to confront someone like you, how powerful people need to be dispatched by Tianshan Group? Even me, it is completely enough."

Jingluo smiled back and looked straight in the direction of Qiantang.

"Girl, you talk like that guy."

Qiantang also smiled, walked up to Whale Fall, and sat down face to face.

I don't know why, Qiantang feels that Jingluo's way of doing things, or speaking, is very similar to Wang Yi.

In other words, Jingluo seems to be deliberately imitating Wang Yi.

"The person you are talking about is my brother."

Whale Luo said, with a slight smile inadvertently at the corner of his mouth.

As the smiles flowed, there was a deep feeling of longing.

"It turns out that Tianshan Group is really talented."

Qiantang nodded.

I just met a Wang Yi, now another whale falls.

Until now, all he has encountered can only be regarded as the juniors of Tianshan Group.

Even the middle level of the Tianshan Group has not seen it.

However, it was these juniors who made him feel an infinite headache!

Perhaps this is the real horror of the Tianshan Group. You don't even need people from the Tianshan Group to take action. Just the name of the Tianshan Group can crush you!

"Although I don't know what I asked you to do, the order from the Tianshan Group is that you and Zhang Tuo can only leave Sichuan and Sichuan alive!"

The way that Whale Luo spoke was the same as Wang Yi, and he spoke directly without circumstance.

"Me and Zhang Tuo?"

Qiantang sneered, as if he had thought of what Jingluo would say.

"Why are you laughing?"

Whale Landing is a little unclear.

This seems to be a serious question... How can Qiantang laugh?

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