I inherited a hundred billion fortune

Chapter 318 Why Are You Saying You?

"Master, are we in the trap?"

Song Changying also found that something was wrong, and quickly asked.

"I don't see it. Qiantang and Zhang Tuo should have appeared by chance, did they slip away without seeing Zhang Tuo?"

Tianlong shook his head.

If the two men had designed a trap and waited for Wang Yi to come, how could Zhang Tuo's reaction be to escape after seeing Wang Yi.

"Qiantang is gone!"

Song Changying listened and took another look in Qiantang's direction just now, and found to his horror that Qiantang had disappeared!

"It should be to find Zhang Tuo."

Wang Yi said with a calm face.

"Master, you can't let these two guys get together!"

Song Changying immediately took the words.

According to what Tianlong said, these two guys shouldn't meet for now.

If the two guys are allowed to join together, maybe something will happen!

"Go, stop him!"

Without any hesitation, Wang Yi chased out in the direction where the two disappeared.

In the boxing ring, there is still a fight, but if Wang Yi and the others want to chase them quickly, they must cross the stage.

Otherwise, if you want to bypass the crowd one by one, it is estimated that neither of Zhang Tuo knows where to go.

"Go! Go up!"

Without hesitation, Wang Yi took Song Changying and the two directly into the boxing ring.

On the boxing ring, Wang Yi and three people appeared in an instant.

"Hey, what do you three want to do?"

The three of Wang Yi just appeared on the boxing ring, and the two people on the ring looked at them at the same time.

"Fuck it, it's nothing to you!"

After saying something impatiently, Wang Yi directly pushed the two guys away.

But these two guys actually caught Wang Yi at the same time.

"Since you are in the boxing ring, you must abide by the rules of the ring, regardless of the winner or loser, don't think about it!"

"Yes, it's another death."

Tianlong and Song Changying looked back at the two guys, and both shook their heads helplessly.

You said it’s not good for you to provoke someone, but it provokes Wang Yi. Isn’t this looking for death?


Wang Yi shouted angrily, slapped his backhand, and slapped them all directly!

Even the edge of the boxing ring was broken alive by the two.


Shouting shouts rang from the audience.

What kind of situation is this? With a slap, two professional boxers are directly blown away!

Moreover, looking at Wang Yi's appearance, it seems that he has not used half of his strength.

"You tell me you two are stupid, it's not good to provoke someone, but you want to provoke my young master."

Tianlong walked down, looking at the two hapless guys lying on the ground groaning, and shook his head helplessly.

"Uh, don't dare next time!"

The two hurriedly spoke like this.

Wang Yi's slap just now, in their feelings, was like being hit by an elephant.

That kind of power is so powerful that they have no way to resist!

Do not!It's not that there is no way to resist, but under that kind of power, they don't even have the idea of ​​resisting!

"Do you think there will be another time?"

Song Changying didn't hold back a laugh directly.

The things in these guys' minds are some kind of fairy things.

This kind of thing, actually wondering if there will be another time.

This time it's all like this, next time, won't it be directly killed by Wang Yi!

"I remember that if you win, you have money?"

Wang Yi leaned over at this moment and said.

"It is true, but not much. Master, do you want this too?"

Song Changying nodded and said.

"Nonsense, why don't I have my money!"

Wang Yi replied in an angry voice.

Unexpectedly, the ratification can actually make another money, this business, tut tut...

"Master, you are really amazing, don't let it go."

Tianlong gave Wang Yi a white look. Wang Yi was really obsessed with things like money, and he didn't even plan to let it go.

"Nonsense, no matter how you say it, it's money, don't talk about too much, there are still millions, right?"

Wang Yi faintly replied, and continued to chase in the direction where the two left.


Outside the underground ring:


Qiantang chased Zhang Tuo out, and soon caught up with Zhang Tuo.

"I know you are here, why are you here?"

Zhang Tuo turned around, looking at Qiantang with scorching eyes.

"I'm here, do I still need your consent?"

Qiantang smiled, came to Zhang Tuo, and said.

"You shouldn't be here, or I would think you have some other intentions."

Looking at Qiantang who came to him, Zhang Tuo spoke lightly.

He saw Qiantang as soon as he saw Wang Yi just now.

The moment he saw Qiantang, his heart felt nervous for a moment.

Although he didn't know why, his inner intuition told him that there might be some relationship between Qiantang and Wang Yi.

"Are you afraid that I will attack you?"

Qiantang continued with a chuckle.

"I'm not afraid that you will attack me, at least now I still can't think of the reason why you will attack me."

Zhang Tuo shook his head gently.

I don't know why Qiantang came here, but he believes that Qiantang definitely didn't come here to deal with him.

"The one who called me, asked me to negotiate with people from the Tianshan Group."

Qiantang was silent for a moment, then spoke softly.

"That? Is your daughter's master?"

Hearing Qiantang's words, Zhang Tuo seemed a little incredulous.

How long has it been since the one from the Western Territory has not shown up, and now he actually gave Qiantang such an order?

"It should be the master of the Tianshan Group in the west that found her."

Qiantang took a deep breath and said.

"I guess it's the same. Otherwise, the identity of the Western Territory will definitely not take the initiative."

Zhang Tuo also nodded.

Now only this statement of Qiantang is the most convincing.

If people from the Tianshan Group hadn't found that person, it would be absolutely impossible for Qiantang to negotiate with the Tianshan Group.

"I want to know, what is the outcome of your negotiations with Tianshan Group?"

Zhang Tuo smiled, but didn't care about it.

"You two, have you run enough?"

As soon as Qiantang wanted to speak, Wang Yi's voice came from behind.

The two turned around at the same time, and Wang Yi and Song Changying had blocked their way behind them.

Looking ahead, Tianlong also stood there, smiling at both of them.

"Hehehe, since you are here in China, don't run away, come and have fun."

Tianlong stood in front and spoke.

"You drove it out very quickly."

Zhang Tuo's eyes sank as he watched the three of Wang Yi open their mouths coldly.

Even if Wang Yi has three people, he and Qiantang will not be afraid even if they face the three of Wang Yi.

After all, Wang Yi... his strength can't be said to be strong.

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